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Player we won't miss as much as we thought we would in 2011


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You killing me with this 5 win crap! Who on our schdule is that much better? As far as the texas comparison there isn't one texas lost their identity as good as cam was malzahn is still the identity of this offense. If this staff can win 8 games with chris todd and absolutely no depth surely 9 wins with the talent we have isn't a stretch.

On paper... UGA, LSU, USCe, UF, Clemson, Arkansas, and Bama all will be better.

I agree..on paper.   But we always beat at least a couple that we aren't supposed to.  I think we beat the same 5 you do plus:

UGA - We play well in Athens and they don't have playmakers (except freshmen) just like last year.

UF - first year coaching staff and home field do Gators in.

Bama - Will be a low scoring game... JH will be difference.

So I say 8-4 plus the bowl game for 9 wins.  Won't be easy but these coaches have what it takes.


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You killing me with this 5 win crap! Who on our schdule is that much better? As far as the texas comparison there isn't one texas lost their identity as good as cam was malzahn is still the identity of this offense. If this staff can win 8 games with chris todd and absolutely no depth surely 9 wins with the talent we have isn't a stretch.

On paper... UGA, LSU, USCe, UF, Clemson, Arkansas, and Bama all will be better.

They were all better on paper last year and it didn't save them.

.... We were better than USCe, Clemson, and UGA on paper.

So we were better when they had bowers, parker, harper, jenkins, gilchrist, and mcdaniel and but not without them?  I don't think so

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You killing me with this 5 win crap! Who on our schdule is that much better? As far as the texas comparison there isn't one texas lost their identity as good as cam was malzahn is still the identity of this offense. If this staff can win 8 games with chris todd and absolutely no depth surely 9 wins with the talent we have isn't a stretch.

On paper... UGA, LSU, USCe, UF, Clemson, Arkansas, and Bama all will be better.

Most of the teams that you say on paper will be better had major player losses also. So it is really how fast new players can step up.  You could be right but I honestly believe Gus can hide some of our weaknesses as the team gels. Maybe I am drinking orange and blue koolaid.  If that is the case it tastes real good.  I am predicting a minimum of 8-4 and if team gels fast enough it could be a lot better. I think D will play both half's this year.

I agree about Cam.

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Ok, everybody settle down.

Legacy you’re wrong.  I agree Cam was an X factor that pushed us over the top in about six close games.  That is six games that we would probably have lost 3 of.  But the key to all of this was not actually Cam, but our Coaches.

Cam started off the year an average QB.  He was bad a carrying out his fakes, bad at reading the defensive coverage, and mediocre at passing.  He was not capable of running the same style offense we ran the year before (Malzahn’s first year).  So over the first couple games our coaches learned his abilities and catered the offensive scheme for Cam Newton.  Newton also had a huge support cast: Adams, Zachery, McCaleb, and a very experienced O-Line.

As in any level of football or business, you have to adapt your plan to the talent you have.  That is what we did to win it this year, and that is what we will do to be successful next year.  We will use what we got to the best of our ability.

I know everybody is new and in-experienced, but there is an extreme amount of talent down on the plains right now.   

With that said I see a 8-4 season in our future, worst case 7-5.  WDE!!!

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.... I'm never that much off.

1. I predicted us to go 10-2, this past season, and Cam pushed us all the way as an unforeseen x factor.

2. Schedule is too hard with too many key away games.

3. Who are our leaders?!

4. We're gonna have a target on our back from winning it all... You better believe...

a) UGA wants revenge from Fairley

B) Bama wants revenge (in general) from 24-0 come back

c) LSU wants revenge from us rushing for 440 yards on their ass

d) Arkansas wants to keep us from ever scoring again.... EVAR!

e) You d@mn well better believe USCe is gonna bring it in their house from the wood shedder we gave 'em

f) Clemson wants revenge from an over-time loss that cost them the season

g) UF will be better than us on paper plus will want OLD revenge...

5. Too many inexperienced players at key positions like the ENTIRE O-line basically, QB, WR, WR#2, DE, DT, MLB, Safty, CB, and Kicker

Just gonna be too much to over come. Expect 5-7!

