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Auburn Everyday worried me last night..........

AU Ivory_dealer

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I didn't get to see the second half because I went to watch my grandson's youth football team play. From what I have read Auburn's offense looked a great deal like my grandson's. By the way, they didn't score an offensive TD either.

I hope you made sure to tell your grandson and all your friends that he sucks and that the team needs to bench him and see if someone else might be able to give the team some kind of a "spark." You just can't put up with that sort of crap. At least that's what I've leaned during my time here at AUF, and apparently there are a LOT of experts here, so it's probably pretty good advice.

:roflol: :roflol: :roflol:

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KF might be the biggest bust in AU history..

Folks said the same about Cambell (spelling) when he was a Soph too. Young QBs make mistakes it's the OC's job to find plays where they can be successful and to coach them up.

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Very, very incorrect. As a Sophomore, Campbell came off the bench mid-season, led a comeback in Gainesville, and finished the year playing really, really good ball. He was great. He was a big reason why people had us at No. 3 in the pre-season the following season. He was a disaster at the start of his Junior year.

I'm not sure what to think of Frazier because of the type of mistakes he's making. He looks really rattled most of the time. He sees pressure instead of feeling it. He doesn't go through his progressions. He's indecisive. I mean, those are things that get worse the more hits you take, not better. That worries me. Plenty of QBs have put up bad numbers in an early start. Peyton Manning owns the NFL record for most INTs as a rookie. But there are certain things you look for in QBs, and at this point, I'll just say I'm worried.

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Tubs???? Yeah, he would cuss out one of his kickers. He was a joke!

Tuberville was one of the most successful coaches in Auburn history. If you think his results are a joke, you better find a different program to root for because Auburn isn't for you.

If we still had Tuberville, we wouldn't have won a national championship in 2010. Although, we probably would have 9 or 10 wins a year still.

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On some level it's unfair to Frazier, but it's not like he's the first guy in history to do it. Both QBs in the Florida/A&M game are from his class. I mean, I can think of a number of guys that had to do it. Campbell made his first start as a redshirt Freshman. David Greene won an SEC title as a Sophomore. Rex Grossman did it. It's not ideal, but it's not unheard of either.

Bama won a NC with a soph QB

Yea a RS Sophomore. When Macaroon was in his 2nd year of college ball (same as Kiehl), he was getting spanked on the sidelines and throwing 4 straight incompletions to close out the IB.
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How many tds did Aaron Murray throw or Jay Cutler or Tim Couch? A sophomore QB can be successful in the SEC.

Sure. How many of them played behind veteran O-lines, with more than two go-to receivers, with a seasoned RB, and with no new coordinator?

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You can be nice and be a good coach. Look at Richt at UGA.

Yeah....ummmmm......I going to have to go ahead and disagree with you there. On both counts. By the product he puts out on the field, it seems Richt is neither a good coach nor a good man.

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I wonder how Darren Bates feels about CGC toughness after the tongue lashing he took? People need to chill. Let the season play out then make an assessment of the coaching staff on their ability to coach football, The same for Kiehl Frazier. War Eagle

The problem is that is about the only time you see CGC get mad is when someone breaks a rule. He about took Bates head head off for tripping and falling on a QB, yet he will let the defense come off the field after a pitiful series and he just claps his hands or shows no emotion. I would like to see him get pissed off about play on the field. It kills me to say this because I think so highly of CGC as a person, but he does not appear to have a clue how to get these guys to perform.

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Under normal circumstances a true soph would not be the starting QB on an SEC team. I do think KF will be a good QB, but it is unfair to him to throw him in the fire at such an early age.

That begs the question of why don't we have a better QB on GC's 4th team.

Aaron Murray says hello... Pretty similar starting records...

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Posted this on another topic. Seems appropriate here. Our team is a reflection of the head coach. We might be tough but we aren't mean. Like David Lagner mean, Mike Kolan mean, T Spikes mean. You have to infuse the other team with the fear that if you catch that slant over the middle I am going to tackle you AND I am going to try to tear your head off.

