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ESPN gets it right?


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Peopleare FINALLY seeing through this smear campaign of the rec doings


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This is a great paragraph: 

You're not an NCAA investigator. You're not a moral arbiter. You're not a fortune teller. You are simply a voter entrusted with deciding whose name is engraved on a trophy. It's nothing heavy, and if you feel some deep moral obligation to the Downtown Athletic Club, then you're thinking way too much. In fact, if the Downtown Athletic Club wants its winners to embody certain values, it should take the media members out of the equation and name a winner based on transcripts, public service and church attendance.

BTW, before someone asks, REC stands for Red Elephant Club!  ;)

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I thought ESPN (along with Nike) was part of the vast conspiracy against us and that they had no credibility or integrity?

I am getting a HEADACHE trying to follow this. Am I supposed to trust ESPN or not trust ESPN?

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I thought ESPN (along with Nike) was part of the vast conspiracy against us and that they had no credibility or integrity?

I am getting a HEADACHE trying to follow this. Am I supposed to trust ESPN or not trust ESPN?

^^^This. So when they bash us we disown them and then when they post a nice lil article about Cam. We like them again.

I am so confused. But again I am not bashing anyone about this. Tbh I do not know what to think. I mean its nice ESPN is starting to realize this sounds like poopie but not everyone is going to see that. We just have to realize that and think to ourselves "that do I really want to read, chat, or argue with someone that believes in accusations that holds no water? Hence, everything they are saying is just pure bologna b/c they believe anything they hear w/o question the credibility of their source."

This has gotten so out of hand that I am not even paying attention to what anyone says.

To anyone, please do not take offense to this. I just want our AU family to see that we should not care what a bunch of cheddarheads say, don't even waste your time with em.

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^^^^correction: vast "right-wing conspiracy",.... for all the post-modernists out there...

I was/am  so confused, I was not sure if ESPN was left-wing or right-wing, Fascist or Communist.

I think I figured it out now. They are really out to get us, but they are saying something good about us because they think we will think they think if they say something bad about us we will think they are doing that so we will not think they are saying something good about us to make  people think that they are not really out to get us.

It is SO CLEAR now, it all part of the master plan, I don't know how I missed that at first. Those guys are ESPN are so smart.

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^^^^correction: vast "right-wing conspiracy",.... for all the post-modernists out there...

I was/am  so confused, I was not sure if ESPN was left-wing or right-wing, Fascist or Communist.

I think I figured it out now. They are really out to get us, but they are saying something good about us because they think we will think they think if they say something bad about us we will think they are doing that so we will not think they are saying something good about us to make  people think that they are not really out to get us.

It is SO CLEAR now, it all part of the master plan, I don't know how I missed that at first. Those guys are ESPN are so smart.

(0_o)  ummm.....yeah....I agree with you!  How could I have missed it???

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^^^^correction: vast "right-wing conspiracy",.... for all the post-modernists out there...

I was/am  so confused, I was not sure if ESPN was left-wing or right-wing, Fascist or Communist.

I think I figured it out now. They are really out to get us, but they are saying something good about us because they think we will think they think if they say something bad about us we will think they are doing that so we will not think they are saying something good about us to make  people think that they are not really out to get us.

It is SO CLEAR now, it all part of the master plan, I don't know how I missed that at first. Those guys are ESPN are so smart.

rock i like the way you think,i think
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^^^^correction: vast "right-wing conspiracy",.... for all the post-modernists out there...

I was/am  so confused, I was not sure if ESPN was left-wing or right-wing, Fascist or Communist.

I think I figured it out now. They are really out to get us, but they are saying something good about us because they think we will think they think if they say something bad about us we will think they are doing that so we will not think they are saying something good about us to make  people think that they are not really out to get us.

It is SO CLEAR now, it all part of the master plan, I don't know how I missed that at first. Those guys are ESPN are so smart.

(0_o)  ummm.....yeah....I agree with you!  How could I have missed it???

I am just glad I wasn't the person at ESPN whose job it was to explain that to Dr. Lou.  ;D

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No, I think ESPN sees the writing on the wall. They are concerned with money first then integrity...and then sources. Maybe some of them would rather see Kellen Moore win the Heisman. I have gotten to the point that I don't trust any of them unless its an Auburn writer.

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^^^^correction: vast "right-wing conspiracy",.... for all the post-modernists out there...

I was/am  so confused, I was not sure if ESPN was left-wing or right-wing, Fascist or Communist.

I think I figured it out now. They are really out to get us, but they are saying something good about us because they think we will think they think if they say something bad about us we will think they are doing that so we will not think they are saying something good about us to make  people think that they are not really out to get us.

It is SO CLEAR now, it all part of the master plan, I don't know how I missed that at first. Those guys are ESPN are so smart.


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^^^^correction: vast "right-wing conspiracy",.... for all the post-modernists out there...

I was/am  so confused, I was not sure if ESPN was left-wing or right-wing, Fascist or Communist.

I think I figured it out now. They are really out to get us, but they are saying something good about us because they think we will think they think if they say something bad about us we will think they are doing that so we will not think they are saying something good about us to make  people think that they are not really out to get us.

It is SO CLEAR now, it all part of the master plan, I don't know how I missed that at first. Those guys are ESPN are so smart.


heheheeee!  <3 that motivational pic!!!  totally fits the ESPN conspiracy theory!

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from the linked article: "To be fair, there's no avoiding the issues surrounding Newton. It would be both ignorant and naive to believe there's not some kernel of truth to all the reports."

This implies some guilt where there is no evidence.  This is the kind of crap I'm getting tired of.  If enough people started the rumor that Lou Holtz likes to have intimate relationships with farm animals, particularly goats, then it would be ignorant and naive to believe there's not some kernal of truth.  Sheesh.

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from the linked article: "To be fair, there's no avoiding the issues surrounding Newton. It would be both ignorant and naive to believe there's not some kernel of truth to all the reports."

This implies some guilt where there is no evidence.  This is the kind of crap I'm getting tired of.  If enough people started the rumor that Lou Holtz likes to have intimate relationships with farm animals, particularly goats, then it would be ignorant and naive to believe there's not some kernal of truth.  Sheesh.

I could believe that.  :laugh:

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In the live report above the article, you think LOOSER Lou is the one keeping Cam off the ballot :rolleyes:

Now if espn would keep LOOSER Lou of the tube  :thumbsup:

Did LOOSE Holtz even when a game in the SEC, while coach at USCe.

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No, I think ESPN sees the writing on the wall. They are concerned with money first then integrity...and then sources. Maybe some of them would rather see Kellen Moore win the Heisman. I have gotten to the point that I don't trust any of them unless its an Auburn writer.

You hit the nail on the head.

War Eagle !

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Unfortunately, the next two games for us are no win situations for Newton and the Heisman trophy.  If we lose one of them, then the voters get an excuse not to vote for him and he will be thrown almost out of the race completely.  If we win them both and the investigation isn't done, the shroud is still over us and half the voters won't know what to do.

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Idk if anybody is watching sportscenter but WOW did Herby sound awful confident that we will lose this Friday. He actually said "When" Auburn loses Boise will see that and come out fired up to beat Nevada. He says Oregon and Boise will play in the National Championship. No problem with a little prediction but you don't have to stretch to realize he was almost disrespectful in the way he said it. Maybe not though. Didn't piss me off till he said "when" we lose like we have no chance in hell.

But then again I kinda like it. He can eat $*&t after we get done with bama.

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