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Everything posted by keesler

  1. No matter which QB they put in on Saturday, they gone look real “different” vs that uga defensive attack. I’m personally going with a QB that doesn’t look scared, apprehensive or quaking in his cleats in the pocket. Because that defense will already be primed to tee up our QB and rattle him early and often.
  2. Well, that’s damned brutal. It’s the truth and a brutal reality. Auburn >>> QB Killer. I’ve always enjoyed watching NFL football and still do, but it’s borderline nauseating now to see pro teams loaded with former SEC talent from many of our rival schools.
  3. I understand, y’all do an awfully good job and it’s appreciated. I don’t have the time to visit much anymore but things went off the rails big time in a thread or two yesterday. 🥵
  4. I’m curious to know if you Mods take the approach to let the crazies in the In-Game threads just run wild? Heck, some conversations in the post-game thread were off color with abhorrent comments back and forth.
  5. Yes, they looked good vs lsu. That was a good game throughout. may I say I absolutely hate the new clock rule? And there were many times when we had the ball where I thought we were milking the clock down, I guess trying to give the D a breather? IDK
  6. You say there’s an absence of passion and confidence….I saw one of our players confidently and passionately wagging his finger all day. I know I’m being snarky/sarcastic, but I did witness it.
  7. WTH is he supposed to do when he doesn’t have a line that can pass protect OR a consistent QB? I really think the coaches are doing the best they can. The frustration on Hugh’s face and the irritation he showed to the QBs was very transparent in the game yesterday.
  8. Nick Saban hasn’t got a thing to do with the +6 yrs of Auburn fans having the exact same questions regarding our QB, online, WR, RBs, inept play calling and ineffective execution on offense OR the total lack of an offensive identity. Other programs are moving along, making improvements and gradually getting better, Auburn could and should have done the same. Yet here we are in these threads puking up the same sour stomach acid we were in 2018-2019-2020-2021-2022-2023. The personnel has flipped but it’s the same old story, And Nick Saban has nothing to do with it.
  9. I don’t trust PT, at least Ashford has some wheels.
  10. Why even bring up the vulgarity in another thread? There were several posters that needed to get banned in the game thread and in the post game thread, but that’s on the Mods. To be so sensitive and hurt over off-color comments made in the heat of volatile threads is silly. Fans are fans, trolls are trolls and most old timers that live on this should know the difference and ignore the ignorance. Petition for stricter moderation if you see things you don’t feel comfortable with, the Mods can nip it in the bud with the swiftness if they choose. Otherwise, just use the wonderful “ignore” feature.
  11. IMO, we’d benefit from having those guys in O&B this season if for no other reason than having mature, veteran players at key positions. They’d add leadership, knowledge, depth and experience. It’s water under the bridge now and Auburn will sink or swim with what they’ve got.
  12. Everyone’s pulling in the same direction now. What happens behind the scenes when they don’t like what they see on the field? Folks are forking out $10-$15 million a year, there will come a time when they expect to see positive results from what they’re paying for. This is a rebuild year, loses are coming. But a semblance of improvement and basic fundamental football is expected.
  13. LOL, that Oxford offense is currently getting mauled by that Kevin Steele defense. Hugh would die before he’d send one of his coaches to another program for offensive tutoring sessions.
  14. You’re coming across as a grumpy, old, jackarse man. Give it a rest.
  15. I’ve seen Tennison and Pegues playing really good for Ole Miss today too. So 3 Auburn transfers doing their job.
  16. I get sick and tired off the “expectations’ excuse that are regurgitated nonstop on this board. Why can’t a fan base expect to see a reasonably well coached team? Or expect to see player development and execution improved week to week? Or even a glimmer of hope that the team has the ability to compete? This staff is pulling in millions and with NIL, so are the players. I expect a better product than what I’ve seen, not a ton of wins, but a better showing.
  17. Maybe it just me, but I don’t see people losing their minds that that we weren’t ready to beat the #15 team on the road with all that talent. I see people losing their minds about how inept and straight up putrid this offense looks. Stupid and sloppy penalties, weak online, hit & miss WR play, and I won’t speak about the QBs as their production speaks for themselves. For me, it’s not that we lost the game, it’s how we lost the game.
  18. It couldn’t have taken too much to “run off’ Bo Nix. My Lord, this team is a flipping mess from one end to the other on offense. Bo & Pat had to know Bo would’ve never had good enough coaching OR supporting cast that could help him move forward and excel in his career. Bo leaving for Oregon was a perfect business decision. There’s no way Bo or any of his family look back with an ounce of regret for taking care of himself and his career.
  19. I think CU beats them Saturday, I think they have too much speed and precision that the huskers aren’t equipped to handle right now. I’ll be watching and pulling for the Buffs.
  20. Yep, and fans loved Harsins hard, alpha male persona, and his attention to personal accountability and responsibility from his team. Many compared his alpha approach to Dye at the time. Fans get caught up in the euphoria, it can’t be helped. My question is why didn’t anyone recognize alignments were off and platers weren’t lining up correctly in the scrimmages or practices? I’d bet it’ll be fixed and fine tuned before they get to Cali.
  21. As of today, it looks like Colorado, FSU, and Auburn ALL got the coaches they needed.😄u
  22. The ncaa slow played things, kicked the can down the road and wouldn’t address the issue. The SCOTUS ruled and now no matter how much time and wasted efforts legislators expend on drafting bills to regulate NIL, they’ll never make it past committee.
  23. I’m not here to pile on Mikey, but I’d also like to know why the heck high school linemen aren’t jumping on AU right now. Brand new facilities, a position of huge need, NIL $$ to match or exceed the likes of UGA/UA, excellent coaching and in the early stages of a rebuild where you can get PT and play in the best conference in the country. It’s like a no-brainer to me, come to Auburn.
  24. Indeed. Complain about a civil and even informative discussion, offer zero dialogue, kill a thread and want it back on track for a guy who pushed his commitment date out another 4 days. I thought I saw a post where he’d moved his date to 8/26.
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