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I was just listening to Ron Paul

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He was on Neil Cavuto's show. The guy is a kook on some stuff and I wouldn't want him in charge of everything. But you think it would be a disaster to have him in McCain's cabinet as the Treasury Secretary? On economic stuff, the guy makes a lot of sense.

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He was on Neil Cavuto's show. The guy is a kook on some stuff and I wouldn't want him in charge of everything. But you think it would be a disaster to have him in McCain's cabinet as the Treasury Secretary? On economic stuff, the guy makes a lot of sense.

Here's my opinion on Ron Paul. He's basically this generation's answer to Barry Goldwater. The only reason he doesn't have more votes is because his unconventional thinking really only came to the forefront in December/January--far too late for people to really digest and vote upon.

What do I think will happen with Paul? I think he will probably have far greater intellectual influence over coming elections than we might suppose, especially his philosophy on the scope of government. Because he speaks to government's alarming influence in both economic and societal issues, he has broader appeal.

So I think we'll see a lot more of him on the talk show circuit and in the party strategy sessions for 2010. But I don't see him running for president again.

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Even though McCain will never have the opportunity to appoint him, I think he would be a good pick.

He's a clear minded maverick (ala what McCain used to be) that's not afraid to take on the establishment. I like the guy and know of several lifelong Democrats that voted for him.

He makes a lot of sense to me -- a person who is liberal on social issues but fairly moderate/conservative on the issues on which Paul derives his support.

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