Coach C is a great guy and likely tough as nails. Mean?

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Do y'all remember 1990? This was supposed to be our year. They had CPD and Ed King (I think) on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Bammer started out 0-2. We had beaten them 4 times in a row. We started out strong and it ended in disaster. I'm not saying that this year will turn out like that for us, but I have seen stranger things happen especially when dealing with 18-20 year olds. Just my. 02,

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Frazier does not have the mental aspect of the game. He has all the physical tools, but if a QB does not have the right mind set to the play the position he will never pan out. Its obvious he is scared to throw the football and he is not going through his reads properly..we had receivers open at times Frazier just failed to find them. I understand he is just a Sophmore and he is going to take his lumps, but its hard to say what we have seen is just taking lumps. Unfortuanetely we do not have a better option at QB at this point. Clint's shoulder will never be 100% healthy, and he to does not seem to have the mental toughness to play the position..as for Wallace you can't expect him to be able to start in the SEC right now. In my opinion Pike should have never been recruited in the first place his immaturity was blatent. Im afraid Frazier won the position to begin with because we did not have many options all together, and im not sure he will ever make a vast improvement unless he can grap everything mentally. We have a serious problem at QB as a whole..its not just KF.

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I'm more disappointed that Frazier is our only option more so than how badly he played. He needs a RS Year desperately. Instead, we've got the weight of our season on his unprepared shoulders. That is on Chizik and Malzahn. As coaches, they had to know how raw he was and gotten some backup options in the mix. If we aren't going after more QB's than JJ right now in this class, it will be another huge mistake.

Now, our problems go far beyond Frazier. Our defense looks as un-physical and soft as we did last year. After 2 games, the problems I see on defense go far beyond a mid-season fix.

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I'm more disappointed that Frazier is our only option more so than how badly he played. He needs a RS Year desperately. Instead, we've got the weight of our season on his unprepared shoulders. That is on Chizik and Malzahn. As coaches, they had to know how raw he was and gotten some backup options in the mix. If we aren't going after more QB's than JJ right now in this class, it will be another huge mistake.

Now, our problems go far beyond Frazier. Our defense looks as un-physical and soft as we did last year. After 2 games, the problems I see on defense go far beyond a mid-season fix.

Im afraid a RS year for KF would not help very much. Some QB's cant make the transition for HS to college, and i think he is one of them. I also put that on the coaches for not having any other options in place. As for the defense they played pretty strong for a while, but after having no support from the offense you can expect them to crumble at some point. Not having a productive offense at all is going to cause our whole team to struggle. Unless the QB situation changes we are in for a long year and the next year also. My biggest blame is on the coaches.
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Sometimes my "Family" just kills me. First and foremost, I HATE to loose! Most of us were unaware of what Coach Pat Dye was saying or just didn't want to believe what he was saying earlier this year. So many forget the mess Coach Tubberville left us in. Yeah, we won a National Chapionship, but we lost 34 - 35 players from that team, some from graduation and others from, well other things. The last 3 years of his tenure, we only were able to sign less than half of our recruits! Coach GC and company have had 3 great recruiting classes, but even then some kids just don't work out due to injuries, drugs, ect. Therefore we are still having to start many true and redshirt freshmen. Tubbs left us like a team that is just comming off of probation with a lot of lost scholarships. We WILL be back when we get to the point when we can redshirt every freshman that signs and only play those "super human" freshmen that come along once and a while. I'm ALL IN with CGC and company, ALL IN with my "Family", and WDE FOREVER, win or loose!

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There seems to be many problems with this team. I am al a lost at how to correct them all, but in the beginning, I believe it all begins with Kiehl Frazier. The QB is the captain of the ship and the team is a reflection of him. When the QB turns it over 5 times that is enough to send a team into a tail spin.

I don't want to start playing musical chairs with the QB, but Kiehl has had two chances and failed on both.

What does he need, a third strike? I can't even imagine us losing to LaM.

Another concerned that I picked up on durning fall practice, while watching some of the brief videos.

