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Just a thought on out of state recruits


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Is it possible that it is a little easier for Auburn to recruit out of state due to the fact that we are one of only two schools in the SEC that does not have the name of the state?  What I mean, it may be easier for a Latimore or any other out of state recruit to say "I'm going to Auburn" rather than saying the name of another state.  Just a thought.  Don't know if it even makes sense.  Anyway  :wareagle:

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I am sure they are positives to that Bill but I feel the coaches and locations are major keys for recruiting.

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Tigerbill, I was thinking about posting a similar sentiment.  Our name actually gives us an advantage out of state since we don't carry the Alabama stereotypes with us.  I believe the goal should be name recognition like that of Notre Dame (quick... what state is Notre Dame in?) in the recruiting world.  

Our disadvantage is we will never have our state "locked down" like Georgia or LSU or Texas.  For Auburn to have stellar classes we will always have to cherry pick recruits from Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Arkansas and Mississippi (and beyond).  But if our staff is good at this it becomes an advantage.  Since most top recruits are a tough pull for us (meaning that very few top recruits are Auburn fans living in AU dominated areas)  then our staff is rarely tempted to take the easy road and accept the commitment from the number 4 guy on their QB board just because he's an easy get.  They will almost always go after their top pick, because he's no harder than the guys below him.  Make sense?  So the top running back in AL isn't any easier to get (read: more tempting) than the top RB in Arkansas or South Carolina.  On the other hand, Alabama will always be tempted to take the 4* DT from Gasden who's always wanted to go the Bama even if they like the 3* DT from Tampa better. Another way to say all this is that having a top 5 class is just as hard for Auburn as having a top 15 class... so if our coaches have the skill and are willing to expend the effort which class do you think they'll choose?

(I'm not saying that Bama or LSU or Georgia have more kids who are fans of their school.  I'm saying that they have more regions that are "locked down", meaning hard for a rival to pull a kid out from due to the kid's allegiances and the community pressure.  Consider Ronald Powell who by all reports grew up an AU fan, but never seriously considered playing for us because he wasn't in an Auburn community.)

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