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O'Neill to Kerry: Sue me


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O'Neill to Kerry: Sue me

Author-vet challenges candidate to put up or shut up


Posted: August 23, 2004

1:00 a.m. Eastern


© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

John O'Neill, co-author of the best-selling "Unfit for Command," the book that accuses John Kerry of falsifying his Vietnam record, challenged the presidential candidate to sue him if he's wrong about any of his claims.

O'Neill made the challenge on Monica Crowley's radio show on WABC in New York last night.

"If he was actually in Cambodia on Christmas Eve in 1968, he should sue me," said O'Neill. "If, in fact those other five boats on March 13th, 1969, if they all fled like he did instead of staying like he knows they did, he should sue me."

Kerry's campaign has been threatening to sue television stations that broadcast ads by O'Neill's Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. The campaign has also threatened to sue Regnery Books, the company that published "Unfit for Command." The campaign has also filed complaints with the Federal Elections Commission trying to subvert the efforts of the independent swift boats group.

"If he didn't wound himself with a grenade, causing a rice fanny wound, and then reported it to the Navy as a water mine – if he didn't do that on March 13th he should sue me," O'Neill continued. "(The point is) on our first ad he (Kerry) had two huge law firms send letters to every station, threatening to sue the stations themselves (if they ran the ad). "Then he challenged the book's publisher (Regnery) indicating he would sue them if they had continued printing the book."

"You can't tell a whole group of veterans they don't have a right to speak out," said Jerome Corsi, O'Neill's co-author. "The swiftboat vets have earned the right to speak with their blood.

"What's wrong with his answering the charges in the book?"

The latest ad, to be aired in selected battleground states, is the second issued this month by the group of 254 vets who served with Kerry and have signed a letter contending he is unfit to be commander in chief.

"This is not a campaign to elect George Bush," said Corsi. "It's a campaign to say John Kerry is unfit for command, period."

Kerry's campaign also is calling on Regnery Publishing to withdraw "Unfit for Command" from bookstores, describing it as a book with "proven falsehoods" meant "to smear the military service of an American veteran."

The new ad begins with audio and photographs from Kerry's dramatic testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in April 1971 in which he charged Americans serving in Vietnam "had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."


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Good Point here. You can't sue someone for telling the truth and if he's lying this could be the muther of all slander cases!

With Kerry being a public figure like he is, there is no slander/lible/defamation case.

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The proverbial gauntlet has been thrown down. Let's see if Kerry puts his money where his mouth is. I'm betting that will be a big, fat, hairy "NO".

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The proverbial gauntlet has been thrown down. Let's see if Kerry puts his money where his mouth is. I'm betting that will be a big, fat, hairy "NO".

Kerry & Co. will do their best to keep the whole "Viet Nam" thing going to keep the focus off his Senate Record.

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O'Neill will give trial lawyers a bad reputation! *grin*

He just can't forget Kerry making an idiot out of him on the Dick Cavett show, can he?

I guess he's chest-thumpin' proud of Bush's military record, huh?

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He has a Senate record other than "Attendance"?

For more than a year now it sounds like Ben Stein in Ferris Bueller's Day Off in the Senate roll call,



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The proverbial gauntlet has been thrown down.  Let's see if Kerry puts his money where his mouth is.  I'm betting that will be a big, fat, hairy "NO".

Kerry & Co. will do their best to keep the whole "Viet Nam" thing going to keep the focus off his Senate Record.

I have been saying that for months and not one dem has challenged me on it. The controversy surrounding Vietnam conveniently keeps people from looking closely at his very liberal, uninspiring and unremarkable Senate career.

Kerry wants to be Commander in Chief, but:

Sen. John Kerry,

Democrat from Massachusetts, says he is the strongest presidential candidate on National Defense!

He said, "Check the Record."

We Did !

Here is what we learned:

He voted to Kill the Bradley Fighting Vehicle.

He voted to Kill the M-1 Abrams Tank.

He voted to Kill every Aircraft Carrier laid down from 1988.

He voted to Kill the Aegis anti-aircraft system.

He voted to Kill the F-15 Strike Eagle.

He voted to Kill the Block 60 F-16.

He voted to Kill the P-3 Orion upgrade.

He voted to Kill the B-1.

He voted to Kill the B-2.

He voted to Kill the Patriot anti-missile system.

He voted to Kill the FA-18.

He voted to Kill the B-2.

He voted to Kill the F117.

He voted to Kill every military appropriation for the development and deployment of every weapons system since 1988, including a bill for battle armor for our troops.

It is most likely, with Sen. John Kerry as President and Commander in Chief of our Armed Services, that they will cease to function as effectively-- making it most difficult for our country to protect itself .

John Kerry voted to Kill all anti-terrorism activities of many key agencies of the

U.S. Government:

He voted to Cut the funding of the FBI by 60%.

He voted to Cut the funding for the CIA by 80%.

He voted to Cut the funding for the NSA by 80%.


and this should be abhorrent to almost every American Voter (whether Democrat, Republican or Independent), he voted to increase OUR funding for

U.N operations by 800% !!


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Good Point here. You can't sue someone for telling the truth and if he's lying this could be the muther of all slander cases!

With Kerry being a public figure like he is, there is no slander/lible/defamation case.

(Doing his best johnny carson): I did not know that.

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O'Neill will give trial lawyers a bad reputation! *grin*

He just can't forget Kerry making an idiot out of him on the Dick Cavett show, can he?

I guess he's chest-thumpin' proud of Bush's military record, huh?

Have you seen that "debate"? Mr. Kerry in no way made Mr. O'Neill look like a fool. What Mr. ONeill and many, many other vets can not forget is Kerry and his buds spitting on them. Kerry talking to the NVA Delegation in Paris while POW's were still being imprisoned, tortured and killed in North Vietnamese prisons.

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Even the Press reports back then said O'Neill won the debate.

If Kerry did win, what di he win? He won the Smear everybody but himself award? :blink:

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