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It Could Have Been Worse


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If ur AU, then it doesn't get much worse. On second thought we could have lost to La Mo. Oh no, no SEC team would lose to La. Mo.

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The day Alabama stomped a mud hole in us 36-0 could've been worse.  Van tiffen's fg could have been worse.  Eric ramsey situation could've been worse.  But they all sucked pretty damn bad

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The day Alabama stomped a mud hole in us 36-0 could've been worse.  Van tiffen's fg could have been worse.  Eric ramsey situation could've been worse.  But they all sucked pretty damn bad

The Sun will come up tomorrow and it will shine brightly. Maybe not as brightly as it would have if we had won today, but shine it will. Auburn will get another chance next Saturday. And God is in His Heaven. Keep the faith.
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Oh lord.  Give me a break.  I'm gona sleep fine tonite and im very well aware of the sun's arrival. I don't need any preaching.  God has nothing to do with the way Auburn is playing defense.  He has more important stuff to deal with

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Oh lord.  Give me a break.  I'm gona sleep fine tonite and im very well aware of the sun's arrival. I don't need any preaching.  God has nothing to do with the way Auburn is playing defense.  He has more important stuff to deal with

Go back and read your gut wrenching posts. You and a few others out-bammer the bammers. You have harped on AU's defense for hours. I'm absolutely certain that you'll sleep like a baby tonight--waking up every couple of hours and crying.
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Oh lord.  Give me a break.  I'm gona sleep fine tonite and im very well aware of the sun's arrival. I don't need any preaching.  God has nothing to do with the way Auburn is playing defense.  He has more important stuff to deal with

Go back and read your gut wrenching posts. You and a few others out-bammer the bammers. You have harped on AU's defense for hours. I'm absolutely certain that you'll sleep like a baby tonight--waking up every couple of hours and crying.

Personally, I'd like to say that I went through and read Tigerjeffm's last couple posts, and he's said nothing that I think labels as 'Bammer' behavior. He's been rational, funny at time, and critical of our nation leading horrible defense (all true). Did he say anything to make me think he's cares so much that he won't sleep tonight? Really? Not even close. This site is a bit too restrictive in that sense sometimes. That's not all the mod's fault, sometimes its people like BOP too. TigerJeffm didn't say anything wrong all night IMO and he's been one of the few people on here that I think actually gets whats wrong instead of just telling everyone to continue to love Roof. I'm in Japan, already went to bed, and already got up. Slept great.

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I hate to say it but with our D it may get a lot worse next Saturday. All it would take is a fumble here, int there and our D is going to make any offense productive.

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The day Alabama stomped a mud hole in us 36-0 could've been worse.  Van tiffen's fg could have been worse.  Eric ramsey situation could've been worse.  But they all sucked pretty damn bad

Van tiffen's fg could not have been worse.

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The day Alabama stomped a mud hole in us 36-0 could've been worse.  Van tiffen's fg could have been worse.  Eric ramsey situation could've been worse.  But they all sucked pretty damn bad

Van tiffen's fg could not have been worse.

Well I guess it couldn't have. Bad example, but you get my point

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Oh lord.  Give me a break.  I'm gona sleep fine tonite and im very well aware of the sun's arrival. I don't need any preaching.  God has nothing to do with the way Auburn is playing defense.  He has more important stuff to deal with

Go back and read your gut wrenching posts. You and a few others out-bammer the bammers. You have harped on AU's defense for hours. I'm absolutely certain that you'll sleep like a baby tonight--waking up every couple of hours and crying.

that was pretty uncalled for. kinda hard to take the moral high road while name calling.

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As I sit here watching Cam eating up last year's WC, I have to wish he was still a Tiger and what the outcome yesterday might have been. You give us back a healthy Nick Fairley, Josh Bynes, and Cam, we would have walked away from the Barney Rubble Rock rubbing ***** cats with at least a 42-24 win!! I am sure I will see a whole lot of butt ugly purple & orange shirts and hats this week in that I am 65 miles due North of Clemson. Clemson fans are OK for the most part. They are not like Lsu or bammer, in that they will treat you with respect if you do the same for them 90% of the time. In a lot of ways, it was like losing to Vandy in that you just do not think it could ever happen. I remember when Clemson was as bad as bad could get and you could play your reserves and win 45-7 10 out of 10 games.  I guess one level of respect we got was when they (Clemson), stormed the field after the game. We are still alive in the SEC and can keep that hope alive for hopefully a good while for 2011.  I want to play Clemson again in a few years and return the favor. Who knows, we might get the chance in a good bowl game at season's end. I am going to pump some sunshine for the rest of the season in that this team deserves our best no matter what happens. One thing that has always made me proud to be an Auburn fan is that Auburn fans are the best in all of college, and it is an honor to be an Auburn fan!!



:believe::devil: :devil: :believe: :believe:

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We're still undefeated in conference play.

Offense looked great, at times, yesterday.

We have the best head coach in college football that is a true Auburn man and lives the Creed daily.

We will be fine. We will undoubtedly take some bumps and bruises, but we'll become stronger through the struggle.

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We're still undefeated in conference play.

Offense looked great, at times, yesterday.

We have the best head coach in college football that is a true Auburn man and lives the Creed daily.

We will be fine. We will undoubtedly take some bumps and bruises, but we'll become stronger through the struggle.

More important to me than the conference record is the home record...WE MUST PROTECT THIS HOUSE is a mantra the fans need to take every bit as seriously as the players, if not more so.

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We're still undefeated in conference play.

Offense looked great, at times, yesterday.

We have the best head coach in college football that is a true Auburn man and lives the Creed daily.

We will be fine. We will undoubtedly take some bumps and bruises, but we'll become stronger through the struggle.


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