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does Tuberville get fired?/?


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Just one question? WHEN do any of you remember a coach, any coach, gettting fired after ONE bad season, with the overall record that Tubs has? I suppose Lowder could make that happen, but I believe the backlash would be tremendous.

One bad season is one thing, but this year is beginning to look like Tubs is doing nothing more than making a play for his ridiculous buyout! That whole scenario was beyond bizarre, IMO. $6million??? :blink:

Yea, I've always wondered that as well. What if a coach had worked so hard to get a great contract then said "Screw you, I'll show you trying to fire me in 2003!" Honestly, other than integrity, what is to keep a person (not just Tubs) from not caring once they get the contract they ask for?

This is why I am a HUGE proponent of being paid for what you accomplish. That's what's wrong with sports these days. A player or coach works really hard and is a huge contributor while making less or mediocre money. Then when they get the big contract, flop! Doesn't matter, they have a contract. It's as if the money they receive is for all of the work they have "done" and not for what is to be expected.

Each school can decide how much a coach should be paid, but why not have it be a variable payment based on the results on the field? "Ok Tuberville... you will get $400K for each win you get. So go earn your paycheck."

Everyone was talking about how much Nick Saban's victories were worth. Where is the stat on how much Tub's wins have been worth this year?

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Just one question? WHEN do any of you remember a coach, any coach, gettting fired after ONE bad season, with the overall record that Tubs has? I suppose Lowder could make that happen, but I believe the backlash would be tremendous.

One bad season is one thing, but this year is beginning to look like Tubs is doing nothing more than making a play for his ridiculous buyout! That whole scenario was beyond bizarre, IMO. $6million??? :blink:

Yea, I've always wondered that as well. What if a coach had worked so hard to get a great contract then said "Screw you, I'll show you trying to fire me in 2003!" Honestly, other than integrity, what is to keep a person (not just Tubs) from not caring once they get the contract they ask for?

This is why I am a HUGE proponent of being paid for what you accomplish. That's what's wrong with sports these days. A player or coach works really hard and is a huge contributor while making less or mediocre money. Then when they get the big contract, flop! Doesn't matter, they have a contract. It's as if the money they receive is for all of the work they have "done" and not for what is to be expected.

Each school can decide how much a coach should be paid, but why not have it be a variable payment based on the results on the field? "Ok Tuberville... you will get $400K for each win you get. So go earn your paycheck."

Everyone was talking about how much Nick Saban's victories were worth. Where is the stat on how much Tub's wins have been worth this year?

What an absolutely asinine statement. I can't believe you're suggesting that he doesn't care.

Have you ever heard of goals and ambition? These men wouldn't be in their current positions without either.

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Some of you people amaze me. CTT doesn't care, CTT cusses out a player (cares too much?), and he wears the wrong coloer coat - WTF?!?!?

The whining, moaning and belly achineg around here is pathetic...

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Im sort of torn. He is a good coach, but for the last few years he has let the program spiral a bit. I know he cares, but it looks like he is just self destructing this year.

I don't know what to think. If he pulls out 2 wins the next 4 games I will believe in him a bit more again. If we lose to Tennessee Martin then I will be leaning on the back of the fire CTT wagon.

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Just one question? WHEN do any of you remember a coach, any coach, gettting fired after ONE bad season, with the overall record that Tubs has? I suppose Lowder could make that happen, but I believe the backlash would be tremendous.

CTT has had several bad seasons. The first few are excusable because he took over after Terry Bowden but 2003 was pretty bad and this year is going to be a complete disaster.

Someone mentioned that he may be playing for his buyout and I don't think he is purposly trying to lose. He does have a pretty good backup plan that I bet none of you have in your job or business. If you fail you will get fired and get what? A few weeks severance or sell your building and equipment for little or no profit?

