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Nixon's B*tch, caught in lie


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"I was in Cambodia, sir. I worked along the border," said John E. O'Neill in a conversation that was taped by the former president's secret recording system. The tape is stored at the National Archives in College Park, Md.

In an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday, O'Neill did not dispute what he said to Nixon, but insisted he was never actually in Cambodia.

"I think I made it very clear that I was on the border, which is exactly where I was for three months. I was about 100 yards from Cambodia," O'Neill said in clarifying the June 16, 1971, conversation with Nixon.

Chad Clanton, a spokesman for the Democratic presidential candidate, said the tape "is just the latest in a long line of lies and false statements from a group trying to smear John Kerry's military service. Again, they're being proven liars with their own words. It's time for President Bush (news - web sites) to stand up and specifically condemn this smear."

O'Neill served in Vietnam from 1969-70 and says in a recent book that he took command of Kerry's swift boat after the future Massachusetts senator returned home from the war.

O'Neill has emerged as a leading figure in the attacks on Kerry's war record. He is co-author of "Unfit for Command," which accuses Kerry of lying about his record, and is a member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which has aired two television commercials harshly critical of Kerry.

In the book, O'Neill wrote that Kerry's accounts of having been in Cambodia on Christmas Eve of 1968 "are complete lies."

"... Kerry was never ordered into Cambodia by anyone and would have been court-martialed had he gone there," he wrote. O'Neill wrote that the Navy positioned its own craft along the border area to make sure no American vessels strayed across the border from Vietnam.

In an interview Sunday on ABC's "This Week" O'Neill said: "Our boats didn't go north of, only slightly north of Sedek," which he said was about 50 miles from the Cambodian border.


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Talk about people just spouting off as your fellow dems like to say on here.

What lies have I gotten excited about? I am one of the ones that thinks this whole military issue is a non-factor, genius. "He said, she said" about both candidates. I might have jumped on in the beginning, but it has long since become STUPID and, yes, boring just like your silly little post!

Now, go argue with someone who really gives two squirts about your opinion and/or your post.

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Now, go argue with someone who really gives two squirts about your opinion and/or your post.

Someone who might devote more than, say, 86 words and a :yawn: in response to it???

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Now, go argue with someone who really gives two squirts about your opinion and/or your post.

Someone who might devote more than, say, 86 words and a :yawn: in response to it???

Man your life is sad... ;)

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Talk about people just spouting off as your fellow dems like to say on here.

What lies have I gotten excited about?  I am one of the ones that thinks this whole military issue is a non-factor, genius.  "He said, she said" about both candidates.  I might have jumped on in the beginning, but it has long since become STUPID and, yes, boring just like your silly little post!

Must be a recent conversion once the facts started going the other way.


At least your hypocrisy is consistent.


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This is probably why Bush/Cheney are distancing themselves from this group as their lies (SBVT's, not Bush/Cheney's) are beginning to be exposed.

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Talk about people just spouting off as your fellow dems like to say on here.

What lies have I gotten excited about?  I am one of the ones that thinks this whole military issue is a non-factor, genius.  "He said, she said" about both candidates.  I might have jumped on in the beginning, but it has long since become STUPID and, yes, boring just like your silly little post!

Must be a recent conversion once the facts started going the other way.


At least your hypocrisy is consistent.


You have truly shown your ignorance here Tex. My posts on that thread are as follows:

I. Article about O'neil telling Kerry to sue him. Sorry I didn't clarify that better. Unless I typed in invisible code, I didn't post much else to start that thread. Just a current article.

II. Comment on how Kerry can't sue for slander et al because of his public stature. This was a reply to someone (tiger88) who brought up Kerry suing for "the muther of all slander cases."

III. "Kerry & Co. will do their best to keep the whole "Viet Nam" thing going to keep the focus off his Senate Record. " How unclear is that? That is exactly what I said. Hmmmmmmm...

IV. Post regarding Kerry's Senate Attendance

Not sure how that shows me excited over lies. :huh:

Not sure I see the hypocrisy here, but then again it is a claim by an ignorant lib (sorry for the redundancy), so why should I expect anything different?

