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We all know who is behind this "story"


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It has always been this way- how do you get a predator to quit stalking you? Answer put him on the scent of other prey. What have we heard the last few years about the NCAA sniffing around a certain program? History repeats itself.

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BIG difference with Ramsey--there was actually something that happened.  We need to quit fanning the flames on this by acting as if Auburn has done something wrong.  This is quite simply an attack on AU by those who wish us ill and their willing accomplices in the tabloid sports journalism media (aka NYT, ESPN, Fox Sports, etc.).  Unfortunately, the louder we scream about the ridiculous assertions and baseless allegations, the longer we have to deal with it.  Remember, the truth doesn't matter right now (probably never did) to those running with this and stoking it.  There are multiple agendas in play here and several of them are working in concert to our detriment.  Take a deep breath and have faith that our coaches are good men of character and would not be involved in anything like this.  War Eagle!

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