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J. Lee has something up in regard to Calloway


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Is this the other big story that Yahoo writer was implying awhile back?

Let's just say they have the goods.

If this turns out to be true and Bama ends up back in front of the NCAA I can't decide if I'll do the Truffle Shuffle or a Bruce Willis jig.

Just dance, my friend, just dance. :happydance:

Song and dance...just like Christopher Walken. :)

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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee.  He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore.  I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it.  On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true.  If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


Yeah, I saw the bama guy on TD.com saying that portions of Lee's comments were true.  But, he also said that Lee better let this thing die down or else there will be some other "thing's" coming out about Troopers recruitment in Miami.

Sounds like a freaking WAR is about to break out soon.  This is going to ruin the whole state of Alabama and the whole SEC if this mess keeps going on.

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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee.  He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore.  I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it.  On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true.  If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


Yeah, I saw the bama guy on TD.com saying that portions of Lee's comments were true.  But, he also said that Lee better let this thing die down or else there will be some other "thing's" coming out about Troopers recruitment in Miami.

Sounds like a freaking WAR is about to break out soon.  This is going to ruin the whole state of Alabama and the whole SEC if this mess keeps going on.

I would be willing to bet you a year's pay, that if the turds had anything on TT, they would have already produced it.

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I hope this is true and it grows legs that can run like the wind and giving the NCAA this news. I hope J. Lee will keep a copy for himself just in case.

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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee.  He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore.  I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it.  On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true.  If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


I would say JLee's credentials far outweight those of SMoore.

I would tend to agree with you.  However; this is the first time (that I am aware) an Admin from an AU site has publically gone on record with this type of information and it is pretty explosive.  JLee needs to be 100% accurate with this.  Unfortunately, he also tends to throw rumors around more than most (Admins) on the Rivals board.  


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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee.  He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore.  I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it.  On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true.  If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


Yeah, I saw the bama guy on TD.com saying that portions of Lee's comments were true.  But, he also said that Lee better let this thing die down or else there will be some other "thing's" coming out about Troopers recruitment in Miami.

Sounds like a freaking WAR is about to break out soon.  This is going to ruin the whole state of Alabama and the whole SEC if this mess keeps going on.

Well they have started the war if slive wanted to stop it.  Then he should have done it before the cam stuff blew up.  He didn't so at least now we are fighting back.  

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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee.  He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore.  I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it.  On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true.  If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


Yeah, I saw the bama guy on TD.com saying that portions of Lee's comments were true.  But, he also said that Lee better let this thing die down or else there will be some other "thing's" coming out about Troopers recruitment in Miami.

Sounds like a freaking WAR is about to break out soon.  This is going to ruin the whole state of Alabama and the whole SEC if this mess keeps going on.

All's fair.

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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee.  He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore.  I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it.  On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true.  If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


Yeah, I saw the bama guy on TD.com saying that portions of Lee's comments were true.  But, he also said that Lee better let this thing die down or else there will be some other "thing's" coming out about Troopers recruitment in Miami.

Sounds like a freaking WAR is about to break out soon.  This is going to ruin the whole state of Alabama and the whole SEC if this mess keeps going on.

I would be willing to bet you a year's pay, that if the turds had anything on TT, they would have already produced it.

Listen, Trooper has some shady tacktics.  It was going on even back in his Tulane days, I don't want anybody calling him to the rug, because it won't be pretty.  

And, it ain't the turds that have the goods on Trooper, it's them other Tigah's.  Troop's been steppin on some toes in cajun country and they ain't too happy 'bout it.  Then he started jackin around down in South Florida, and those folks are antsy to throw a rock or two at the SEC as well.

It's a freaking War and the entire SEC will eat it's own before it's over.

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Well, what it looks like to me is that this will do nothing but hurt Calloway. Things that stuck out to me.

