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????? about Obama and campaign contributions


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I have seen and heard ads which emphasize that Obama is the only candidate who "refuses" to take lobbyist money.

Is that true? Does he not take money from lobbyist? All his money has come from grassroots organizations and bundler's?

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I have seen and heard ads which emphasize that Obama is the only candidate who "refuses" to take lobbyist money.

Is that true? Does he not take money from lobbyist? All his money has come from grassroots organizations and bundler's?


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So if Obama has now raised about $125,000 from Jack Abramoffs lobbying firm there would be no eyes raised would there? It wouldn't be spliting hairs would it? No I think the word dems use is nuance. That would be a good word to use since Obama has been championed by the French guy, who was very good at nuance as well.

Taking funds from lawyers but not lobbyists -- the distinction Obama draws -- is "hair splitting," according to League of Women Voters president Mary Wilson.

"It has huge symbolic value to take the no-PAC pledge and reject lobbying money, particularly for a campaign that presents itself as populist," said Sheila Krumholz of the Center for Responsive Politics.

But she added, "When you dig deeper, the interests that finance the Obama campaign are much the same as the others."


BTW Tex your link took me to an article about him returning $50,000. As you can see this article was concerning $125,000. So they have to be different instances.

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PHILADELPHIA, PA—U.S. Senator Barack Obama's Presidential campaign today unveiled a new web ad that shows a "three step guide" to understanding the influence of Washington lobbyists.

In the style of an old PSA, "Guide" shows the three steps of influence for Washington lobbyists. Step one – "Lobbyists donate to politicians" – shows that Senator Hillary Clinton has taken more money from lobbyists than any other candidate – Republican or Democrat. Step two – "Politicians defend lobbyists" – reminds viewers that Clinton has said, "You know a lot of those lobbyists, whether you like it or not, represent real Americans." Step three – "Americans pay the price" – shows gasoline approaching $4 per gallon, skyrocketing insurance and drug prices, and trade deals and bankruptcy laws that betray working families.

The ad finishes with the summary line: "We can't end the Washington game…until we change the players."

Senator Hillary Clinton has taken over $800,000 from lobbyists, more money than any other candidate – Republican or Democrat:

Over $130,000 from energy lobbyists

Over $130,000 from drug company lobbyists

Over $125,000 from health care and insurance lobbyists

Barack Obama is the only candidate in the race who doesn’t take money from special interest PACs or Washington lobbyists and has passed legislation to reduce their power in Washington.


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When you can get most of the common drugs at Wal-mart for $4, is the price of drugs really skyrocketing? Or is it like everything new, it costs more when it first comes out?

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When you can get most of the common drugs at Wal-mart for $4, is the price of drugs really skyrocketing? Or is it like everything new, it costs more when it first comes out?

If you could get all medications for $4 you would have little complaints. I'm healthy and by no means a Senior and yet I have never paid just $4 for a prescription of any kind.

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When you can get most of the common drugs at Wal-mart for $4, is the price of drugs really skyrocketing? Or is it like everything new, it costs more when it first comes out?

If you could get all medications for $4 you would have little complaints. I'm healthy and by no means a Senior and yet I have never paid just $4 for a prescription of any kind.

Try requesting generic. Doctors push the new stuff because drug companies give out perts. It's called being responsible for yourself. But apparently you are abusing the current system also by not doing the right thing. I ALWAYS request generic. And if there is not a generic, I question why I need the NEW drug.

BTW, $4 prescriptions have only come about in the last year.

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PHILADELPHIA, PA—U.S. Senator Barack Obama's Presidential campaign today unveiled a new web ad that shows a "three step guide" to understanding the influence of Washington lobbyists.

(Obama has now raised about $125,000 from Jack Abramoffs lobbying firm)

The ad finishes with the summary line: "We can't end the Washington game…until we change the players."

(What he is saying is elect Obama so he can be one of the players getting the $$$$$.. Abramoff is in jail but Obama is still receiving $$$$$$$$ from his old firm.)

(Obama has now raised about $125,000 from Jack Abramoffs lobbying firm)

Barack Obama is the only candidate in the race who doesn’t take money from special interest PACs or Washington lobbyists and has passed legislation to reduce their power in Washington.

