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Something to consider...


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I posted this data before but thought it might be worth posting it again.

So far under Franklin, we have seen our offense score a grand total of 6 pts, during the first 7 possessions of both games (Clemson & La-Monroe). This should be a major concern but the good news is...

Looking back at Troy's numbers from 2007, I totaled up the results of the first 4 possessions of each game (48 possessions total) and found the following...

Troy scored on 41.7% of their first 4 possessions.

29.2% TD

12.5% FG

41.7% Scoring

They punted on 45.8% of their first 4 possessions.

They turned the ball over on 12.5% of their first 4 possessions.

They went 3 & out on 29.2% of their first 4 possessions.

The Troy offense averaged 6.1 plays and 32.7 yards per possession during their first 4 possessions of the game.

The above numbers were about what Auburn produced last season but the positive note would be that Franklin's offense has improved as the game progressed (opponent worn down). If we can get to the point, where we are scoring at 41.7% during the first 4 possessions, we should be okay.

IMO, we have not seen consitency on offense because in both games played under Franklin, we have rotated QB's. Naming a true starter might speed things along.

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I've been saying we need to pick a QB for the last several weeks. Even Franklin finally realized that. I think he's been protecting Todd and being loyal to him. I think Kodi is our guy and needs to get the reps. I hate that they took this long and are still taking time to figure this out. If Kodi were to get the majority of reps in camp the last few weeks he would be more comfortable and a better player for it. We'll be in trouble if we get into the conference schedule and are still rotating QB's.

I don't mind having a change of pace guy to give someone a rest every few series, but we don't need to have two QB's.

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I've been saying we need to pick a QB for the last several weeks. Even Franklin finally realized that. I think he's been protecting Todd and being loyal to him. I think Kodi is our guy and needs to get the reps. I hate that they took this long and are still taking time to figure this out. If Kodi were to get the majority of reps in camp the last few weeks he would be more comfortable and a better player for it. We'll be in trouble if we get into the conference schedule and are still rotating QB's.

I don't mind having a change of pace guy to give someone a rest every few series, but we don't need to have two QB's.



I believe CTF will pick KB as starting qb for the next game. We'll see.


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Kodi looked better until Todd got to helm the offense for more than one series at a time. Todd seemed to settle in and throw some nice passes very late in the game.

IMO Kodi just looked better the whole night since Todd looked like a deer in head lights for a long time. Kodi has played in SEC games, Todd hasn't.

I just feel that its Kodi or bust this season. We need a dual threat attack from our QB to do what I want to see us do. Win the SEC and look at the BCS voters.

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Kodi looked better until Todd got to helm the offense for more than one series at a time. Todd seemed to settle in and throw some nice passes very late in the game.

IMO Kodi just looked better the whole night since Todd looked like a deer in head lights for a long time. Kodi has played in SEC games, Todd hasn't.

I just feel that its Kodi or bust this season. We need a dual threat attack from our QB to do what I want to see us do. Win the SEC and look at the BCS voters.

That sounds great...until Kodi gets hurt.....and he will in the spread against top notch talent....ask Oregon, WVA and Florida about their losses last year....they all occurred when their running sread qb got hurt. The Oregon coaches advice to CTT was to play 2 qbsenough to always have 2 ready.

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Great job as always Stat, even though you said this is a re-post.

I'm not worried about Auburn scoring, but what I like is when Auburn is the first to score. I think when Auburn scores first, it sets the tempo for Auburn the rest of the game and helps them rather than having to come from behind early.

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I think the inconsistency in the Clemson game was more due to lack of knowledge and mistakes from installing it in 8 practices. There were lots of mistakes by the linemen. The 2nd half was a much better performance. ULM game inconsistency might have had a little to do with the QBs, but I think it had more to do with it being the first game and ironing out details/getting in the grove. Once again, much better performance in the 2nd half. It's hard to get much of anything from 1 game. I'd wait till after the MSU game to draw too many conclusions.

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