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Remember the outrage from the leftist loons concering the "whiners,"


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Michelle Obama: Spend $600 stimulus check on earrings

Candidates struggle to rein in surrogates

Christina Bellantoni

Friday, July 11, 2008

The same day a John McCain surrogate dismissed economic woes from a nation of "whiners," Barack Obama's wife quipped that the $600 tax stimulus check could be used for a pair of earrings.

Both gaffes ignited criticism and are the latest examples of how the men who want to be president have lost control of their campaign surrogates.

"Surrogates gone wild" is no laughing matter for Mr. Obama or Mr. McCain, who each have been sidetracked from their preferred agendas and asked to respond to - or apologize for - snafus from mouths other than their own.

Mrs. Obama said in Pontiac, Michigan, Wednesday that if her husband is elected he will offer more than a "quick fix" on the economy. (Yeah he will kill it with tax increases and huge spending programs.)

"You're getting $600 - what can you do with that? Not to be ungrateful or anything, but maybe it pays down a bill, but it doesn't pay down every bill every month," she said. "The short-term quick fix kinda stuff sounds good, and it may even feel good that first month when you get that check, and then you go out and you buy a pair of earrings." (Nothing like being out of touch with reality?)

McCain economic adviser Phil Gramm the same day told The Washington Times the sagging economy is a "mental recession" driven by the media for a "nation of whiners."

Also this week, top advocates speaking for each White House hopeful have gone off the rails -- from Rev. Jesse Jackson saying he wanted to effectively castrate Mr. Obama to McCain adviser Carly Fiorina breaching a topic that embarrassed the man she works for - Viagra and birth control.


Hey Michelle, mayby Barrack can get another earmark for your hospital and you can get another big raise. Buy some earrings. Earrings with earmarks. Kind of catchy isn't it?

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Typical...people who REALLY would have this perspective (ie they need to spend the money on bills) shouldn't be spending them on earrings.

But sadly, this is the government Mrs Obama wants...blow your money on earrings and shoes, party your ass off, get in debt...then when the government can only give you $600 to bail you out...bitch that it's not enough.

I heard the hearing today where they kept BLASTING Bernanke about negative saving in America. And how 30 years ago we saved more than we did today. And they were suggesting that it was THE GOVERNMENTS FAULT...and what can THE FED do about people not saving...suggesting that it was a wage rate problem.

WTF? It has NOTHING to do with wages. It has EVERYTHING to do with American becoming a country as a whole that lives beyond it's means.

Buy now, pay later. Hell don't even pay...just file bankruptcy.

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