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I find it funny that some of the very same conservative voices that are all up at arms about this loss of freedom and liberty have been all but silent on the actual freedoms lost in the PATRIOT Act, the direct violations of the Bill of Rights when the government deems a US citizen to somehow be tied to terrorists, and other law enforcement intrusions since 9/11.

Sorry, I just think you guys are being silly just to keep some sort of amorphous libertarian street cred.

So of the patriot act, we can make it against the law for people to get fat?

You changed the subject because you lost the argument.

Oh, and if libertarianism was cool, Ron Paul would win the primaries and the general election in a landslide. Unfortunately, telling other people what to do through laws is cool.

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That is your argument? You can't be against this if you didn't post in every thread about the patriot act?

No, and I'm sorry that I gave that impression. What I was actually saying is that some of the same folks who argue for this being some horrible abrogation of liberty actually support the PATRIOT Act, which is odd to me. Doesn't seem consistent nor does it make much logical sense to essentially be chasing down mosquitos with a sledgehammer while outside a Caterpillar bulldozer is tearing down the walls of the house.

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So of the patriot act, we can make it against the law for people to get fat?

Um, no.

You changed the subject because you lost the argument.

I'm not changing the subject. I'm illustrating an inconsistency.

Oh, and if libertarianism was cool, Ron Paul would win the primaries and the general election in a landslide. Unfortunately, telling other people what to do through laws is cool.

Yep. Societies are crazy like that. Collectively deciding that certain things are acceptable within their borders and other things are not.

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So of the patriot act, we can make it against the law for people to get fat?

Um, no.

You changed the subject because you lost the argument.

I'm not changing the subject. I'm illustrating an inconsistency.

Oh, and if libertarianism was cool, Ron Paul would win the primaries and the general election in a landslide. Unfortunately, telling other people what to do through laws is cool.

Yep. Societies are crazy like that. Collectively deciding that certain things are acceptable within their borders and other things are not.

Is it OK for us to decide that fat people should be fined by the government for looking gross? If not, then why is this ok?

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Is there some history in this society or any of its predecessors of outlawing fatness in the same way that we have certain laws regarding decent public attire?

I mean, I'm sorry that we don't live in a libertarian utopia or that most people don't really desire to cram life through that particular prism.

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That is your argument? You can't be against this if you didn't post in every thread about the patriot act?

No, and I'm sorry that I gave that impression. What I was actually saying is that some of the same folks who argue for this being some horrible abrogation of liberty actually support the PATRIOT Act, which is odd to me. Doesn't seem consistent nor does it make much logical sense to essentially be chasing down mosquitos with a sledgehammer while outside a Caterpillar bulldozer is tearing down the walls of the house.

Not defending the patriot act, but at least that has some sort of safety of the citizens justification.

This law has no justification except for personal preference. Just bossy people wanting to tell others what to do for no other reason than because they don't like it.

I find it funny that you haven't been protesting against the cartoon Doug from airing on kids TV networks. :lol:

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I'm fine with banning the buttcrack, but what is wrong with underwear? It is clothing, so it should be fine to show.

It is clothing...to be worn under other clothing. Hence the name underwear.

Look, no one's talking about the occasional bra strap or accidental showing on the edge of the undies when you bend down to get something. But I don't want to take my 6-year old daughter out to eat or to the park and have some ignoramus walking around with his pants sagging below his ass and showing practically all of his underwear. It's just not appropriate in public. Do what you want at a private party or in your own house. Dress appropriately in public.

Ban plain white T-Shirts, or undershirts from showing?

I just don't see what is wrong with underwear showing. It is clothing so you aren't exposing yourself. It is telling people that they cannot wear clothes in a certain way.


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I'm fine with banning the buttcrack, but what is wrong with underwear? It is clothing, so it should be fine to show.

It is clothing...to be worn under other clothing. Hence the name underwear.

Look, no one's talking about the occasional bra strap or accidental showing on the edge of the undies when you bend down to get something. But I don't want to take my 6-year old daughter out to eat or to the park and have some ignoramus walking around with his pants sagging below his ass and showing practically all of his underwear. It's just not appropriate in public. Do what you want at a private party or in your own house. Dress appropriately in public.

Ban plain white T-Shirts, or undershirts from showing?

I just don't see what is wrong with underwear showing. It is clothing so you aren't exposing yourself. It is telling people that they cannot wear clothes in a certain way.


Why is he/she a moron because he made an off the cuff statement trying to prove a point, fine in protest everyone should go an get a banana hammock (you know a bathing suit) and go to the town hall with nothing but that on and say is this ok! The law seems like a bit of stretch and out but laws are laws and I am still pissed I can't tie my Giraffe to a pole on the street in Atlanta.

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Is there some history in this society or any of its predecessors of outlawing fatness in the same way that we have certain laws regarding decent public attire?

I mean, I'm sorry that we don't live in a libertarian utopia or that most people don't really desire to cram life through that particular prism.

There is plenty of history of outlawing things the majority didnt like. There were laws against gay acts in public. Is outlawing certain dress really much different than deciding who can kiss in public?

You can describe libertarians the wrong way. Without laws telling us how we must live and act, we don't have to cram our life into some made up restrictive area. You are defending laws that force people to act in only the narrow only way. These laws have nothing to do with protecting others from harm. That should be the only purpose of laws.

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Is there some history in this society or any of its predecessors of outlawing fatness in the same way that we have certain laws regarding decent public attire?

I mean, I'm sorry that we don't live in a libertarian utopia or that most people don't really desire to cram life through that particular prism.

There is plenty of history of outlawing things the majority didnt like. There were laws against gay acts in public. Is outlawing certain dress really much different than deciding who can kiss in public?

I really don't care who you kiss. :big:

Just don't be offended if I :puke: :puke:

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I'm fine with banning the buttcrack, but what is wrong with underwear? It is clothing, so it should be fine to show.

It is clothing...to be worn under other clothing. Hence the name underwear.

Look, no one's talking about the occasional bra strap or accidental showing on the edge of the undies when you bend down to get something. But I don't want to take my 6-year old daughter out to eat or to the park and have some ignoramus walking around with his pants sagging below his ass and showing practically all of his underwear. It's just not appropriate in public. Do what you want at a private party or in your own house. Dress appropriately in public.

Ban plain white T-Shirts, or undershirts from showing?

I just don't see what is wrong with underwear showing. It is clothing so you aren't exposing yourself. It is telling people that they cannot wear clothes in a certain way.


Why is he/she a moron because he made an off the cuff statement trying to prove a point, fine in protest everyone should go an get a banana hammock (you know a bathing suit) and go to the town hall with nothing but that on and say is this ok! The law seems like a bit of stretch and out but laws are laws and I am still pissed I can't tie my Giraffe to a pole on the street in Atlanta.

If you can't see why we don't want to look at your butt crack or underwear then the definition fits.

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Is there some history in this society or any of its predecessors of outlawing fatness in the same way that we have certain laws regarding decent public attire?

I mean, I'm sorry that we don't live in a libertarian utopia or that most people don't really desire to cram life through that particular prism.

There is plenty of history of outlawing things the majority didnt like. There were laws against gay acts in public. Is outlawing certain dress really much different than deciding who can kiss in public?

I really don't care who you kiss. :big:

Just don't be offended if I :puke: :puke:

Exactly. I personally think its gross too, but it doesn't harm me so no need to make it against the law. Same with the clothes law in Greenville. We should be able to disagree with people without making their opinions illegal when we get the political upper hand.

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