War Eagle


Our coaches are better than even we think they are, and the young talent that saw the field last season steps up this year when we need them most.

Demetruce McNeal made a tackle that won the Championship Game.

Corey Lemonier made a tackle that won the Championship Game.

Michael Dyer had two runs that won the Championship Game.

Our sophomores, juniors, and RS freshmen may just surprise you Legacy.

Not to mention we have better options to replace an OL than any other school in the country with our two consecutive #1 OL recruiting classes.

I expect mistakes, but not 5-7 mistakes.

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On paper... UGA, LSU, USCe, UF, Clemson, Arkansas, and Bama all will be better.

Even in years when Auburn has not been particularly powerful relative to the rest of the SEC, there are usually one or two "how did that happen?" wins.  I agree with you that these will all be tough games, but we aren't going to lose ALL of them.  Maybe most of them, but not all.  Clemson always manages to underperform their talent level, Arkansas just lost their star QB, Florida is adjusting to a new coach after a down year (we know how that is), and South Carolina might not be better than us on paper next year, either, if they don't have a new QB step up to Garcia's (occasional) level.  I think that the 10+ win (regular season) people are drinking the kool aid a bit too much, but I think you're going to the other extreme. 

To answer the actual question, I'll say Darvin Adams.  This isn't to say that he wasn't fantastic this year, because he was, and he will be missed...but, he won't be missed by as much as his name and 2010 production would lead us to think, IMO.  The reason for this is that we have pretty good WR depth, AND there are enough other question marks at positions that impact the WRs that it might not matter whether Adams had stayed or not.  Trotter has to establish himself as a genuine threat to pass and run (he can't be Cam, he just has to be at least competent on both fronts), AND the new offensive line has to prove itself in run blocking and pass blocking, AND the RB depth has to stay intact before who our non-Blake WRs are even matters.  So, I say because of the questions at other positions, the WR depth is less of an issue than it would be on a team that already had veteran, proven players and depth at all those other positions.  If the QB, OL, and RB depth hold up, then Adams' absence won't be a huge deal due to depth at the position.  If any of those things don't happen, then there would be nothing that Adams could do to help us anyway. 

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.... I'm never that much off.

1. I predicted us to go 10-2, this past season, and Cam pushed us all the way as an unforeseen x factor.

2. Schedule is too hard with too many key away games.

3. Who are our leaders?!

4. We're gonna have a target on our back from winning it all... You better believe...

a) UGA wants revenge from Fairley

B) Bama wants revenge (in general) from 24-0 come back

c) LSU wants revenge from us rushing for 440 yards on their ass

d) Arkansas wants to keep us from ever scoring again.... EVAR!

e) You d@mn well better believe USCe is gonna bring it in their house from the wood shedder we gave 'em

f) Clemson wants revenge from an over-time loss that cost them the season

g) UF will be better than us on paper plus will want OLD revenge...

5. Too many inexperienced players at key positions like the ENTIRE O-line basically, QB, WR, WR#2, DE, DT, MLB, Safty, CB, and Kicker

Just gonna be too much to over come. Expect 5-7!

War Eagle

And my grandmother WANTS to fly jets.  Ain't gonna happen though. :laugh:

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In my opinion, Cam Newton is the player who had the most impact in 2010 that we shall miss the least in 2011. The offense was changed and adjusted to use his abilities. With younger players coming along, we will see a return of the entire Gus Malzahn offense and Barrett Trotter will be able to manage it all. Auburn will not have 1400 yards of rushing from the quarterback position, but 300 to 500 is possible.

I do not think the o-line will be missed as much as some do. The players that start next year will have benefited from a lot of time in the system. There is also better depth than I can remember.

Darvin Adams was an exceptional player for Auburn, but there are several others very capable of stepping up and covering his role. We can expect at least one of them to be successful.

Nick Fairley will be the most difficult player to replace next year. The youth at the defensive tackle position will make this a hard role to replace. I do think the depth and talent at defensive end will help offset some of that though.

With the team being so young, the biggest problem is going to be injuries. Younger players are usually prone to more injuries and next October is a schedule where they could add up. There is no problem with leadership and ability on the 2011 squad. They will be a 9 or 10 win team with normal progression and average injuries to key players. They could be better with a little luck and some players progressing more than average. The only way I see them winning less than 9 is if they are decimated by injuries.

