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Just how close are we to kickoff?

The SandMntTiger

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close enough I tackled my neighbor this morning while taking out the trash.

Close enough I got tackled by some guy taking out his trash this morning.

Close enough that while i was working overtime in the E.R some Auburn fan came in with a mild concusion and major cuts all over him! He said his neighbor tackled him while he was getting his mail this morning all because he had a red shirt on!

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Close enough that THIS IS THE LAST SATURDAY MORNING THIS YEAR THAT I WAKE UP TO NO COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!!  Just think, Gameday starts at 9AM, last game over about Midnight!!  It's not heaven but it's close.

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Close enough that THIS IS THE LAST SATURDAY MORNING THIS YEAR THAT I WAKE UP TO NO COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!!  Just think, Gameday starts at 9AM, last game over about Midnight!!  It's not heaven but it's close.

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close enough that I'm ready to take my whole bottle of percoset(Kidney Stones...Again!) so that I don't wake up untill next saturday!!!!

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