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How to pronounce Lemonier


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I've been thinking that ever since he got to Auburn, no joke. I always thought saying "lemon-ear" sounded so ignorant -- clearly it has some sort of French background somewhere down the line, but this is the first time I saw something setting the record straight.

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Lemonier is pronounced "I left early for the pros after an underchieving year at Auburn..."

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^^ sup with the hate, man? He was All-SEC his soph season wasn't he? That in itself is more than most of the guys on the Auburn roster today can say.

These guys that slam him for going pro (and likely being a top 3 round pick), will be the first to hype him up when he does well in the NFL, "oh yea he went to Auburn".... :dunno:

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I, too, intially thought 'lemon-ear' was a mispronunciation. But after hearing it enough I just figured that must be how it's said. Unfortunately, my office security/firewall/tech-dorks have me blocked from watching the video. So here is my attempt to spell it somewhat phonetically & someone please tell me if this is actually the correct pronunciation.

Lemonier = Le - moan - e - a (the individual e & a being hard vowels).

Just always assumed it was French in origin & this would be how to say it.

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I've been saying it wrong all this time. Huh.

' Lemon-wha ' , or there abouts.

Corey had all manner of talent, but it was a shame he didn't shine more with the abilities while at Auburn. I don't 'hate' on the guy for leaving early. I wish he'd had a bigger impact , while he was here.

No, not hate here.


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So Rod Bramblett and the boys, all the tv announcers, all the analysts, all the beat writers, his own coaching staff and his own teammates have been saying his name wrong for 3 years and NOW he says something??

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My projections for the draft

2nd round- Corey Lemonier OLB- Panthers

5th round- Philip Lutzenkirchen TE- Patriots ( Patriots have to pick him he was breed for Belicheck if thats how u spell it)

7th round- Onterio McCalebb WR- Saints

7th round- John Sullen- OL-Bears ( Need all the o-line they can get poor Cutler/Campbell)

Free Agent- Emory Blake WR -Eagles

Free Agent-Daren Bates SS-Broncos

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My projections for the draft

2nd round- Corey Lemonier OLB- Panthers

5th round- Philip Lutzenkirchen TE- Patriots ( Patriots have to pick him he was breed for Belicheck if thats how u spell it)

7th round- Onterio McCalebb WR- Saints

7th round- John Sullen- OL-Bears ( Need all the o-line they can get poor Cutler/Campbell)

Free Agent- Emory Blake WR -Eagles

Free Agent-Daren Bates SS-Broncos

With all due respect, no

Panthers won't be taking an OLB in the first two rounds that's one of 3 positions they don't need

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If Lemonier goes before the end of the 3rd round I'll be a little surprised. Im certainly no draft devotee and will easily admit w/o any reluctance whatsoever that I dont have any idea where anybody is going but based on play alone, its hard for me to see CL going before the 4th round.

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No way panthers take lemonier. They just dont need him

Clearly he knows nothing about panther football so we can forgive him. LB is probably our most deep position right now (Assuming Beason will be fine next year).

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No way panthers take lemonier. They just dont need him

Clearly he knows nothing about panther football so we can forgive him. LB is probably our most deep position right now (Assuming Beason will be fine next year).

Agreed. We ought to draft some work horses for the o-line.

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He will be a rush LB in a 3-4...do panthers run a 3-4?

I don't remember the facts but I think this upcoming year they were thinking about running some 3-4 sets. But no they are mainly a 4-3 team.

No way panthers take lemonier. They just dont need him

Clearly he knows nothing about panther football so we can forgive him. LB is probably our most deep position right now (Assuming Beason will be fine next year).

Agreed. We ought to draft some work horses for the o-line.

My opinion is if Cordarelle Paterson is available take him because Smith is old, if not my 1a is Safety or 1b OL.

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I don't do pro football anymore. (Lifelong Falcon Fan) I bowed out when they fired Leeman Bennett. I wouldn't consider drafting CL personally unless my team was so good I just wanted a pass rush specialist. I know he was only a JR and everyone isn't cut from the same cloth, but he disappointed me last year. Of course the whole team was disappointing but I found his play post LSp-yew! Uninspiring to say the least. he is an incredible athlete though.

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