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I still find it strange (Sandy Hook reporting)


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I'll never know how I reached that conclusion when you link a site called debunking Christianity.

Christianity isn't the only religion, plus if my sources are correct I couldn't care less what religion they are affiliated with or even if they believe in God.


Extraordinary claim. Present you're evidence. I'm sure it's astonishing.

Agenda 21 calls for the disarming of Americans. That's where all of this $#@! comes from. When I mentioned it here the first time, in 2002, I was labeled a conspiracy nut. That's why the label doesn't really bother me. After enough research, I can tell where their next action is going to take place. It's like watching a movie only it's reality.


I cannot find the threads because the threads don't go back that far, but here's one close. http://www.aufamily....#entry615096 . I had to edit it because I had 22 instead of 21. I found out about this in 2002.

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do you guys (telling tiger, alex, homer, etc.) think there's no way the government would ever pull the wool over our eyes in an attempt to push a certain point of view or agenda?....

I think "the government" (or more accurately, any given bureaucracy, private or public) is perfectly capable of "pulling the wool over our eyes" in an attempt to push a view or (more commonly) to cover their ass.

But in most cases, certainly the most successful ones, said bureaucracy more or less controls access to any information to the contrary.

I do not believe in cover-ups of events that involve many different people from many different organizations in complex events. To think that such a cover-up could be sustained is ludicrous IMO.

I used to think the same thing. I question it with recent events like what happened in Libya. I don't trust the current MSM, and I don't have full faith in the current government. Both parties.

It is a slippery slope for sure. The question is, are you a Marxist? The Marxist, at his philosophical core believes in centralized omnipotence and efficiency of planning (even in hidden governance... ie conspiracy). To believe in such a well organized central plan undermines the philosophical presuppositions of most on this forum (be libertarian, republican or event populist).

Secrets, can however, be kept for long periods of time so long as the public is trained to suppress freedom of speech and inquiry (for matters of patriotism or national security). This is especially true amongst concentrically smaller circles. The security of the secrets of these circles are insured by leverage. There is quite a lot of evidence hidden in plain sight (in boring lectures and newsletters). The reality is that most of us are simply too lazy to check all the facts and do the real research. Consider the worldview expressed here (Carroll Quigley thesis): http://www.corbettre...world-politics/

What does Sandy Hook have to do with the tea in China (or my gun safe)? Those of us who have interest in the story should primarily concern ourselves with the logic and timeline of the official investigation. If it checks out, lets move on. Was it a conspiracy? Of course it was (by official explanation or some other). The question is who were the perpetrator(s) and what were their motives? Only those with access to all the evidence can determine the true conspiracy (ie that a deranged young man took these lives due to vengeance and exposure to meds etc). The rest of us can only ask, "does it make sense". One thing we can know for sure, the mainstream media will never make sense.

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Well hell that proves everything ...........................er nothing. You made some claim about a UN plan and that somehow proves your prophetic nature? So again, while stopping to do a small check with REALITY, exactly how do you propose that the ATF and FBI will gather all the guns? Over 300 million estimated guns in the US. We do not have the manpower or the forces that can even come close to doing that, looney tunes. NOT TO MENTION, the popular sentiment from the public does not support it. Do you come to this planet much? If you do,stop.

So laughable as to prove your own opposite point.

Seek professional help soon.

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Christianity isn't the only religion, plus if my sources are correct I couldn't care less what religion they are affiliated with or even if they believe in God.


Then why link an article about how Sandy Hook can be used to disprove the existence of God?

Agenda 21 calls for the disarming of Americans. That's where all of this $#@! comes from. When I mentioned it here the first time, in 2002, I was labeled a conspiracy nut. That's why the label doesn't really bother me. After enough research, I can tell where their next action is going to take place. It's like watching a movie only it's reality.

I cannot find the threads because the threads don't go back that far, but here's one close. http://www.aufamily....#entry615096 . I had to edit it because I had 22 instead of 21. I found out about this in 2002.

Agenda 21 calls for disarmament? Looks like a sustainable growth initiative and much do about nothing. Oh well, it's not really a problem since we haven't adopted it, and likely never will, so whatever. Nice to know the 96-0 margin of legislators in our congress that passed a bill in opposition agree with you on that.

You're only giving me anecdotes. Tell me, where is the next action going to take place?

