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If a recruit or a recruit's parent complains to the admin or a mod of this site - and the admin and/or mod ask you to stop whatever you're doing to upset that recruit/parent ....... you STOP!!!!!!!

If you are too immature or too egotistical to do the right thing, and STOP, you don't deserve to post here anyway!

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If a recruit or a recruit's parent complains to the admin or a mod of this site - and the admin and/or mod ask you to stop whatever you're doing to upset that recruit/parent ....... you STOP!!!!!!!

If you are too immature or too egotistical to do the right thing, and STOP, you don't deserve to post here anyway!



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You can get his info on his facebook page.   The info on this site posted by ST and DJ is more accurate than anything you can get from the facebook site.


The general membership of AE has no idea what has gone on behind the scenes in regards to jth and noel.  We felt it best for the site to get them to conform to the AE standards.  They decided they knew best and did their own thing.  We tried more than a few times to convince them and were even willing to concede a little but they wanted no part of it.

This thread will always have the latest news, facts and projections.  It may not be updated every two hours because recruiting doesn't change every two hours.


There are numerous other threads about individual recruits and position needs.   We watch these threads closely.  The info in these threads is good and open for discussions.  

Thanks for being members of AE and thanks for trusting us to have the latest recruiting information available.


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I am a mod who is not a recruiting guru. Just a regular OLD Auburn Man. Please remember why you join out site. We promised to not post heresay, rumors, or use premium sites for info about recruits. Why do you think we have some members who are family of the actual recruits or the recruits themselves? Because they trust us. We, AE, only have the best interest at heart for Auburn in ALL sports. If you don't like it that is OK, but come NSD you will have the best coverage of any free site in the business. Now one last thing as I said you know I'm OLD school so I will say when in doubt just blame Bigbird.

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I love lamp!

Blame bigbird!

This will be my new mantra!

Seriously, we (mods) do what's best for our site (AE) and evreything surrounding Auburn Athletics, that's it. Period

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