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Corso and Herbstreit just picked us to be in the SEC Championship game vs. Florida, nad

CORSO picks us to win the SEC title...

Holtz picked florida but didn't mention who their opponent would be.

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Corso and Herbstreit just picked us to be in the SEC Championship game vs. Florida, nad

CORSO picks us to win the SEC title...

Holtz picked florida but didn't mention who their opponent would be.


I'm sure the Senator will pick AU.... ;)

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Corso and Herbstreit just picked us to be in the SEC Championship game vs. Florida, nad

CORSO picks us to win the SEC title...

Holtz picked florida but didn't mention who their opponent would be.

I believe he had Notre Dame winning the west.

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In 2004, Corso picked us preseason. He picked Jason Campbell as preseason Player of the Year.


He picked LSU to win the MNC last year before the season. But when it came time to play the game he picked OSU.

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his bias towards Notre Dame and USC is seriously embarassing. You would think both parties would've learned last year when he predicted Notre Dame to win 10 games. Even if he did make decent observations about other teams, they would be immediately discounted because of his terrible bias.

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his bias towards Notre Dame and USC is seriously embarassing. You would think both parties would've learned last year when he predicted Notre Dame to win 10 games. Even if he did make decent observations about other teams, they would be immediately discounted because of his terrible bias.

You're not kidding. He picked Notre Dame to win 11, South Carolina to win 43. He also voted Steve Spurrier as the sexiest man alive.

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Lou Holtz aka Seargent Spittle, said ND would win 11 games, so I think it's time they take Lou off the airwaves for good.

I know I'm gonna get smacked for this, but I would rather listen to Terry Tot than Slobberin' Lou. .....Sargeant Spittle (LOL)

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Lou Holtz aka Seargent Spittle, said ND would win 11 games, so I think it's time they take Lou off the airwaves for good.

I know I'm gonna get smacked for this, but I would rather listen to Terry Tot than Slobberin' Lou. .....Sargeant Spittle (LOL)

I think the proper pronunciation is Thargent Thiptle...

Poor ol' Lou, he's forgotten more about college football than I have ever known. Unfortunately, that fact becomes blatantly obvious every time ESPN points a camera at him.

I'd piss myself if Mark May came in one day wearing a yellow rain slicker complete with matching hat. Actually, could one of you photoshop wizzes make that happen?

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Lou Holtz aka Seargent Spittle, said ND would win 11 games, so I think it's time they take Lou off the airwaves for good.

I know I'm gonna get smacked for this, but I would rather listen to Terry Tot than Slobberin' Lou. .....Sargeant Spittle (LOL)

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You wish you were half as smart as Lou Holtz

You wish you could make spot on predictions about Notre Dame like Lou Holtz and his "Notre Dame is reloading in '07" comments

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Lou Holtz aka Seargent Spittle, said ND would win 11 games, so I think it's time they take Lou off the airwaves for good.

I know I'm gonna get smacked for this, but I would rather listen to Terry Tot than Slobberin' Lou. .....Sargeant Spittle (LOL)

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You wish you were half as smart as Lou Holtz

You wish you could make spot on predictions about Notre Dame like Lou Holtz and his "Notre Dame is reloading in '07" comments

I....will...not.....click ..on...that...link. Heck, I added MUTE BUTTON to my remote control hand memory reportoire just because of that fool.

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