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Chris Hayes: Where In The World Is Edward Snowden?

DKW 86

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SNOWDEN: "Far more disturbing...

The NSA specifically targets the communications of everyone...by default

It collects them in its system, it filters them, it analyses them, then it ingests them, it stores them...

Any analyst at any time can target anyone...any selector, anywhere.

I sitting at my desk had the authority to wiretap anyone from you, to your accountant, to a FEDERAL JUDGE, to even the President IF I HAD A PERSONAL EMAIL"...(Sorry, but that sounds like a shot across the bow of the Administration to me...)

God Bless Chris Hayes. He says it perfectly here. This guy is a 29yo HS dropout bumpkin. if this clown has this kind of power, imagine what the rest of the ne'er do wells have. Abusive boyfriends, money grubbers ready to sell to the Chinese,etc.

SANDERS: "The issue isnt Snowden, the real issue is what he revealed...What he revealed is that virtually every single phone call is now on record, on file, with the US Govt...(adds in emails, websites, etc)...AND there could be bad actors out there that could gain access to that information..."

HAYES: "Paraphrased" The thinking was that it had to someone higher up IN THE NSA leaking the information. It wasnt, it was a lower level guy working for a contractor.

RUSSELL TICE, NSA WHISTELBLOWER: "This guy was at an outlier station without rigorous supervision.

"I learned the hard way that you cannot trust any of the internal mechanisms that are there for oversight. The chain of command, the IG's office, even the DOD IG was trying to put a knife in my back. the Whistleblower Protection Act does not apply to the Intelligence Community. You cant even go the Office of the Special Counsel, they are protected from that too."

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RUSSELL TICE, NSA WHISTELBLOWER: "This guy was at an outlier station without rigorous supervision.

"I learned the hard way that you cannot trust any of the internal mechanisms that are there for oversight. The chain of command, the IG's office, even the DOD IG was trying to put a knife in my back. the Whistleblower Protection Act does not apply to the Intelligence Community. You cant even go the Office of the Special Counsel, they are protected from that too."

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