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Big Foot Found Dead


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I hope that it is a bigfoot, that would be the coolest thing ever to happen in my lifetime.

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This sure calls into question the IQs of some of our board members who recently denied the existence of alien life forms visiting Earth from outer space.

I call on all Americans to check their freezers. If this guy has a Big Foot in his, couldn't someone else find a spaceman in theirs???? :thumbsup:

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That heap of fur in a giant freezer box sure LOOKS like BigFoot. I mean, what else could it possibly be if not that ?

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the Director of the Texas Bigfoot Research Center, Craig Woolheater, said that there have been sightings in every state except for Hawaii and Rhode Island. ( BBC News 10-2003 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3152468.stm) He pointed out then that if the sasquatch exists, it's "not the missing link, it's not an extra-terrestrial, it's just an animal---a flesh-and -blood primate that has learned to be elusive around man and avoids man where possible."( BBC News 10-2003 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3152468.stm )

If that's the case how long until the entire nation is placed on the list of "habitat for endangered species"? :o

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Odd coincidence? These guys recently started a "search expedition business"

Also, did you all know Bigfoot is really an overgrown opossum????


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