Lets put this into perspective: Tuberville makes over $2,000,000 per year and the President of the United States makes "The President will be paid $400,000 per year (annually), and has a $50,000 spending budget, gets use of a fleet of special secure Planes known as Air Force One only when he is aboard it, and has use of the Presidential retreat, Camp David, among other privileges. However, the Preseident must foot a lot of his own expenses, including dry cleaning, take out, etc."(from Wiki answers). If he gets cut for not performing don't feel sorry for him or his family becasue he makes about 20 to 30 times what most of us earn. If he does not have any put back that is his fault.

Bill Curry never had a season like this at Bama and he did not last because he never beat Auburn. I think Tuberville needs to at least beat UGA or Bama to stay unless the economy is so bad The boosters cannot afford to fire him.

The only loser here is Auburn and the fans. If he stays because of the buyout we can expect more of the same with loses to USF, blowouts on national TV and getting owned by UGA and soon to be Bama. If we fire him and hire someone that is closer to Mike Shula then we get worse.

I still have all my Auburn stuff on my truck and will keep it there and pull for the team thru thick and thin but we need to correct this and I am afraid that Tuberville has lost it.

War Eagle!

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I hope not. CTT will have to change his attitude on allowing a new OC to bring some of his people though. I don't think any OC worth their salt will want to coach at AU after what happend to Franklin unless CTT doesn't either clean house on the offensive side or allow for the new OC to bring his people. The declining offensive stats over the past three years isn't just coaching but a general decline in talent. With the exception of Kodi, I don't see any playmakers. I think CTT has been very good to Auburn. You don't see our players in the headlines getting into trouble and his record over the past 10 years speaks for itself.

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I don´t think CTT will get fired. He will get at least one more season to right the ship. And I don´t expect any of his old time assistants to be let go in an effort to improve the team at the end of the season. It´s just not CTT to let go his old friends. When it comes to his buddies, not even Auburn Football can get in the way. He will probably bring in another decent OC, denies his request to bring in some of his own guys, and then make the OC the scapegoat when things go bad.

If next season is like this I do not think CTT will have a scapegoat because it will be him. I was upset after the Vandy game I did not care if CTT got fired or not but now I think we should keep him for at least another year. Main issue this year is we have young QBs. Not very many teams have started new QBs with exception of USC and had great success there first year starting.

Jason Campbell was not that great until he developed his Sr year, although I am not saying Kodi is even in his league.

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I know we've all talked about this over the past week and a half, but now we are dealing with another loss. As much as I don't want to see him go, is this when TPTB step in and something happens? We were up 17-3 and failed to score in the second half. This is not a good situation we have here. Ensminger didn't make ANY adjustments, he just tried to do the same damn thing. Tubs looked fired up, but it apparently didn't help. Maybe he should have kept the heaters on, it looked like the D got cold.

I"m sorry,but no way he survives this fiasco,he is gone

God, I hope so!!!!!!

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After expecting to win the SEC West, and maybe even a chance at a BCS game, we'll be lucky to go 6-6...

Big deal! It's a GAME, folks. The sun will not stop shining if we have a off season. Hey, we are 2/3 thru this. We can do it! And who cares if we don't get a bowl? We'll live thru it!

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Just one question? WHEN do any of you remember a coach, any coach, gettting fired after ONE bad season, with the overall record that Tubs has? I suppose Lowder could make that happen, but I believe the backlash would be tremendous.

I'm afraid Lowder wouldn't care. Isn't he to be gone soon (2011, I think)?

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After expecting to win the SEC West, and maybe even a chance at a BCS game, we'll be lucky to go 6-6...

Big deal! It's a GAME, folks. The sun will not stop shining if we have a off season. Hey, we are 2/3 thru this. We can do it! And who cares if we don't get a bowl? We'll live thru it!

hmmmm......Got up this morning and no sun!! Sure is cloudy out.

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NO WAY! Tubberville deserves a chance to fix this mess. Yes, he helped create it, but his gamble didn't pay off. Give him a chance to take care of the problem. If next year isn't back to the kind of team we should have out there, then yes......we need to look for another coach.

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