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It's almost Time


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I went to get my 8 year old son up this morning.  As I was walking in to his room, his ipod alarm clock turned on, and out blasted Colt Ford Tailgate the Auburn version.  As he was wiping his eyes I said "Colt Ford Auburn Tailgate hugh?"  And he said "Yep it's almost time daddy."

I must say I shed a tear.

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great story.. thanks for sharing, but where can I find "Colt Ford Tailgate the Auburn version"?????

I found it on iTunes.  He did it for most all colleges I think.  It's only a couple of references to Auburn in the song.  Like the beginning he says "Auburn Football.  War Damn Eagle"  Which is what I heard when I walked in this morning.  My son and I just call it Tailgate The Auburn version.

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