1. "Not a booster and not an alumnist", so he's a fan? Are you serious? If this "supporter" has no affiliation with the school and no one let UA's compliance department know of the matter then all its going to do is get Calloway either suspended or kicked off the team, see Jerrell Harris.

2. He missed three days of school and we should care? I missed over 10 days of school my senior year for no reason, big deal.

3. How many other Russellville kids were once 5 star recruits according to rivals.com or any other site for that matter? There could possibly be more, but information would have been helpful if there are other similar athletes, it's useless if he is the only high profile recruit. Regardless, this says more against the state of recruiting than anything else.

I'm not getting my hopes up. We've been here before and been burned before. Number one, Lee has to be right, which there is probably some truth to his claims, but he has a tendency to make pieces fit where they don't belong. Number two, this "supporter" better be someone that matters because if he isn't a booster or part of the alumni (I'm assuming he isn't an employee), it isn't going to matter if no one in UA's compliance knew about it.

So fans can pay players and not hurt the football program???  Not really following.  So I guess we would have no problem at AU if a fan that was not a booster or alum was giving handshake $$$ to Chazy??  Or a fan, not alum or booster, gave McGlover the bookbag of $$$.  

If I owned a big business or had lots of $$$, I would target top tier athletes and pay them to come to AU and just hope I didn't get caught.  All that would happen if caught is the player would be kicked off the team.  Really??  Hard to believe that.  I'm no NCAA rules expert, but that does not add up and would not be ok in my eyes.  Does the rule specifically say receiving $$$ from a booster or alum from that school???  I really don't know.  

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At this point, we have an Auburn beat writer accusing an Alabama recruit getting benefits from a "supporter" of UA, and who does that writer cite as his source?  "Sources."  We all know how reliable "sources" can be.  Until this thing is hashed out and anything actually comes of it, I'm not going to hold my breath about any possible consequences to UA.

At this point all I have to say is, at least its not about AU this time.

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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee.  He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore.  I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it.  On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true.  If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


Yeah, I saw the bama guy on TD.com saying that portions of Lee's comments were true.  But, he also said that Lee better let this thing die down or else there will be some other "thing's" coming out about Troopers recruitment in Miami.

Sounds like a freaking WAR is about to break out soon.  This is going to ruin the whole state of Alabama and the whole SEC if this mess keeps going on.

Really a threat from a turd? say it ain't so!!!!! I'm sure the well connected bammers hang out at TD of all places.  :rolleyes: Other than rumors, if they had anything on TT do you really think they would've saved it for a rainy day?
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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee.  He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore.  I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it.  On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true.  If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


Yeah, I saw the bama guy on TD.com saying that portions of Lee's comments were true.  But, he also said that Lee better let this thing die down or else there will be some other "thing's" coming out about Troopers recruitment in Miami.

Sounds like a freaking WAR is about to break out soon.  This is going to ruin the whole state of Alabama and the whole SEC if this mess keeps going on.

Well they have started the war if slive wanted to stop it.  Then he should have done it before the cam stuff blew up.  He didn't so at least now we are fighting back.  

Are you saying Slive should have got up off his old wrinkled arse and put a stop the MSU/Newton fiasco way before it got out of hand?  Who started that war?  MSU?  Mullen?  Meyer?  Bonds?  Bell? Rodgers?

Who started it ?

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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee.  He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore.  I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it.  On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true.  If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


Yeah, I saw the bama guy on TD.com saying that portions of Lee's comments were true.  But, he also said that Lee better let this thing die down or else there will be some other "thing's" coming out about Troopers recruitment in Miami.

Sounds like a freaking WAR is about to break out soon.  This is going to ruin the whole state of Alabama and the whole SEC if this mess keeps going on.

Well they have started the war if slive wanted to stop it.  Then he should have done it before the cam stuff blew up.  He didn't so at least now we are fighting back.  

Are you saying Slive should have got up off his old wrinkled arse and put a stop the MSU/Newton fiasco way before it got out of hand?  Who started that war?  MSU?  Mullen?  Meyer?  Bonds?  Bell? Rodgers?

