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Pretty cool Read on "REED"....


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Great read, I love seeing kids take control of their lives and making somthing out of it in the most horrible of circumstances.

War Eagle! Little brother. :wareagle:

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Trovon, If you read this, let me tell you how sorry I am about the loss of your mother at such a young age. I've had mine for 55 years now and your story and comments make my heart ache thinking about you loss. Family is everything. You may have lost your most important Family but you just gained another nearly as special. Some schools talk about their fans as "The Nation" but Auburn is family always has been, and always will be.  Welcome aboard and War Eagle. I know your Mom is smiling down on you.  There is a passage in the good book that talks about how we are surrounded by a great clould of wittnesses that have gone on before. Make em all proud Trovon.

Best Wishes for the coming best four years of your life.

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