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RNC Tries to Censor Opposition Ads


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Can anyone remember what this thread was originally about???  :huh:


My first thought was what a week, first TigerAl comes back now Donutboy is back. Then I looked at the date of the post that started the thread. I wish Donutboy would come back, he was always good for an opposing view.

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BF, I have been saved 14 years now. I am a Deacon at my church. I teach Sunday School to Youth and College age kids. My Dad was a 32nd+ Degree Worshipful Master Mason, Scottish Rite, Blue Lodge. I am not nor will I ever be a Mason. That is just me. I have problems with anything that lowers the focal point of Christ.

All that aside, I rely on sound biblical study, using the KJV, Strong's, and the Lord's Own Holy Spirit. After I was first saved, I listened to Marlon Maddux? and actually believed the Nutcase for a while. He is of the Black Helicopter crowd if you know what I mean. He panders to every weak Christian fear out there. Every conspiracy known to man has been talked about on his show. I was taught some other way out things too. But I was a babe in Christ, I grew up.

God is in control BF, He always was and always will be.

I have had many different exposures over the years to several different teachings in the Bible. I am a member of the Disciples of Christ, I guess some would call my church liberal, and I grade liberal on some social scales, especially when it concerns racial issues. I am ardently PRO-LIFE. I am a very Conservative parent with my kids. I teach from a Fundamentalist Independent Missionary Baptist background and so does most in my church although we are not a "Baptist" church. I work with several civic organizations as service to the Lord, one of them is an Interacial Church Program that I am actively involved in. I am not a bleeding heart, but I can see other folks side of some issues.


BF, no one in my church agrees with everything I see in God's Word. That's a good thing. If you agree with everything anyone says about your walk with God, I hope you realize that that is likely a red flag that you may be in a cult of a church. As Peter and the Disciples walked with Jesus, ate with Jesus, lived with Jesus for three years, they were still very often rebuked by him. So dont think you, I or even Billy Graham, or the Pope will ever fully know God this side of the Thrown Room. God's Word has been revealed to us through 7 different Dispensations that allow us to see more and more of the Lord. We are living in the 6th right now. Revelation will be the 7th. You will never fully have God revealed to you, (I dont think our minds could handle it anyway) but you will see more and more of Him as you grow older in Him.

I admire the quest to know God from anyone, but friend, lighten up! You remind me of myself years ago when I was so suspicious about everyone in the world.

Hey BF, know this, with all your Heart and Soul, JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, AND GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE! No matter how down you may find yourself, nor how bad life gets, remember that. If the Devil is at the Front Door and you feel all alone, remember that "There is nothing you will go through that is not common among Man" and that "He that is in me is stronger than he that is in the world" or even better, "That which doesnt kill me, makes me stronger."

Chill out man, God is in control.

BTW, After being on this board for about 3 years, there are only about 2-3 that I would say worship Football, or otherwise have crazy prioroities.


Wow! I am impressed that I actually wrote that...I had totally forgotten about ever doing it. Thanks to whoever bumped this thread.

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Don't be thanking BF. He needs to get a job. Anybody that has time to dig back this far.....

BTW. What happened to Dognuts boy? Did he finally get his hole filled and become a full fledged "Big John?"

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