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Michele Bachmann: Socialist


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She doesn't want Govt health care for you because it's socialism. But she sure likes socialism when it lines her pockets.


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It is not the welfare queens or the subsidized farmers that are wrong. It is the idiots that setup the policies that allow these people to get what they have not earned.

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What about the hypocrites? Are they wrong?

Being hypocritical is wrong.

At some point, though, taking money from the government becomes the way things are. To get ahead in a capitalist country, you work harder. To get ahead in a socialist country, you whine harder. Our country is tipping towards the whining side. It's the way you "work" now.

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Peanuts, compared to the trillions we're being robbed of. If a republican dares to open their mouth to complain, some little leftist rag will nit-pick through the cosmos to find dirt. I resent the hell out of these got cha articles. Guess what? People aren't perfect. It's no wonder nobody worth a s*** gets into politics anymore, and we are left with our worst and not our best. The politics of personal destruction is destroying us all. <_<

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She could turn the money down.She does not have to apply for it.

Yes, you are right. And, peanuts do add up. Especially when some of us can barely afford peanut butter.

Members of both parties could quit loading bills with pork by the barrel load on often useless "projects". Check these links out if you need a good laugh or cry:



http://mccain.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Files.View&FileStore_id=41c9dff7-2318-4777-ab6a-73a0841cefe0 (a PDF)

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She could turn the money down.She does not have to apply for it.

Yes, you are right. And, peanuts do add up. Especially when some of us can barely afford peanut butter.

Members of both parties could quit loading bills with pork by the barrel load on often useless "projects". Check these links out if you need a good laugh or cry:



http://mccain.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Files.View&FileStore_id=41c9dff7-2318-4777-ab6a-73a0841cefe0 (a PDF)

Thanks for the links.

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