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There was no doubt Rodney Scott was laughing on the sidelines about laying out OMac

Unless you were sitting right there NEXT to Mr. Scott then for you to say that he was definitely laughing at that is ridiculous. No one knows what he was saying or what he was laughing at. Hell, the guy sitting next to him could have told him a very funny joke right before he sat down.

Or he could have looked up in the stands and saw something that made him laugh.

To come on here and basically say that Rodney Scott was deliberately trying to take some one out is offensive. That's basically saying that Fairley has been trying to take out QB's on purpose this year. I'm not sure how often Scott plays on the special teams but the way the announcers were talking it might not be a normal position for him to play.

Unless you have a sound bite of what he was saying, you can't even think that what he was saying had anything to do with trying to 'take someone out'.

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There was no doubt Rodney Scott was laughing on the sidelines about laying out OMac

Unless you were sitting right there NEXT to Mr. Scott then for you to say that he was definitely laughing at that is ridiculous. No one knows what he was saying or what he was laughing at. Hell, the guy sitting next to him could have told him a very funny joke right before he sat down.

Or he could have looked up in the stands and saw something that made him laugh.

To come on here and basically say that Rodney Scott was deliberately trying to take some one out is offensive. That's basically saying that Fairley has been trying to take out QB's on purpose this year. I'm not sure how often Scott plays on the special teams but the way the announcers were talking it might not be a normal position for him to play.

Unless you have a sound bite of what he was saying, you can't even think that what he was saying had anything to do with trying to 'take someone out'.

Sorry but when fairley runs by a rb with the ball to hit someone's qb then you have a fair comparison until then you don't.

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There was no doubt Rodney Scott was laughing on the sidelines about laying out OMac

Unless you were sitting right there NEXT to Mr. Scott then for you to say that he was definitely laughing at that is ridiculous. No one knows what he was saying or what he was laughing at. Hell, the guy sitting next to him could have told him a very funny joke right before he sat down.

Or he could have looked up in the stands and saw something that made him laugh.

To come on here and basically say that Rodney Scott was deliberately trying to take some one out is offensive. That's basically saying that Fairley has been trying to take out QB's on purpose this year. I'm not sure how often Scott plays on the special teams but the way the announcers were talking it might not be a normal position for him to play.

Unless you have a sound bite of what he was saying, you can't even think that what he was saying had anything to do with trying to 'take someone out'.

Sorry but when fairley runs by a rb with the ball to hit someone's qb then you have a fair comparison until then you don't.

And until someone who was sitting BESIDE Rodney Scott and knows EXACTLY what was said then no one has any right to bring into question if Scott was playing dirty or not. After everything that Scott did last year with Etheridge he deserves the benefit of the doubt. It wasn't a dirty hit. I think that he was just trying to get O-Mac out of the return so that one of their other returners can tackle the Washington.

And by the way, Ole Miss had an opportunity to do that but Washington broke that tackle.

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How do any of y'all know what Rodney Scott was laughing about?  Were you privy to his conversation?  He may have been talking about something totally unrelated to the play.  I'm not saying there's no way he was sent out there to take out McCalebb, but none of us are in a position to know that and, thus, should give him (and Ole Miss) the benefit of the doubt.

Granted, it was inexplicable that he didn't go after Washington on the play, but I tend to agree with around4ever that it may have been his assignment to 'bust the wedge' and let the others behind him contain the returner and make the tackle. 

Also, Scott may not have realized how close he was to making the tackle.  Things look a lot different out on the field than they do from overhead with the aid of instant replay.  I'm sure he'll hear about it when they review the game film.

It doesn't matter what he's laughing at.  I'd be pissed off if I were him or anyone else on that kick off if someone returned one on me.  Like I said, whats so funny?  How would it be a cheap shot?  It was a legal hit, and I hope every team we play makes mistakes like that haha.