Good Day, Tex.

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Talk about people just spouting off as your fellow dems like to say on here.

What lies have I gotten excited about?  I am one of the ones that thinks this whole military issue is a non-factor, genius.  "He said, she said" about both candidates.  I might have jumped on in the beginning, but it has long since become STUPID and, yes, boring just like your silly little post!

Must be a recent conversion once the facts started going the other way.


At least your hypocrisy is consistent.


You have truly shown your ignorance here Tex. My posts on that thread are as follows:

I. Article about O'neil telling Kerry to sue him. Sorry I didn't clarify that better. Unless I typed in invisible code, I didn't post much else to start that thread. Just a current article.

II. Comment on how Kerry can't sue for slander et al because of his public stature. This was a reply to someone (tiger88) who brought up Kerry suing for "the muther of all slander cases."

III. "Kerry & Co. will do their best to keep the whole "Viet Nam" thing going to keep the focus off his Senate Record. " How unclear is that? That is exactly what I said. Hmmmmmmm...

IV. Post regarding Kerry's Senate Attendance

Not sure how that shows me excited over lies. :huh:

Not sure I see the hypocrisy here, but then again it is a claim by an ignorant lib (sorry for the redundancy), so why should I expect anything different?

Good Day, Tex.

I. Article about O'neil telling Kerry to sue him. Sorry I didn't clarify that better. Unless I typed in invisible code, I didn't post much else to start that thread. Just a current article.

"All I did was post a little article. " :roll:

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Funny how truth bores you and lies get you all excited.

In the article you post, O'Neill said "I was in Cambodia, sir. I worked along the border." Why do you say from this the man is lying? The way he put it was a poor choice of words and contradictive. But you elect to seize on the "I was in Cambodia" part and ignore the "along the border" part. He had said consistently in recent interviews that he did not go INTO Cambodia but was patrolling the river which is the border for Cambodia. So what is your basis for saying he is lying?

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Actually if the river is the border, then crossing the midpoint of the body of water is being in that territory. Try shrimping in the intracoastal near ono island that FL border is right there. You might get a ticket from the FL guys.

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Kerry's campaign has acknowledged that he may not have been in Cambodia on Christmas Eve of 1968, as he has previously stated. The campaign says Kerry does recall being on patrol along the Cambodia-Vietnam border on that date, although it's unclear if he crossed into Cambodia. Kerry was never near Cambodia, why does still tell this lie? His own crew calls him a liar on this. See latest SBVFT ad.

Referring to the tape of the Oval Office meeting with Nixon, O'Neill criticized Kerry for making claims, including in the Senate, that he was in Cambodia. ONeill said this one time to Nixon, as a Democrat meeting Nixon just before an election, we all know how big the Dem lies get near an election.  :lol:

"I've never represented on the floor of the Senate, or told people 50 times like John Kerry did that I was in Cambodia. That never happened. I dont think either one was ever in Cambodia until after it was decclared by Nixon in 4-70. I think that is what ONeill said here too. And I don't think he was ever there either," O'Neill said.

America in Cambodia in 4-70

ONeill was in the Swifts from 4-69 to 4-70. He told Nixon all this O'Neill said on June 16, 1971. Seems like no story here to me. He could have easily been part of a legal and legitimate, non-denied insertion into Cambodia. The problem for Kerry was he said it happened BEFORE Nixon acknowledged it. In fact, he said it BEFORE Nixon was even in office.

Try again...

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Tiger,Aug 25 2004, 09:20 PM]


Funny how truth bores you and lies get you all excited.

In the article you post, O'Neill said "I was in Cambodia, sir. I worked along the border." Why do you say from this the man is lying? The way he put it was a poor choice of words and contradictive. But you elect to seize on the "I was in Cambodia" part and ignore the "along the border" part. He had said consistently in recent interviews that he did not go INTO Cambodia but was patrolling the river which is the border for Cambodia. So what is your basis for saying he is lying?

So you're saying it depends on what your definition of "in" is. ;)

I'll defer this one to former president Bill Clinton.

"Now just what do you mean about the cigar being "in", sir"?

Please, devote more time and energy to this topic.

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