Who started it ?

Keep on guessing, your getting warmer.
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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee.  He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore.  I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it.  On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true.  If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


Yeah, I saw the bama guy on TD.com saying that portions of Lee's comments were true.  But, he also said that Lee better let this thing die down or else there will be some other "thing's" coming out about Troopers recruitment in Miami.

Sounds like a freaking WAR is about to break out soon.  This is going to ruin the whole state of Alabama and the whole SEC if this mess keeps going on.

Well they have started the war if slive wanted to stop it.  Then he should have done it before the cam stuff blew up.  He didn't so at least now we are fighting back.  

Are you saying Slive should have got up off his old wrinkled arse and put a stop the MSU/Newton fiasco way before it got out of hand?  Who started that war?  MSU?  Mullen?  Meyer?  Bonds?  Bell? Rodgers?

Who started it ?

Bo knows.

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Well, what it looks like to me is that this will do nothing but hurt Calloway. Things that stuck out to me.

1. "Not a booster and not an alumnist", so he's a fan? Are you serious? If this "supporter" has no affiliation with the school and no one let UA's compliance department know of the matter then all its going to do is get Calloway either suspended or kicked off the team, see Jerrell Harris.

2. He missed three days of school and we should care? I missed over 10 days of school my senior year for no reason, big deal.

3. How many other Russellville kids were once 5 star recruits according to rivals.com or any other site for that matter? There could possibly be more, but information would have been helpful if there are other similar athletes, it's useless if he is the only high profile recruit. Regardless, this says more against the state of recruiting than anything else.

I'm not getting my hopes up. We've been here before and been burned before. Number one, Lee has to be right, which there is probably some truth to his claims, but he has a tendency to make pieces fit where they don't belong. Number two, this "supporter" better be someone that matters because if he isn't a booster or part of the alumni (I'm assuming he isn't an employee), it isn't going to matter if no one in UA's compliance knew about it.

UAT has a history of "non boosters" providing illegal benefits to prospects and players. They are called "bag men". Guys who aren't necessarily connected directly to uat (and are therefor "safe"), but who don't mind doing a favor for a buddy. It's a pretty easy game to play in good 'ol boy Alabama. Every instance of this needs to be brought to light, so that the NCAA can eventually point to the pattern and hang those cheating bastages anyway.

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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee. He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore. I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it. On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true. If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


Yeah, I saw the bama guy on TD.com saying that portions of Lee's comments were true. But, he also said that Lee better let this thing die down or else there will be some other "thing's" coming out about Troopers recruitment in Miami.

Sounds like a freaking WAR is about to break out soon. This is going to ruin the whole state of Alabama and the whole SEC if this mess keeps going on.

Well they have started the war if slive wanted to stop it. Then he should have done it before the cam stuff blew up. He didn't so at least now we are fighting back.

Are you saying Slive should have got up off his old wrinkled arse and put a stop the MSU/Newton fiasco way before it got out of hand? Who started that war? MSU? Mullen? Meyer? Bonds? Bell? Rodgers?

Who started it ?

Yes, I am saying it he doesn't have to call out any specific schools.  Although there are 3 I would specifically talk to if I was him. This had all been reported to the ncaa and they couldn't let the process play out. So, screw them if it is ok for them then it is ok for us.

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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee.  He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore.  I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it.  On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true.  If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


Yeah, I saw the bama guy on TD.com saying that portions of Lee's comments were true.  But, he also said that Lee better let this thing die down or else there will be some other "thing's" coming out about Troopers recruitment in Miami.

Sounds like a freaking WAR is about to break out soon.  This is going to ruin the whole state of Alabama and the whole SEC if this mess keeps going on.

Well they have started the war if slive wanted to stop it.  Then he should have done it before the cam stuff blew up.  He didn't so at least now we are fighting back.  