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I am just going to say that earlier up in this thread I did not say it was something that scott did on his own.  I think it was something he was told to do and as a player I don't blame you for doing what the coach tells you to do.  But nobody on the field realistically thinks omac is going to block anybody except the kicker maybe.

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I am just going to say that earlier up in this thread I did not say it was something that scott did on his own.  I think it was something he was told to do and as a player I don't blame you for doing what the coach tells you to do.  But nobody on the field realistically thinks omac is going to block anybody except the kicker maybe.

I don't want to get into any kind of argument on this subject but I will say this:

If you were playing on Ole Miss's team and playing on the special teams just because O-Mac is 170ish pounds you're telling me that you wouldn't block him out of the return if you had the shot?

O-Mac knows the danger he is in every time he's back there and the ball doesn't go to him. You hit people and don't worry about how big they are or how small they are. :P

I stick by my opinion that Scott didn't intentionally hit O-Mac whether it was because of Nutt telling him to or not. I think it was just a mistake on his part by going after the lead blocker and not the returner.

War Eagle!

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I am just going to say that earlier up in this thread I did not say it was something that scott did on his own.  I think it was something he was told to do and as a player I don't blame you for doing what the coach tells you to do.  But nobody on the field realistically thinks omac is going to block anybody except the kicker maybe.

I don't want to get into any kind of argument on this subject but I will say this:

If you were playing on Ole Miss's team and playing on the special teams just because O-Mac is 170ish pounds you're telling me that you wouldn't block him out of the return if you had the shot?

O-Mac knows the danger he is in every time he's back there and the ball doesn't go to him. You hit people and don't worry about how big they are or how small they are. :P

I stick by my opinion that Scott didn't intentionally hit O-Mac whether it was because of Nutt telling him to or not. I think it was just a mistake on his part by going after the lead blocker and not the returner.

War Eagle!

We'll just agree to disagree here tgrogan but I think I hit the guy with the ball before I blast omac  :we:

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I agree that everyone has their own opinion, but I personally think it was dirty.  There was no inclination to tackle the runner, only to layout Omac.  Then, seeing them on the bench laughing, and clearly joking about it, making a "laid out" gesture, was pretty obvious. 

I know we all remember Rodney Scott as the person that laid motionless until Z. Etheridge was taken care of, but that doesn't mean he couldn't let his emotions get the best of him during this game.

Why else would you ignore the ball carrier, and plow the lead blocker, while the ball carrier runs right past you on his way to a TD? 

Maybe I've watched too many episodes of CSI, but I tend to look at the whole picture, and this picture looked suspect to me!

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I don't know what was on Scott's mind during the play, so I won't comment on his intentions. I do know that when a player gets locked in on a "target", IE the quarterback on a pass rush, I've seen many a player completely ignore the ball carrier on a draw and hit the blocker beside or behind him. It's a case of tunnel vision. It happens all the time. JMO

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I just watched a replay of the game and it is quite obvious that Rodney is telling his fellow teammates how he went into OMAC and blasted through him on the kick-off.  He is laughing at his own recollection and not something that was being told to him by another player.  I don't have an issue with his actions on the kick-off.  I thought he looked foolish on the sideline sitting in a chair and laughing about his block, while AUBURN simply scored a touchdown on the same play.  A play in which he could have possibly altered the outcome had he used some better judgment during the play.  I can only conclude that the Ole Miss players were confident that AUBURN was going to win the game that they were willing to find happiness simply taking a player out on a given play rather than impeding the opponents ability to score points.

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There was no doubt Rodney Scott was laughing on the sidelines about laying out OMac

I'm not sure how you come by this "no doubt" declaration.  My impression was that he was laughing at himself for having made a mistake. 

Watching the game, it looked as though Washington would cut behind OMac's block.  Basically, Washington faked him out and made a great cut, then broke a tackle and outran 4 defenders to the endzone. 

We've seen Rodney Scott's outstanding sportsmanship last year, and I'm frankly shocked to see people suddenly questioning his integrity based on this seemingly random and unprovable conspiracy theory.

War Eagle.

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