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RUMOR: Richt lawsuit rumors???


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This did bring up a thought.  Anyone think Mr. Fairley might be in McElroy's head just a tad?  Is Nicky whispering to him "Don't you worry Greggy, out Olone will keep that big bad man away from you" .

This is exactly what is happening, and what we want to be happening.  The chuck and duck leads to many INTs

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I think "Can of Worms"  is an understatement.  Richt would look like a total fool and whinning Baby.  Now if Nick had a pair of Brass knuckles hidden and used them, Maybe.  

If the shoe fits?  :dunno:

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This did bring up a thought.  Anyone think Mr. Fairley might be in McElroy's head just a tad?  Is Nicky whispering to him "Don't you worry Greggy, out Olone will keep that big bad man away from you" .


Here is a thread about McElroy this week.....


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I practice law in Alabama and there are several problems with this rumor.  Someone is really stretching here.  As other posters have stated, the ability to sue for on the field play, even blatant fouls, is extremely limited. Fairley's play would have to be so egregious that he would have been ejected from not only the game but most likely suspended by he league for the rest of the season if not all of next year too.  It has to be that bad.  Even more basic than that, is that Mark Richt would have no standing that I can think of to file suit.  The QB or the QB's family would be the ones to sue.  Richt has no legal basis to bring a claim unless he has been designated the legal guardian of his QB.

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Is this lawsuit before or after Auburn is placed in SMU status by the NCAA?

?? say what??

Maybe I'm behind teh times...wasn't that the last rumor coming from turdville, or have there been more since?

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Is this lawsuit before or after Auburn is placed in SMU status by the NCAA?

?? say what??

Maybe I'm behind teh times...wasn't that the last rumor coming from turdville, or have there been more since?

I think they are coming from everywhere....Tuscaloser, Stark Vegas, various parts of FL, etc. etc. etc. I agree with you - this is a mess. We just need to take full advantage on Friday!!


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I'm an attorney.  There's absolutely no way this could happen.  There's about 15 different reasons why.  Funny stuff though.

I completely agree…as rare as it may be, you now have three attys in agreement  He has no standing, the sport in inherently dangerous, etc.  While anyone can sue anyone else for anything, Richt would open himself up for counterclaims for abusive/frivolous litigation, malicious prosecution of the action, etc.  He  (along with his counsel) would be subject for sanctions if they fail to dismiss.  This would not survive a Motion to Dismiss.  

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I practice law in Alabama and there are several problems with this rumor.  Someone is really stretching here.  As other posters have stated, the ability to sue for on the field play, even blatant fouls, is extremely limited. Fairley's play would have to be so egregious that he would have been ejected from not only the game but most likely suspended by he league for the rest of the season if not all of next year too.  It has to be that bad.  Even more basic than that, is that Mark Richt would have no standing that I can think of to file suit.  The QB or the QB's family would be the ones to sue.  Richt has no legal basis to bring a claim unless he has been designated the legal guardian of his QB.

Kinda like what happened in the movie "The Last Boyscout"?

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Dude you got punk'd!!!!  :laugh:

Did ANY of you read my 2nd post?  I didn't believe it at all.  I promised a friend I would check into it.  Thanks for the put down, however.  With all that has been happening, I needed that.

War Eagle!!!

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Dude you got punk'd!!!!  :laugh:

Did ANY of you read my 2nd post?  I didn't believe it at all.  I promised a friend I would check into it.  Thanks for the put down, however.  With all that has been happening, I needed that.

War Eagle!!!

If my response came across as condescending I apologize, it was not my intent. From the tone of your opening post I figured you assumed that it was not likely.  I was laughing at the prospect of a coach suing an opposing player for hitting his quarterback.

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Dude you got punk'd!!!!  :laugh:

Did ANY of you read my 2nd post?  I didn't believe it at all.  I promised a friend I would check into it.  Thanks for the put down, however.  With all that has been happening, I needed that.

War Eagle!!!

If my response came across as condescending I apologize, it was not my intent. From the tone of your opening post I figured you assumed that it was not likely.  I was laughing at the prospect of a coach suing an opposing player for hitting his quarterback.

Yes What he said  War Eagle

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Me thinks someone was pulling your leg.

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The more I have read this I am (sort of) even more amazed at the number of lawyers that have given a true, judiciary answer to this inane theory.  If we need to address the statutes, bylaws, motions to dismiss, etc, etc in something like this while working I think it might be time to find something that resembles work to do while at work.  I am a pharmacist and based upon my complete and independent ability to process ridiculous information I feel that this would be dismissed in court as well.  It has nothing to do with my law abilities. 

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Only time I can recall when there was a sufficient amount of evidence for a hit-and-run allegation of this nature...

Made by B.Croyle in his last IB... against AU's entire front-7...  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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