Are you saying Slive should have got up off his old wrinkled arse and put a stop the MSU/Newton fiasco way before it got out of hand?  Who started that war?  MSU?  Mullen?  Meyer?  Bonds?  Bell? Rodgers?

Who started it ?

Keep on guessing, your getting warmer.

Oh!  I got it - the turds, right?  Cause Lord knows they run the freaking universe.

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I can't IMAGINE how the Bammers feel if they went down and we didn't.


Tell JLee to stay away from all flights of stairs.  I read his stuff and don't want him falling up any stair cases...   :dunno:

There would be a houndstooth meltdown of epic proportions. ;D

We would have to worry about more than just trees. NOT JOKING.

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Well, what it looks like to me is that this will do nothing but hurt Calloway. Things that stuck out to me.

1. "Not a booster and not an alumnist", so he's a fan? Are you serious? If this "supporter" has no affiliation with the school and no one let UA's compliance department know of the matter then all its going to do is get Calloway either suspended or kicked off the team, see Jerrell Harris.

2. He missed three days of school and we should care? I missed over 10 days of school my senior year for no reason, big deal.

3. How many other Russellville kids were once 5 star recruits according to rivals.com or any other site for that matter? There could possibly be more, but information would have been helpful if there are other similar athletes, it's useless if he is the only high profile recruit. Regardless, this says more against the state of recruiting than anything else.

I'm not getting my hopes up. We've been here before and been burned before. Number one, Lee has to be right, which there is probably some truth to his claims, but he has a tendency to make pieces fit where they don't belong. Number two, this "supporter" better be someone that matters because if he isn't a booster or part of the alumni (I'm assuming he isn't an employee), it isn't going to matter if no one in UA's compliance knew about it.

UAT has a history of "non boosters" providing illegal benefits to prospects and players. They are called "bag men". Guys who aren't necessarily connected directly to uat (and are therefor "safe"), but who don't mind doing a favor for a buddy. It's a pretty easy game to play in good 'ol boy Alabama. Every instance of this needs to be brought to light, so that the NCAA can eventually point to the pattern and hang those cheating bastages anyway.

I agree with this - there are "supporters" that are used to disburse the funds to help secure players to schools.  

Now if we can just find 4-5 former turd players that will go on national TV and explain exactly how the scheme works, we may have something the NCAA would want to look at. :devil:

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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee.  He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore.  I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it.  On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true.  If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


I would say JLee's credentials far outweight those of SMoore.

I would tend to agree with you.  However; this is the first time (that I am aware) an Admin from an AU site has publically gone on record with this type of information and it is pretty explosive.  JLee needs to be 100% accurate with this.  Unfortunately, he also tends to throw rumors around more than most (Admins) on the Rivals board.  


What rumors has Jeff Lee thrown around previously.  He is the last I would expect to throw around rumors.  I have never seen him comment on a Bama "rumor".

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While happy to see someone going after spuat, I would like that someone to more credible than J. Lee.  He could turn into a much milder/sedate AU version of Scott Moore.  I hope he is right and if he his I am happy he is going public with it.  On another board, someone has posted that about 90% of what J. Lee posted was true.  If any of this info he makes public is proven untrue, then the entire info gets called into question.


I would say JLee's credentials far outweight those of SMoore.

I would tend to agree with you.  However; this is the first time (that I am aware) an Admin from an AU site has publically gone on record with this type of information and it is pretty explosive.  JLee needs to be 100% accurate with this.  Unfortunately, he also tends to throw rumors around more than most (Admins) on the Rivals board.  


What rumors has Jeff Lee thrown around previously.  He is the last I would expect to throw around rumors.  I have never seen him comment on a Bama "rumor".

Is Lee a reliable person?

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Apparently a well known sports writer in this state has been sitting on this story for a while now. Might explain why lee is breaking the story. Also why some here believe it is more than just happenstance that negative auburn stories go national and negative bammer stories go away.

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