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Scarbinsky on our chances:


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It's 2008. Time to put Auburn on the clock.

When the calendar turns even, odds are, Auburn's got a real shot.

In 2000, Auburn won the West and went to Atlanta.

In 2002, Auburn shared the SEC West title but fell one blocked field goal against Florida or one pass break-up against Georgia short of a trip to Atlanta.

In 2004, 13-0.

In 2006, Auburn was one fall-down/push-down/meltdown against Arkansas away from a chance to sweep Florida in the Georgia Dome.

Anyone else see a trend here?

The tangibles also favor the Tigers. They replaced a defensive coordinator who couldn't stop Georgia with one who shut down West Virginia. They added an offensive coordinator who hung big numbers on the Dawgs.

They put together a tag team of two quarterbacks who should prove, individually and collectively, better than their gutsy but limited predecessor.

Add it all up, and 2008 should be the year of the Tiger.

Definitely in the state and the division. Possibly in the conference. Plausibly in the entire country, considering they could play five of the 10 teams ranked ahead of them in the preseason Coaches Poll.

Bottom line: Time, and the schedule, are on their side.

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I like how our schedule lines up. It's good that we get LSU, UT, and UGA at home. If we figure out our QB situation (quickly, Miss St is third game, LSU 4th), then I believe we go to Atlanta. And not in the peach bowl this year. War Eagle.

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