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Now they are hitting a Dallas area college campus. Gotta influence those second amendment folks in Texas because they are resisting.


You wanna talk about an agenda? The UN has an agenda that raises the hair on the back of my neck. I'm glad the Alabama legislature resisted their agenda.

The Woodlands actually. I don't expect to see a lot of evidence that this was an inside job BTW. I have to go with Telling Tiger on this one. Looks like there was a disagreement and a shoot out over it.

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Christianity isn't the only religion, plus if my sources are correct I couldn't care less what religion they are affiliated with or even if they believe in God.


Then why link an article about how Sandy Hook can be used to disprove the existence of God?

Agenda 21 calls for the disarming of Americans. That's where all of this $#@! comes from. When I mentioned it here the first time, in 2002, I was labeled a conspiracy nut. That's why the label doesn't really bother me. After enough research, I can tell where their next action is going to take place. It's like watching a movie only it's reality.

I cannot find the threads because the threads don't go back that far, but here's one close. http://www.aufamily....#entry615096 . I had to edit it because I had 22 instead of 21. I found out about this in 2002.

Agenda 21 calls for disarmament? Looks like a sustainable growth initiative and much do about nothing. Oh well, it's not really a problem since we haven't adopted it, and likely never will, so whatever. Nice to know the 96-0 margin of legislators in our congress that passed a bill in opposition agree with you on that.

You're only giving me anecdotes. Tell me, where is the next action going to take place?

That's what it looks like, and even reads that way, but the agenda behind it is authoritarian and sets aside areas for human population to be relocated. The Agenda can't be implemented without resistance, and to reduce the resistance, humans must be disarmed. It's just another piece of the puzzle. Officially, I am a Jeffersonian Libertarian.


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Now they are hitting a Dallas area college campus. Gotta influence those second amendment folks in Texas because they are resisting.


You wanna talk about an agenda? The UN has an agenda that raises the hair on the back of my neck. I'm glad the Alabama legislature resisted their agenda.

The Woodlands actually. I don't expect to see a lot of evidence that this was an inside job BTW. I have to go with Telling Tiger on this one. Looks like there was a disagreement and a shoot out over it.

But the liberals will use this too.

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Oh you mean like when people instantly claimed it was now being done as part of the plan in Texas too? That was from you. So it is OK for you to use it , but no one else? Rhetorical question, do not need an answer. You've already done what you claim others will do. Shhhhhhh.

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I $#@!ing hate liberals. "MSM, when no one else is making sense." Bwahahaha! Idiots, all of them.



Decades? I don't know what dimension they are living in, but it's not the same one I lived in when I served.

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Yeah, uhhuh, that's it. :lmao:/>

SARCASM is welcome here.

Hilarious in hindsight.

I've come to the conclusion that it's better to simply agree to disagree. I can put up with you as long as you no longer insult the memories of the poor victims and their parents. No matter what the media has made of it, Sandy Hook Elementary was visited by evil, as Gov. Malloy put it. It truly was. Just don't downplay that fact. After that, go nuts. It's obviously a hopeless endeavor trying to convince you. Lay off of the parents. I'm not lying when I say there are fewer than six degrees of separation between you and Mr. Parker when you're addressing me.

I don't believe you, but it's wrong to consider you gullible when you've actually done extensive research while I haven't. If you look at it completely objectively, who would you find ignorant: someone who has done hundreds of hours of research or someone who hasn't done any research but has deep convictions? Who would you find gullible: someone who has come to a conclusion based on on conducting hundreds of hours of research or someone who holds an opinion based on mainstream thought?

All of this isn't to say that you're not gullible and don't have psychological issues, because I think you do. (Disclaimer: I'm not a psychologist, so this is based on pop psychology that I am pulling from my ass.) But we should agree to disagree because we're both experiencing cognitive dissonance and neither of us will ever change our minds. Hope that sounds reasonable. These aren't all my words, but it accurately reflects how I feel.

Have a nice night.

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Yeah, uhhuh, that's it. :lmao:/>

SARCASM is welcome here.


Hilarious in hindsight.

I've come to the conclusion that it's better to simply agree to disagree. I can put up with you as long as you no longer insult the memories of the poor victims and their parents. No matter what the media has made of it, Sandy Hook Elementary was visited by evil, as Gov. Malloy put it. It truly was. Just don't downplay that fact. After that, go nuts. It's obviously a hopeless endeavor trying to convince you. Lay off of the parents. I'm not lying when I say there are fewer than six degrees of separation between you and Mr. Parker when you're addressing me.

