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Frazier was robbed of a TD on his run


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I thought he scored.  I never saw a replay that showed another camera angle.  It seemed like the TV crew just accepted the original field call and then it was move on, nothing to see here.

I don't know what was said on the TV coverage because I was listening to Auburn radio network play by play on the computer.

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Agree and thought the same.  I think it is time KF reap the reward of some of his clutch runs and get his first "TOUCHDOWN AUBUUURRRRRNNNN!"

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They spent a ton of time reviewing Dyer on the next play and never said anything about KF's TD.  Really hacked me off.  Am I ranting?  Wait,  I'm so confused.


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I watched the play ten different times.  Five times I thought he scored and five times I agreed with the refs.  It was one of those plays that goes whichever way the refs called.  Even if it had been reviewed, I don't think there was irrefutable evidence to overturn the call on the field.

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in retrospect (because we scored) it worked out fine in my opinion ... we ran an extra couple of plays and worked a little more clock and leaned on their DL a little more ... KF will have plenty of TD's in the future.

think about it with a silver lining ... next time KF is that close to the endzone, he may give it that 0.5% more that make the difference.  He is a "winner" and that type of play will make a "winner" hungrier next time.  I dont mind when things like this happen (since it ultimately did not cost us anything negative) because that provides a young man an extra learning experience.

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KF will have his first TD against Arky.  Book it.  He is from Arkansas and will probably have a lot a family and friends in attendance.  I just have a feeling he will be really trying to get the first one on the road in Little Rock. 

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KF will have his first TD against Arky.  Book it.  He is from Arkansas and will probably have a lot a family and friends in attendance.  I just have a feeling he will be really trying to get the first one on the road in Little Rock. 

It's not in Little Rock...It's in Fayetteville...(pronounced Fedvulle if your're a native).

But all the rest is real cool :thumbsup:

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Totally agree... he was in and it was horrible that they didn't review it.  Kiehl deserved a score on that run.  I wouldn't be surprised to see him get more than 1 this week, especially if the coaches start putting him in when we get to the red zone.

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Heck.......we SCORED 3 times during that series of downs!  Frazier / Dyer (first time ) / and then the dive over the top by Dyer!  Couldnt believe they didnt review the Frazier run!

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Either way, short or a TD this play should have been reviewed by upstairs just like ever other close to scoring or scoring play. the fact that they quickly blew it off as short, leads me to believe he scored and they didn't want to give him the TD.

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It's my understanding that every scoring play is reviewed up stairs, incredible effort by Frazier but it did seem like that would have been an incredibly difficult call to overturn.

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I am guessing that Frazier could have cared less about getting credit for the touchdown and was more excited that Auburn did score and that they won the game!!  But it was a close play and he will have plenty by the time he is done playing.

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Couldn't CGC have challenged it if he felt sure KF got in or is that just in the pros?

He could have, in my opinion, and may I remind you I'm not even close to a coach but, you have two more downs to play with and a back that gains at least two yards almost every carry. JMO, plus it's always tough on those goalline plays with so many bodies in one place

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Either way, short or a TD this play should have been reviewed by upstairs just like ever other close to scoring or scoring play. the fact that they quickly blew it off as short, leads me to believe he scored and they didn't want to give him the TD.

We were eating at the Irish Bred Pub in Opelika Sunday night for Kiehl's birthday. (If you've never been there next time your in Auburn make the drive...it's well worth it...right in downtown Opelika next to the tracks.)

Of course a lot of people knew who he was....and they were replaying the game. There were quite a few people watching and when that play was shown the place erupted somewhat in frustration.

That was honestly the first time I saw it replayed, because at the game the angle where we were at was not condusive to making a conclusion either way.

After I saw it I looked at Kiehl and he smiled and said "See...I told ya'...I was in".

And I agreed with him.

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Either way, short or a TD this play should have been reviewed by upstairs just like ever other close to scoring or scoring play. the fact that they quickly blew it off as short, leads me to believe he scored and they didn't want to give him the TD.

We were eating at the Irish Bred Pub in Opelika Sunday night for Kiehl's birthday. (If you've never been there next time your in Auburn make the drive...it's well worth it...right in downtown Opelika next to the tracks.)

Of course a lot of people knew who he was....and they were replaying the game. There were quite a few people watching and when that play was shown the place erupted somewhat in frustration.

That was honestly the first time I saw it replayed, because at the game the angle where we were at was not condusive to making a conclusion either way.

After I saw it I looked at Kiehl and he smiled and said "See...I told ya'...I was in".

And I agreed with him.

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Either way, short or a TD this play should have been reviewed by upstairs just like ever other close to scoring or scoring play. the fact that they quickly blew it off as short, leads me to believe he scored and they didn't want to give him the TD.

We were eating at the Irish Bred Pub in Opelika Sunday night for Kiehl's birthday. (If you've never been there next time your in Auburn make the drive...it's well worth it...right in downtown Opelika next to the tracks.)

Of course a lot of people knew who he was....and they were replaying the game. There were quite a few people watching and when that play was shown the place erupted somewhat in frustration.

That was honestly the first time I saw it replayed, because at the game the angle where we were at was not condusive to making a conclusion either way.

After I saw it I looked at Kiehl and he smiled and said "See...I told ya'...I was in".

And I agreed with him.


:we: Kiehl! :laugh:

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Either way, short or a TD this play should have been reviewed by upstairs just like ever other close to scoring or scoring play. the fact that they quickly blew it off as short, leads me to believe he scored and they didn't want to give him the TD.

We were eating at the Irish Bred Pub in Opelika Sunday night for Kiehl's birthday. (If you've never been there next time your in Auburn make the drive...it's well worth it...right in downtown Opelika next to the tracks.)

Of course a lot of people knew who he was....and they were replaying the game. There were quite a few people watching and when that play was shown the place erupted somewhat in frustration.

That was honestly the first time I saw it replayed, because at the game the angle where we were at was not condusive to making a conclusion either way.

After I saw it I looked at Kiehl and he smiled and said "See...I told ya'...I was in".

And I agreed with him.

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I rewatched the game last night, and feel he was defanately in. That was a TD, He was totally robbed.

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