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POLL: Separate Forum for the Cam Allegations?


Would you like to see a separate forum on AE for the "CAM Allegations" and keep the AU Football Forum focused on AU football (i.e. AU vs GA)  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see a separate forum on AE for the "CAM Allegations" and keep the AU Football Forum focused on AU football (i.e. AU vs GA)

    • Yes. I would love to see these topics split
    • No, Just leave them all together

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The actual posts about our team and the upcoming games are getting buried in all the he-said she-said, this rumor, that rumor, posts. I am as guilty of this as anyone.

However, there may be a small group of people who want to have a dialog about the upcoming game.

Then again, maybe it is not possible to separate the two.

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I'd just be glad if all the spoofs and joke threads would be merged to one.  I open more threads with spoofs or jokes than I do about the actual issues.

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