(Obama has now raised about $125,000 from Jack Abramoffs lobbying firm which is located in Miami. That fits in with the above statement. )

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PHILADELPHIA, PA—U.S. Senator Barack Obama's Presidential campaign today unveiled a new web ad that shows a "three step guide" to understanding the influence of Washington lobbyists.

(Obama has now raised about $125,000 from Jack Abramoffs lobbying firm)

The ad finishes with the summary line: "We can't end the Washington game…until we change the players."

(What he is saying is elect Obama so he can be one of the players getting the $$$$$.. Abramoff is in jail but Obama is still receiving $$$$$$$$ from his old firm.)

(Obama has now raised about $125,000 from Jack Abramoffs lobbying firm)

Barack Obama is the only candidate in the race who doesn’t take money from special interest PACs or Washington lobbyists and has passed legislation to reduce their power in Washington.

(Obama has now raised about $125,000 from Jack Abramoffs lobbying firm which is located in Miami. That fits in with the above statement. )

Not sure you understand the difference between individuals who voluntarily give w/i the law to a campaign and accepting donations from federally registered lobbyist. We had this discussion a few weeks back in regrads to Exxon Mobil employees who give to candidates, which of course is not the same as accepting money from the "oil industry" as it is often portrayed.

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So if Obama has now raised about $125,000 from Jack Abramoffs lobbying firm-(wrong-- read more closely. Many large law firms have a section that lobbies. GT is a huge LAW firm with numerous areas of practice.) there would be no eyes raised would there? It wouldn't be spliting hairs would it? No I think the word dems use is nuance. That would be a good word to use since Obama has been championed by the French guy, who was very good at nuance as well.

Taking funds from lawyers but not lobbyists -- the distinction Obama draws -- is "hair splitting," according to League of Women Voters president Mary Wilson.

"It has huge symbolic value to take the no-PAC pledge and reject lobbying money, particularly for a campaign that presents itself as populist," said Sheila Krumholz of the Center for Responsive Politics.

But she added, "When you dig deeper, the interests that finance the Obama campaign are much the same as the others."


BTW Tex your link took me to an article about him returning $50,000. As you can see this article was concerning $125,000. So they have to be different instances.

Obama doesn't take money from registered lobbyists. You're free to try to diminish that, but the other candidates choose to take money from lobbyists, so they must think it is worthwhile to do so. McCain and Clinton's campaign is run by lobbyists, especially McCain.



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PHILADELPHIA, PA—U.S. Senator Barack Obama's Presidential campaign today unveiled a new web ad that shows a "three step guide" to understanding the influence of Washington lobbyists.

(Obama has now raised about $125,000 from Jack Abramoffs lobbying firm)

The ad finishes with the summary line: "We can't end the Washington game…until we change the players."

(What he is saying is elect Obama so he can be one of the players getting the $$$$$.. Abramoff is in jail but Obama is still receiving $$$$$$$$ from his old firm.)

(Obama has now raised about $125,000 from Jack Abramoffs lobbying firm)

Barack Obama is the only candidate in the race who doesn’t take money from special interest PACs or Washington lobbyists and has passed legislation to reduce their power in Washington.

(Obama has now raised about $125,000 from Jack Abramoffs lobbying firm which is located in Miami. That fits in with the above statement. )

Not sure you understand the difference between individuals who voluntarily give w/i the law to a campaign and accepting donations from federally registered lobbyist. We had this discussion a few weeks back in regrads to Exxon Mobil employees who give to candidates, which of course is not the same as accepting money from the "oil industry" as it is often portrayed.

Nuance, parsing and spin, great dim traditions.

Taking funds from lawyers but not lobbyists -- the distinction Obama draws -- is "hair splitting," according to League of Women Voters president Mary Wilson.

"It has huge symbolic value to take the no-PAC pledge and reject lobbying money, particularly for a campaign that presents itself as populist," said Sheila Krumholz of the Center for Responsive Politics.

But she added, "When you dig deeper, the interests that finance the Obama campaign are much the same as the others."

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