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Everything posted by jluvah

  1. Says the biggest Gus apologist on this board.
  2. I can understand this thought process. But, we were 20 point dogs( probably 25 considering we were at home), playing our 2nd string QB. And we held them scoreless for 3 1/2 quarters after giving up big leads the last 2 games. I’m damn proud of this team . Every player left it all on the field! All I’ll ever ask!
  3. Our punt return execution was MUCH better than at any time this year. We actually fielded punts, and returned a couple for bonus yards.
  4. How about our backup kicker!! Shout out to Ben Patton!! Ice water in his veins!
  5. Could Harsin have held out on the vaccine just in case things went “south”( like they have). If so , kudos to him for having that much foresight. I’m not vaccinated either but don’t think my kids would let me out of being an Auburn fan that easy🤷🏻‍♂️
  6. What would you like? Booger picking? “BOOM”? or deer-in-the- headlights? We had those with the last idiot.
  7. If Harsin goes, who in the hell would take this job? Serious question, other than Steele.
  8. I’d rather throw Dematrius Davis in there and ride with him the rest of the year. Wouldn’t burn his redshirt and honestly, he should’ve been Bo’s backup from the start. He was recruited by us and was a recruiter for us last year. Plus, the kid is a gamer( although you wouldn’t know by how many snaps he’s taken at Auburn), as proven by his high school record.
  9. We’re just not very good. Despite what many say on this board, Gus didn’t leave much to work with. It’s gonna take a few years to clean up his mess. I hope they give Harsin enough time to do it
  10. Speaking of Chipper, has there ever been a guy get into the HOF that spent more time on the 15 day DL? I swear, I think he was on the DL once for a hang nail!! 🤮
  11. Why is that odd? About 30 other teams to choose from. Red Sox fan myself. Nice fun fact, autiger88!,
  12. Last year we MAY have had an opportunity for a 54 yard field goal attempt.
  13. I think Kesling at Tennessee does a really good job. And the guys on Kentucky’s broadcast are good as well
  14. Stan can be equally bad. Trying to enunciate every word properly drives me crazy personally. Surely he doesn’t talk like that in everyday life.
  15. But then we’d have to hear our broadcaster mess up every other play
  16. Somebody please tell me why he thinks it’s necessary. To be cool? Hip? Need some help here.
  17. A coach that actually sounds like he knows what he’s talking about! How refreshing!!
  18. Holy crap! That will take at least 3 years. You realize that, don’t you?
  19. Burcham stinks. Stan White stinks. Mason stinks. Hell, the whole damn team stinks. We’ve probably won our last game this year
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