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Mother charged for phony letter about son's job

Wed Jun 30, 8:10 pm ET

PADUCAH, Ky. – A western Kentucky woman's attempt to get her son out of jail on bond came undone over a misspelling. The Paducah Sun reported court officials became suspicious when the 44-year-old mother presented a letter allegedly from Wagner Moving and Storage. The woman knew bond for her son would be lowered if he had written proof of a job.

But the company name was misspelled and when investigators checked, they learned the woman had asked for such a letter from the company and had been denied.

She was jailed Tuesday on a charge of evidence tampering. Her son was charged with receiving stolen property.

They both were in jail Wednesday in lieu of cash bonds.


Information from: The Paducah Sun, http://www.paducahsun.com

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No need to wonder who taught the son how to be dishonest... :dunno:

May be time to bring back public hangings in the town square... :banghead:

On a side note...it is rumored that the mother and son are UAT fans.......explains a lot.... :thumbsup:

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