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Okay guys, while I think we will be a little better than a 5 win team, I think LT has some points.

We lost a Heisman QB – I think Trotter will impress some people and maybe even be a step up from Todd, but will not compare to Cam

We lost the best D-line player in the nation – We have NO ONE that can fill the void left by Nick.  We have some talented young guys, but they are too young and will make too many mistakes – inconsistency leads to losses

We lost our 2 best Linebackers – replacing 2 guys who played almost every snap the past 2 years, yeah…

We lost our 2 best WR – we have talent here, but again its young

We lost our Kicker – we won a lot of game because of his leg

Most Important: We lost 4/5 starters on the O-line – we have recruited well here but you don’t win with a young o-line no matter how talented they are.  I expect this (and a young d-line) to be our biggest problems for 2012.

I’m leaning towards a 7-8 win season, but to do that we’re still going to have to beat someone we’re not suppose to.

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Legacy Tiger sounds like a legacy Bammer. I do not think Gus Malzahn stayed for a losing season!!

Even ESPN expects better than that!!

I say 9-10 wins. This team is loaded with talent!

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Legacy Tiger sounds like a legacy Bammer. I do not think Gus Malzahn stayed for a losing season!!

Even ESPN expects better than that!!

I say 9-10 wins. This team is loaded with talent!

Inexperienced talent. Reaching 10 wins would probably be the single greatest coaching job in the past decade

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Here is my issue with any college football fan ... you know the old saying anybody can win on any given day (hacksonville state vs ole miss) well its true but yet every team has those fair weathered fans who refuse to have faith and confidence in their team. I really believe if you want to be pessimistic go be pessimistic somewhere else because when you are ALL IN that means there is no reason for pessimistic people. I for one believe we will win every game unless proven otherwise. You never know who will win that's why they play the game.

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i'm pretty certain we wont have a losing season, but I definetly think we will struggle a little, especially on the road. Football games are won and lost at the line of scrimmage, and the fact is we are losing every starter (sans Eguae and Moseley) on BOTH lines of scrimmage. Tough to bounce back immediately with so many young guys stepping in.

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.... I'm never that much off.

1. I predicted us to go 10-2, this past season, and Cam pushed us all the way as an unforeseen x factor.

2. Schedule is too hard with too many key away games.

3. Who are our leaders?!

4. We're gonna have a target on our back from winning it all... You better believe...

a) UGA wants revenge from Fairley

B) Bama wants revenge (in general) from 24-0 come back

c) LSU wants revenge from us rushing for 440 yards on their ass

d) Arkansas wants to keep us from ever scoring again.... EVAR!

e) You d@mn well better believe USCe is gonna bring it in their house from the wood shedder we gave 'em

f) Clemson wants revenge from an over-time loss that cost them the season

g) UF will be better than us on paper plus will want OLD revenge...

5. Too many inexperienced players at key positions like the ENTIRE O-line basically, QB, WR, WR#2, DE, DT, MLB, Safty, CB, and Kicker

Just gonna be too much to over come. Expect 5-7!

War Eagle

Man you are a real optimist, all of your points above are laughable at best.

1) You watch too much ESPN and believe what they are shoveling

2) The schedule is always this tough and we won 8 in '09 with almost an identical schedule.

3) The same was said last year when AC left and we had an unknown at QB (this complaint will be heard til the end of time)

4) This revenge thing did not help us for several years as we were sliding to all of the teams you listed above, and I don't think it will help them this year

5) We had the same situation in '07 if you recall annd we have on whole a much more talented reserve to fill the void then we did then. AU had an offensive line composed of 4 freshman and a former walk-on amd Auburn still managed 8 wins.

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Hey, it's a process, 'aight?  09 was 7 wins plus a bowl win.  Last year should have been 8 wins plus a bowl game (but nobody foresaw the Cam explosion).  This year should be 9 wins plus a bowl.  Stay the course.

Look at three things: 1) Talent 2) depth 3) experience.  Last year we had talent and experience.  This year we have talent and depth.  Next year, we have all three.

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