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Frazier was robbed of a TD on his run


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Either way, short or a TD this play should have been reviewed by upstairs just like ever other close to scoring or scoring play. the fact that they quickly blew it off as short, leads me to believe he scored and they didn't want to give him the TD.

We were eating at the Irish Bred Pub in Opelika Sunday night for Kiehl's birthday. (If you've never been there next time your in Auburn make the drive...it's well worth it...right in downtown Opelika next to the tracks.)

Of course a lot of people knew who he was....and they were replaying the game. There were quite a few people watching and when that play was shown the place erupted somewhat in frustration.

That was honestly the first time I saw it replayed, because at the game the angle where we were at was not condusive to making a conclusion either way.

After I saw it I looked at Kiehl and he smiled and said "See...I told ya'...I was in".

And I agreed with him.

Sounds like you and Kiehl had a lot of fun the other night for his birthday, but that's not what he told JLee. 

***Frazier turned 19 years old Sunday, Oct. 2, but he didn't do any celebrating.

"It was actually kind of boring," he said. "I went out to eat with my dad."

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Yeah...I hear ya' both.

I'd like to see how funny both of you thought it was if I got an oak paddle after you.

We'd see who was laughing then.  :o

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Yeah...I hear ya' both.

I'd like to see how funny both of you thought it was if I got an oak paddle after you.

We'd see who was laughing then.  :o


Now you're sounding like my dad.

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Yeah...I hear ya' both.

I'd like to see how funny both of you thought it was if I got an oak paddle after you.

We'd see who was laughing then.  :o

:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

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Needless to say I thought he scored too, but, unfortunatley, it doesn't matter what I think. But I was surprised they didn't review the play. Anyway, AU came away with the win. I hope CGM, KF and MD have a happy homecoming and bring home another W...WDE

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Mr. Frazier, as Auburn fans, we appreciate your insights and hope you continue to contribute to the board.  Also, as Auburn fans, we don't have to brag about having class, we show it.  The things that I admire the most in a good father are the ability to teach discipline, class, respect, faith, humbleness, integrity, and moral understanding. Even though I don't know you or Kiehl personally, I just want to thank you for raising an outstanding Auburn man. My dad is no longer with us but I know that he would feel the same way. I am very grateful that your family chose the AU family, because I think that you and your family picked a winner. Not just a winner in football, but, a winner in a head coach and coaching staff. Also, a winner in academics and moral conduct that embodies the Auburn spirit.  I can't wait to see Kiehl play! WDE!!!

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Yeah...I hear ya' both.

I'd like to see how funny both of you thought it was if I got an oak paddle after you.

We'd see who was laughing then.  :o

"When in doubt, use the strap." --My dad, quoted
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I agree (for what its worth) I thought he scored. I've watched the game 3 times and wondered why that play was never reveiwed or talked about at all. But, 2 more plays and we scored so, only hurt Frazier, I guess. Great running. :timeout::wareagle:

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