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NFL Suspends Sean Payton


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The Saints are getting EXACTLY what they deserve.  Yeah, a lot of the hits were clean.  But if you tell Steve Smith that Roman Harper is a clean player, he will slap you upside side the head.  A "clean" tackle becomes a dirty tackle when it is performed to injure.  Just because the hits are between the whistles doesn't mean they're clean.  Kurt Warner, for instance, got destroyed between the whistles but, it was obvious they were trying to injure him. 

Also, I'm tired of hearing "every team in the NFL has this type of system."  Everyone has said it.  Stop trying to justify something that is obviously wrong by using the child's excuse of "everyone else is doing it too!" Others might do the same types of things... and they will be punished when they get caught. 

I grew up playing some of the toughest football the state of Alabama has to offer and I was never encouraged to actively go for an injury.  It shows a lack of class on the coach's and player's part and is a clear sign that a team has no confidence.  Instead of hoping for and celebrating an injury, grow a pair, get in the weight room, and get better.  Maybe then you can walk off the field with a little bit of pride about yourself.

I totally agree with what your saying. Liek I said before, I'm a Saints fan, and feel they got what they deserved. If anyone thought that the Saints were not going to be hammered and made an example out of, your kidding yourself.

:thumbsup:  Awesome.  I wasn't directing that at anyone specific.  It is just something that people need to realize.  I just hate it for players like Drew Brees

I love Drew, I hate it for him too, but it is what it is, On the NFL Network last night the commish. said that player suspentions are next on the block, so look for more fallout from this in the way of hammering players that were involved.

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This is ridiculous. A whole season?!? Payton has proven himself to be one of the best coaches in the NFL, and if people don't believe this goes on in every level of football you're kidding yourselves. Ask anyone who ever played defense in competitive football. If you make a legit, clean hit on a QB and you take him out for the game you're the hero on the sidelines, and there will be all kinds of cheers when the team is watching game film. The Saints weren't trying to take out players by being dirty. You can argue that they were being payed extra to try to take players out, but don't think that Nick Fairley, Mario Williams, Jared Allen, Suh, DeMarcus Ware etc. aren't payed millions in contract to do the same.

Do these contracts call out specific players?  Their jobs are to stop players and if someone gets hurt, it's part of the game.  Specifically targeting someone is flatout crazy.  If they want to target someone let them get in to cage fighting.  NFL got it right!

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In the end it does not matter. THe NFL is crap and in a few years there will be another lockout that will destroy the league as well as all the lawsuits they got going on. Players want more than the team owners will be able to make.

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Now there is a chance Bill Parcells will take over head coaching duties for this year only for the Saints. Also, Payton is thinking about appealing the length of the suspension--which I don't know why he wouldn't...

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the penalties were to harsh in my opinion. when belichick got caught cheating he didnt get nearly the punishment that Payton did. i dont see how hitting someone is worse than cheating. football is a collision sport and being a defensive player myself i dont care if there was a reward for knocking someone out or not, i always tried to hit the other team as hard as possible and if that took them out of the game then so be it. ive been knocked out of games before and i dont think to myself "that guy should be punished". i think he got the better of me, ill get him next time we play. nfl should just hand out a bunch of flags at the first preseason game because all the nfl is turning into is a big flag football league

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the penalties were to harsh in my opinion. when belichick got caught cheating he didnt get nearly the punishment that Payton did. i dont see how hitting someone is worse than cheating. football is a collision sport and being a defensive player myself i dont care if there was a reward for knocking someone out or not, i always tried to hit the other team as hard as possible and if that took them out of the game then so be it. ive been knocked out of games before and i dont think to myself "that guy should be punished". i think he got the better of me, ill get him next time we play. nfl should just hand out a bunch of flags at the first preseason game because all the nfl is turning into is a big flag football league

The reason the pnealties for this were so harsh is basically the saints, after being warned by the league to not do this, kept it up. They then denied doing it. That irked Goodell to no end I think. THe NFL is very concerned about lawsuits and will do what they have to do to head that off. Having said all that, I still say the NFL really doesn't give a damn about the players. They don't really care about the bounties or anything else. I mean they were marketing the bit hit by James Harrison that got him suspended. It took the lawsuits by former players and the concern about future lawsuits to get them to take action. Had it not been for that nothing would have been done about this.

I look for the NFL in the future to have a "tackle zone" much like the baseball strike zone. Nothing above the chest area and nothing below the  knees regardless of the position of the players. Violations will result in 15 yard personal foul penalties with possible fines. Eventually The National Football League will be renamed the National Flag Football League. This is where political correctness has taken us.

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