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Newton's Family Dynamic


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You gotta wonder if Cecil shopping Cam is just tearing this family apart. If he did it without Cam's knowledge, or his wife's, how are they feeling about him rigt now? I don't know if I could ever forgive my dad for something this crippling that would put me in the situation that Cam is. Thoughts?

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We don't have enough information to say if Cecil was shopping Cameron around.  Cecil admitted the topic of money came up with MSU but we don't know how it came up and in what context.  Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Auburn were recruiting Cameron as well and there were no reported shenanigans with those 3 schools.  This still reads like a MSU problem to me and Cecil is getting dragged into the mud because he spoke with some dirty MSU boosters.

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My thought is that if ANYTHING is bothering Cam, he sure as heck isn't showing it.

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Either way...not trying to say cecil definitely did it but allegations like this of money coming up in discussions...whatever term you want to use. I would be mad if I were Cam or his mom. That was my point.

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Either way...not trying to say cecil definitely did it but allegations like this of money coming up in discussions...whatever term you want to use. I would be mad if I were Cam or his mom. That was my point.

How do you know you'd be mad.  For all we know, Cecil Sr. did nothing wrong.  He could be as dirty as Madoff but we don't have enough info to make that call yet.

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Either way...not trying to say cecil definitely did it but allegations like this of money coming up in discussions...whatever term you want to use. I would be mad if I were Cam or his mom. That was my point.

Cecil was with Cam on Friday when he bought the wedding cupcakes as reported in several articles.  This was after they met with the NCAA and Cecil "came clean."  People that saw them together said they looked fine. 

I can honestly say, I've never seen a guilty man look that relaxed as Cam did on the field.  He and his dad know the truth so he can play stress-free.  He knows that he did nothing wrong but the haters will continue to hate.  That's all they have. 

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One thing I have notice about this whole Newton situation is that I've never seen the Auburn fanbase this unified.  The outpouring of love and support for Cameron, the whole team and coaching staff is astounding and truely a sight to behold.  Mark my words, the way the Auburn family has rallied around our boys in blue will pay dividends in future recruiting.

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You gotta wonder if Cecil shopping Cam is just tearing this family apart. If he did it without Cam's knowledge, or his wife's, how are they feeling about him rigt now? I don't know if I could ever forgive my dad for something this crippling that would put me in the situation that Cam is. Thoughts?

It isn't tearing our family apart,  why would tear apart the Newtons?  Maybe it brought them closer together.

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