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Did Kobe Admit His Guilt


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did anyone else find his statement yesterday to be 'interesting', in that he admits that his encounter w/ the young lady may not have been perceived as 'consensual' in her eyes....

Here's the Quote:

Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did.

i would've thought that if SHE thought it wasn't consensual, then it wasn't, no?

doesn't consent lie w/ the female? isn't that the way the courts/law usually lean?

where's legaleagle?


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Well it's really irrelevant because the statement acknowledges that the accuser has agreed that it can't be used in the civil trial.

IMO, acknowledging that she doesn't think she consented is not acknowledging that she didn't consent. This is a very gray area.

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CT, I was watching ESPN this morning and Jim Gray was talking about the statement. He said that the accuser told Kobe's lawers that she would ask for the charges be dropped if he made a statement to that effect.

He basically said that Kobe might not have agreed with everything in the statement but that Kobe was probably thinking "a. this can't be used against me in the civil trial, b. even if it sounds like I'm admitting a little bit of guilt, it'll save me 10-15 years in jail."

I can't argue with that logic, after all, if he made this statement he was guarenteed of not going to jail. Not a bad deal, because even if Kobe knows he is innocent, who knows what would happen when 12 strangers are deciding his fate.

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I think it will have minimal if any effect. I think most jurors will be able to distinguish between a confession and his statement. The issue in the civil case will be the same as in the statement. He thinks she consented, she doesn't. That is what he said in a nutshell.

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Ain't gonna be no civil case for long. I don't think this will ever see the inside of a courtroom on the civil side. Kobe even alludes to that in his statement when he says, that part(Civil case) will be decided between the parties directly. They'll come to a confidential agreement and part ways.

The civil case is about money...period. Why not make a settlement and move on rather than have all this aired out in public again? Case dismissed, terms not disclosed.

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Because many are saying this was a sham from the beginning and in her mind and possibly others it will make her look better.

I think the key thing for her may be that she had kobe acknowledge that he believes she genuinely feels she was wronged.

This also makes it easier for kobe to pay her off without looking as guilty. He has said he still doesn't think he did anything wrong, but he acknowledges the pain and suffering the entire incident has caused her and her family.

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If that's the case, she's going to save face and come out of this a millionaire. She's been represented since the start of this thing. I would suspect they've already discussed terms of a settlement. If they've already started that, there's no reason for her to testify in the criminal case.

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I thought is sounded like he acknowledged that when she was saying, "Oh yes, baby. That's it," that what she really meant is, "Stop it. You're killing me." She just didn't communicate it correctly.

I'll admit that I now see where my ex-wife THOUGHT she was right on a lot of things. But that did not make it so.

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Another good thing for kobe is the details won't be released in court. I've heard it was some really rough sex and the details would be embarrasing for all involved.

I think it left her feeling kinda rode hard and put away wet as well as used and abused.

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