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A funny quote from a Fox news show


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One of the conservative guys (and yes they did have a very fair and balanced presentation of libs and conserv's arguing for and against the nomination over the weekend) mentioned that :

"Who would have known that the "agent of change" had been hiding out in the U.S. Senate for the last 35 years. "

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That is a funny quote , and Fox News IS fair and balanced. Far more than any other network news.

Despite what some biased board members on here might say. Viewers aren't the same as on air personalities.

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Did you just use the words Fox News and fair and balanced in the same sentence? I'm pretty sure we have debunked this myth many times on this board:


Then it's a good thing that ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, et al don't claim to be balanced and/or fair. The first three have been pumping our Democrat propaganda since I was a kid. The last two weren't born yet.

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Did you just use the words Fox News and fair and balanced in the same sentence? I'm pretty sure we have debunked this myth many times on this board:


You speaketh of that which you do not know. They had 4 people on at pretty much all times discussing biden. Two dems and 2 conserv's. All were given equal time to speak and did good jobs of presenting their views. That beckel dude is as liberal as anyone and is always bashing the coservatives on fox and was there a lot this weekend. They had many different dems though that switched in and out.

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