I notice Tropper playing around some with the players. No coach I ever played for would ever kid around with the players during practice. I bet one thing - no bammer coach cracks a smile, period! Their practice is probably more like being on the chain gang, but it works.

I am now questioning our family attitude, which may be detrimental to our program. Family this and family that, I think it is time for some hard love to be displayed. Bring in Pat Dye, he will show them the way. What do you think Bear Bryant or Nick Saban would do with this team. They would beat them to a pulp.

Major torture needs to be inflicted upon this team to toughen them up. I though Gene Chizik was that kind of coach, but I don't know that any longer. This team really needs to find out who really wants to play for Auburn University. There seems to be too many whimps on this football team.

Beat them until the cream rises and the crud sinks to the bottom. Then you will have a football team that will bring respect back to Auburn University. We are now the joke of the SEC!!!

There is a lot to think about.

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I'm excited that we have more people that blame everything on Tommy Tuberville. It's cute. I think Tommy's to blame for the Toomer's Trees being poisoned. I think he's to blame for the sad state of Auburn basketball. I mean, when Tommy came to Auburn we were on the cover of SI... number one in the nation. Now look at us! Seriously, his last class was a brutal one. No questions. His second to last class was the backbone of the national championship team. We're a bit far removed to continue blaming Tommy.

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I'm excited that we have more people that blame everything on Tommy Tuberville. It's cute. I think Tommy's to blame for the Toomer's Trees being poisoned. I think he's to blame for the sad state of Auburn basketball. I mean, when Tommy came to Auburn we were on the cover of SI... number one in the nation. Now look at us! Seriously, his last class was a brutal one. No questions. His second to last class was the backbone of the national championship team. We're a bit far removed to continue blaming Tommy.

+1 to this. What people dont seem to understand is a lot of those 2010 players were from the Tuberville era. Its time to quit blaming him and realize we have a problem to adress. We have recruited well for 3 years and the transition of talent on the field is just not adding up.
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Long time reader of this site, but first time poster --

Everyone keeps talking about how we have more talent than ULM and that we were more talented than MSU. What does this really mean? Hard Work will ALWAYS win over Talent when the Talent does not work hard and does not show up to play. This was the case this past weekend as MSU out worked us in all areas of th game and this will be the case in the future if our guys do not show up ready to play. As much as I am a CGC fan, this all falls on him and the coaching staff. He as head coach has the responsibility to have the team ready to play and to play hard -- always leaving it on the field. I do not think this has happened yet this year. Hopefully, this will change starting this weekend.

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Long time reader of this site, but first time poster --

Everyone keeps talking about how we have more talent than ULM and that we were more talented than MSU. What does this really mean? Hard Work will ALWAYS win over Talent when the Talent does not work hard and does not show up to play. This was the case this past weekend as MSU out worked us in all areas of th game and this will be the case in the future if our guys do not show up ready to play. As much as I am a CGC fan, this all falls on him and the coaching staff. He as head coach has the responsibility to have the team ready to play and to play hard -- always leaving it on the field. I do not think this has happened yet this year. Hopefully, this will change starting this weekend.

I was just refering to there talent coming out of high school and it not being transitioned to college. Which in my mind has to be blamed on the coaches not having the players ready to play in all areas mentally and physically.
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Long time reader of this site, but first time poster --

Everyone keeps talking about how we have more talent than ULM and that we were more talented than MSU. What does this really mean? Hard Work will ALWAYS win over Talent when the Talent does not work hard and does not show up to play. This was the case this past weekend as MSU out worked us in all areas of th game and this will be the case in the future if our guys do not show up ready to play. As much as I am a CGC fan, this all falls on him and the coaching staff. He as head coach has the responsibility to have the team ready to play and to play hard -- always leaving it on the field. I do not think this has happened yet this year. Hopefully, this will change starting this weekend.

I was just refering to there talent coming out of high school and it not being transitioned to college. Which in my mind has to be blamed on the coaches not having the players ready to play in all areas mentally and physically.

We are talking about the same thing here, we need our coaches to get our talent working hard and the winning will take care of itself.
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