I don't believe you, but it's wrong to consider you gullible when you've actually done extensive research while I haven't. If you look at it completely objectively, who would you find ignorant: someone who has done hundreds of hours of research or someone who hasn't done any research but has deep convictions? Who would you find gullible: someone who has come to a conclusion based on on conducting hundreds of hours of research or someone who holds an opinion based on mainstream thought?

All of this isn't to say that you're not gullible and don't have psychological issues, because I think you do. (Disclaimer: I'm not a psychologist, so this is based on pop psychology that I am pulling from my ass.) But we should agree to disagree because we're both experiencing cognitive dissonance and neither of us will ever change our minds. Hope that sounds reasonable. These aren't all my words, but it accurately reflects how I feel.

Have a nice night.

You too Brother. I believe it takes more than one view to find a happy medium. One who spends hours, if not days researching is more likely going to have the right answer. I take meds for my problem and they usually work, however, when I get mad about some injustice and there's no one to hold accountable, I tend to find something to latch onto that makes me FEEL BETTER. I think the fact that I wasn't there to prevent it hurts the most. I know that's impossible, but when I hurt I hurt deeply. When the MSM changes the facts to support an agenda that infuriates me even more. Especially, something unconstitutional.


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Disarming the American people is part of a UN Arms treaty was signed by Obama. Agenda 21 -

Americans in general world wide are looked upon in a very negative way globally and the idea is we need to be brought down to the world average. Sustainable development = dependency. Think im kidding? Its in the bill!

UN Agenda 21 received its real push in 1992 by George H. W. Bush at the United Nations earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro where George and 178 other nations signed onto this. Because it is a 'soft' law it did not need to be ratified by Congress. President Clinton, a year later began to implement it by creating the Presidents Council of Sustainable Development. People wonder why i think there is no real policy change between Republican and Democrat presidential candidates while they just continue the administrations policies from 4 years prior. I blame this on lobby-ism since obviously they both have in majority the same top contributors. You better believe they get what they want no matter who wins!

So, How does it affect me?

No matter where you live in the United States I bet there have been hundreds of condos built or planned in the center of your town all of a sudden. You can look at Milwaukee's Smart Growth Plan here. That is part of the 'Smart Growth' development strategy the last Ten years. Ground floor retail with 2-3 floors above for living. Your commercial, residential and industrial zones have be rezoned as mixed use. Very hard to finance for construction and very difficult to manage.

Most of our towns are providing funding and or infrastructure development for these private projects. They use REDEVLOPMENT AGENCY FUNDS. Your money and more specifically your property taxes. You will probably notice in your city that it has very little in general funds. They are low and most of that will go to pay for police and fire departments. Your streetlights may be getting turned off, your roads pot holed, local parks torn apart, your local county hospitals may even be closing. The money that should have been used for these things have been re-directed to redevelopment.


The three cornerstones of UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development are Economy, Ecology, and Social Equity.

Economic collapse creates a chain of events, but on a micro level (county, city) there is a marked reduction in revenue for maintenance of services. Loss of services to outlying areas means, for example, roads not being maintained to rural and suburban areas. Roads not being maintained to those areas, schools not being supported in those areas, law enforcement/fire/social services not being supported in those areas means a gradual movement into the denser city centers. Add to that the increased cost of gasoline (manipulated), and the higher cost of energy (manipulated) to heat and cool statistically larger homes, and you have more pressure to leave rural and suburban areas. Reduction of energy usage is key. Smart Growth/New Urbanism in Redevelopment Areas is the supposed answer: smaller units, attached condos, little or no parking, few private cars. More eyes on the street. Redevelopment projects are the implementation arm of the UN plan, and include rezoning of huge sections of your cities to Smart Growth zones. This physical manifestation of UN Agenda 21 is social engineering paid for with your property tax dollars. These areas then have their property taxes diverted away from your services and into the pockets of a few developers and bond brokers for 30-45 years. Result? Bankrupt cities and counties.

Here's the rest of the definiton of communitarianism


Hide Agenda 21’s UN roots from the people!

Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society… This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.” J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development.


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