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Iowa players hospitalized


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:o Well at least extreme dehydration isn't unhealthy or anything. I love how the damage from extreme dehydration is irreversable.

not sure if you're being sarcastic, but these kids are in some serious mess. They have rhabdomyolysis, which could result in kidney failure. It's not just dehydration, its their muscles breaking down and the protein is clogging up the nephrons in their kidneys. Some strength coach is gonna get the axe for this, promise, because it was EASILY preventable.

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It sounds very serious and I don't know that I've ever even heard of this happening before.  Some of the workouts they were forced to endure were brutal.

Am I the only one that thinks that working out alone could not have caused this? I could see a player or two going down with it because the workouts were too much, but everybody's body is a little different... isn't it weird that 12 of them got it at once? To me that screams accidental poisoning or something. IDK, I have no professional medical knowledge but it just seems weird that that many people would get something from extreme workouts.

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Makes you wonder what is in the water.  Not trying to be silly,  that many people effected in the same way, it cannot be just the workout can it?  I would think that there must be something more, food, water, supplements.  In this day and age I cannot imagine a system that allows the level of dehydration mentioned to occur. 

I will only say that those players are in my prayers!

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It actually has to do more with the conditioning of the athletes, but risk factors include the supplements they were taking for sure. The most likely factor that caused it was the fact that their body temperatures were not regulated appropriately and resulted in muscle breakdown, while dehydration also played a factor. Its nothing to do with the water they were drinking.

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Another hijacked tread.  This is interesting reading but should have been posted in the College football section.

Nah, I'm sure it will get back on target soon, especially if any news comes out about CK. Man I would love to get him to AU. There should at least be some news on him after his visit this weekend, an interview on how it went at the least I would hope.

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I went ahead and split this off from the Kouandjio thread because it had gotten so off course, and this is an issue that I thought you guys might like to continue chatting about. I'll be moving it to College Football in short order, though.

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Could this have been some players flirting with roids? Or bad batch or roids?

Or had they all been out drinking the night before

seems odd that 12 would have this problem all at one time.

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:o Well at least extreme dehydration isn't unhealthy or anything. I love how the damage from extreme dehydration is irreversable.

not sure if you're being sarcastic, but these kids are in some serious mess. They have rhabdomyolysis, which could result in kidney failure. It's not just dehydration, its their muscles breaking down and the protein is clogging up the nephrons in their kidneys. Some strength coach is gonna get the axe for this, promise, because it was EASILY preventable.

I was being extremely sarcastic. This is terrible news for eveeryone involved. Extreme cases of dehydration can lead severe brain, kidney, and liver damage.  I was in no way suggesting that this is a joke. 

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