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Logic and ESPN

Old School Tiger

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We can discuss what has really happened over the last two weeks. I hear everyone talking a journalist and journalism.

How man times over the last two or three years have we seen ESPN break a story only to have it proven wrong, why? While they may have have a team of lawyers checking each story, they are not asking the questions that a true editor would ask. The main question that would and should be asked is who is your sources and are the facts correct. On the other hand the lawyers only care if there is enough cover to keep the reporter from being sued. We all know that in the case the facts were stretched to serve a purpose. I this case the purpose was to try to destroy and very talented you man, but more importantly Auburn. Why, there are many reasons, Auburn has never been the love child of ESPN. What we will see I believe is ESPN will closely scrutinized for it part in this major story, they are the first ones to call agent pimps and low lives , but they have shown that they are not journalist but yellow media like TMZ and some of the other rags out there. We as the public need to learn when we know that journalist are not factually correct we then let the know and the companies they work for.

The difference between people like PF and some of the other actors involved in this, PF does not proclaim to be a journalist while others do. At the end of the day when all is said and done there will be a lot of mud thrown, but the sh$$ will stick to the ones that have hurt Cam and Auburn. What will happen to them, I could not tell you but I can tell for experience that if ESPN want to be known as the WORLD WIDE LEADER IN SPORTS they will try to smooth over what they have do. TH

he key factor will be if the NCAA will quit pimping themselves out to ESPN and stand up for the people that have be wronged.

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That is the point, true journalist would not have run with a story with so many holes in it had it not been a hit job. ESPN has been known to do that and we have seen our share over the last 10 years.

Not really sure that there are true journalist anymore...or at least not outlets for them to work through.  As soon as news became about marketing and ratings the traditional model of journalism went out the window.  Now it's all about getting the most sensational story out before the other outlet and if your wrong...well you'll just print a retraction on page 12D below the fold 5 weeks after the story has died. 

Welcome to the world of global media.

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ESPN's job is not to inform, but to get ratings high enough to increase advertising revenue.   Scandal, sex, and bad behavior sell more than reality.  

ESPN = The people on Jersey Shore

Reality = Your friends

What would you rather spend 30 minutes staring at?

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That is the problem, they protect the scum like TO, Vick and others while they love to destroy the come back stories like Cam. They have become thug U. in the truest sense.

Sorry but I can't agree that they protect anyone.  The only loyalty they have is to the almighty dollar just like any other for profit media outlet.

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