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Finebaum on OTL


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PF actually was decent concerning Auburn and Cam was fair in his perception and thoughts on several issues. Schlabach was his usual self but did admit no one knows if money exchanged hands. PF and another forget his name said they would vote for Cam in Heisman still

Also, Paul and the other guest threw some suspicion towards MSU and stated that was one angle that is missing from all the reports.

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Gotta say, Finebaum has continuously been one of the most judicious media voices in this whole saga.  Pointed out that MSU seems to be the only institution engaging in shady stuff, defended Cam's Heisman campaign, and went ape on the other guy when he referred (hypothetically, granted) to Cam as a "thief."  I'm not saying the guy's a Plainsman now, but I've been pleasantly surprised and impressed by FB the last week or so.

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PF also said that things are ugly right now.  Auburn fans are upset and Alabama fans are rejoicing. 

Also said that Schlabach would be in danger if he showed up in Auburn right now.

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PF also said that things are ugly right now.  Auburn fans are upset and Alabama fans are rejoicing. 

Also said that Schlabach would be in danger if he showed up in Auburn right now.

and he would be correct about schlabach
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good show today. been wondering how Miss State seems to be getting free pass on all this.

Asked that this morning...  I'd still like to know what they are looking at from the NCAA based on two boosters admitting to participating in recruiting as well as discussing money with a recruit.

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For Slabaugh it has become personal. He tried to quote some of his garbage about Bell and left a key piece that Cecil was not present in the so called conversations but on a what Bell said was a three way call. The more he talks the less credit can be given to what he writes. He truly have an agenda.

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Schlabach has never liked Auburn. I believe he's a Georgia grad. That whole CSS crew, "Talking Football" has praised the turds for the last two seasons. The turds loss to LSU quieted them somewhat.

    Barnhart is the only one on CSS thats creditable. :wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle:

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PF also said that things are ugly right now.  Auburn fans are upset and Alabama fans are rejoicing. 

Also said that Schlabach would be in danger if he showed up in Auburn right now.

Shlabach learned that first hand a few weekends ago.

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PF also said that things are ugly right now.  Auburn fans are upset and Alabama fans are rejoicing. 

Also said that Schlabach would be in danger if he showed up in Auburn right now.

Shlabach learned that first hand a few weekends ago.

Shlabach should be welcomed and invited to view Auburn from the top of Haley Center.

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Schlabach has never liked Auburn. I believe he's a Georgia grad. That whole CSS crew, "Talking Football" has praised the turds for the last two seasons. The turds loss to LSU quieted them somewhat.

     Barnhart is the only one on CSS thats creditable. :wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle:

You are right. Tony is a pure professional and is as knowledgeable about college football as anybody IMO. I watch that show just to hear his take on teams.

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Shlabach should be welcomed and invited to view Auburn from the top of Haley Center.

Yeah, maybe he could do an article about how pretty the view is upside down...

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Dan Wetzel on ESPAul Finebaum can't even get quotes right.  Said the Call to MSU Supposed Cam said "The Money was too Good"  not "The Money was too much" like had been reported.  What a Douche.

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Schlabach has never liked Auburn. I believe he's a Georgia grad. That whole CSS crew, "Talking Football" has praised the turds for the last two seasons. The turds loss to LSU quieted them somewhat.

The only guy on that show fair to us has been brady ackerman the florida sideline reporter.

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Why does Finebaum keep giving TMZ so much credit.  He says that their sports reporting is reliable and brings up them breaking the Tiger Woods story as proof.

The National Enquirer broke the Tiger Woods Story


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     Barnhart is the only one on CSS thats creditable. :wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle:

You are right. Tony is a pure professional and is as knowledgeable about college football as anybody IMO. I watch that show just to hear his take on teams.

I hate Barnhart...he's as bad as any of them...and as big a thUGA homer as they get.

His last two blogs have been straight attempts to trash us even more.  First, he sets his sights on Fairly, and how he's taken the TMZ report and has run with it all day:


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