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I'm glad we are in a recession


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The government is handing out more money than ever this year. It makes sense that the money spent in attempt to get these larger amounts would also be larger.

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The government is handing out more money than ever this year. It makes sense that the money spent in attempt to get these larger amounts would also be larger.

I haven't gotten any.Maybe I should buy that book

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The government is handing out more money than ever this year. It makes sense that the money spent in attempt to get these larger amounts would also be larger.

I haven't gotten any.Maybe I should buy that book


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The government is handing out more money than ever this year. It makes sense that the money spent in attempt to get these larger amounts would also be larger.

I haven't gotten any.Maybe I should buy that book


LOL, maybe Lesko should sue Obama for trademark infringement.

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The government is handing out more money than ever this year. It makes sense that the money spent in attempt to get these larger amounts would also be larger.

I haven't gotten any.Maybe I should buy that book

You haven't whined enough or you have worked too hard to deserve a free handout.

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LOL at au2004ece. If it was easier to get money then people wouldn't have to work harder by buying a book to figure it out. Just the opposite. The harder it is the more they have to do research and actively try to figure it out. Either way this book did well way before Obama, gotta applaud your consistency in using anything and everything whether logic is there or not.

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LOL at au2004ece. If it was easier to get money then people wouldn't have to work harder by buying a book to figure it out. Just the opposite. The harder it is the more they have to do research and actively try to figure it out. Either way this book did well way before Obama, gotta applaud your consistency in using anything and everything whether logic is there or not.

I didn't say anything about a book.

I do stand by my original statement about lobbyists getting paid more than ever:

The government is handing out more money than ever this year. It makes sense that the money spent in attempt to get these larger amounts would also be larger.

I'm sure you can follow the logic of that statement without me explaining it.

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" Many lobbying firms have escaped the worst of the corporate belt-tightening, thanks, in large part, to the ambitious agenda set out by President Barack Obama — who, ironically, came to Washington with a pledge to break what he considered the undue influence of special-interest lobbyists. "

Hope and Change, and what not.


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" Many lobbying firms have escaped the worst of the corporate belt-tightening, thanks, in large part, to the ambitious agenda set out by President Barack Obama — who, ironically, came to Washington with a pledge to break what he considered the undue influence of special-interest lobbyists. "

Hope and Change, and what not.


Your right, if I was an oil company,drug company, big bank, health insurance company, big time polluters, I'd be spending the big bucks too to maintain the status quo.

Hope and they never Change

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