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I don't post much, and when I do it is usually negative. So all of you can attack me as much as you want (just don't beat me down like PC). And I'll preface my rant with I didn't read any posts before this, so if I repeated anything said previously, I apologize.

I just don't understand what is going on. Were we trying to lose? Why didn't Kodi play? Did I miss something? (I know I am probably repeating)

But f'ing come on. Put Burns in...please! I hate to break it down because I love AU so much but the O is not working. Todd is a right handed Cox. There, I said it.

Our D is sick. It's the same story, different year. One has to think that our D is tired of our lethargic O. I know I would be.

I seriously cannot find a reason why we didn't put in Kodi at least once this game. I am confused. Am I wrong?

Is there another solution?

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