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One thing I've noticed


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Is a very huge upswing in fan confindence in this Auburn team:

Not that we all haven't been confident about all our games, but just reading message boards and comments on sites such as al.com , ect.. it seems that some are getting "overly confident" and almost "cocky". I think we will win this game against USC, but I don't believe that this game or any other is a forgone conclusion. I just hope and pray that this hasn't and isn't going to envelope the team. I do realize that we beat Bama on their field after being down 24, and I know that this does HUGE THINGS for our confidence. I also know that we beat USC the first time after being down in that one as well. That doens't mean that we should think of ourselves as kings or better than anyone else. I believe in this team and I do believe that we should win..... I just hope we don't get a case of "big heads". Thoughts?

WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEAT THE GAMECOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :AUBig:

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As long as the Coaches and Players stay away from that thought I think we'll be fine as far as on the field.

But I also would like to see Auburn fans stay classy. Watching other fan bases throughout the years I do believe we have one of the more respectful ones. Of course im a little bias.

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I dont for the majority its cockyness or being brash, well maybe some new fans are being that way. For us that been around a while I know how fast the tables can turn on AU but i do believe this year has reunited our fan base and made it seem like a larger presence that the last 2 years. I will say i still had the old thought process of most AU fans during september and those come back wins was we are going to blow it and lose. Know I have confidence until the final whistle blows and find it hard to think anyone can stop this team that is so determined and resilient.

Side note I have never heard the words Resilient and resiliency more in my whole life than i have in these last 3 months.

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