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Mcarron says he will pull for Auburn


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What a nice young man! Is there another award that can be given to him for that to make up for the lack of championship trophies he didn't get ... State, Division, Conference & National?

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It's being polite. He probably would have done well to have learned some manners before the IB rather than afterward. His comments about how he was afraid for his girlfriend with her being in Auburn and how he loved leaving the home fans crying after an away game didn't help his cause. Made him look like a typical inbred bamzo.

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Who cares what that doofus does?

That was kinda my thought. Kinda, because "doofus" isn't exactly what I was thinking.

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He is a man of character. Haven't y'all heard all of the latest stories of him feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and leading the blind to see?

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He is.....well, as far as I am concerned , HISTORY......and of no consequence to Auburn's future. Who cares? I wish him well with his clipboard holding FUTURE.......

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Props to him. It's big to come out and say that. He plays for our rival, we went 2-2 vs him, and he's hoping we do well and keep the trophy in the state. You can be rivals and still keep it civil. Some people on this board can be quite the hypocrits, criticizing Bama fans for outright hatred of Auburn and it's fan base, yet yall do the same thing. Take it for what it's worth: He wants to see the championship stay in the state, stay in the conference. It's good for Auburn, good for the state, and good for the conference too. Money will flow and it helps all parties in recruiting, why wouldn't he want us to win? I swear some people could win the lottery and still find a reason to be mad about it. Personally, I hope Bama beats Oklahoma. It's a rivalry. I want us to win the IB every year. Otherwise, I don't care what they do - if anything, kinda hope they win out, because it makes it a bigger deal when we beat them. Lighten up a little though everyone, we're in the ship, nothing can take that away at this point.

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Props to him. It's big to come out and say that. He plays for our rival, we went 2-2 vs him, and he's hoping we do well and keep the trophy in the state. You can be rivals and still keep it civil. Some people on this board can be quite the hypocrits, criticizing Bama fans for outright hatred of Auburn and it's fan base, yet yall do the same thing. Take it for what it's worth: He wants to see the championship stay in the state, stay in the conference. It's good for Auburn, good for the state, and good for the conference too. Money will flow and it helps all parties in recruiting, why wouldn't he want us to win? I swear some people could win the lottery and still find a reason to be mad about it. Personally, I hope Bama beats Oklahoma. It's a rivalry. I want us to win the IB every year. Otherwise, I don't care what they do - if anything, kinda hope they win out, because it makes it a bigger deal when we beat them. Lighten up a little though everyone, we're in the ship, nothing can take that away at this point.

I say kudos to him as well. He has one game left to play for Bama, has accomplished quite a bit, and will never face us again. I took it as a genuine compliment. Perhaps it is because I live in Georgia, and do not regularly encounter ignorant Bama fans, but I just don't have this fiery hatred for Bama in that I want them to completely fail at everything they do while being simultaneously hammered by the NCAA. I don't care much for a lot of Bama's fanbase, but they're easy to ignore unless you actually want to engage them. As for Bama's team itself, it does more good for us when we beat good Bama teams instead of down ones.

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Props to him. It's big to come out and say that. He plays for our rival, we went 2-2 vs him, and he's hoping we do well and keep the trophy in the state. You can be rivals and still keep it civil. Some people on this board can be quite the hypocrits, criticizing Bama fans for outright hatred of Auburn and it's fan base, yet yall do the same thing. Take it for what it's worth: He wants to see the championship stay in the state, stay in the conference. It's good for Auburn, good for the state, and good for the conference too. Money will flow and it helps all parties in recruiting, why wouldn't he want us to win? I swear some people could win the lottery and still find a reason to be mad about it. Personally, I hope Bama beats Oklahoma. It's a rivalry. I want us to win the IB every year. Otherwise, I don't care what they do - if anything, kinda hope they win out, because it makes it a bigger deal when we beat them. Lighten up a little though everyone, we're in the ship, nothing can take that away at this point.

I say kudos to him as well. He has one game left to play for Bama, has accomplished quite a bit, and will never face us again. I took it as a genuine compliment. Perhaps it is because I live in Georgia, and do not regularly encounter ignorant Bama fans, but I just don't have this fiery hatred for Bama in that I want them to completely fail at everything they do while being simultaneously hammered by the NCAA. I don't care much for a lot of Bama's fanbase, but they're easy to ignore unless you actually want to engage them. As for Bama's team itself, it does more good for us when we beat good Bama teams instead of down ones.

another kudos here.

i am not a bammer but i have pulled for them in every NC except against texas. i really enjoyed watching notre dame get exposed last year.

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I hear the unwashed masses daily. They STILL claim Cam was paid by AU and call him every vile name under the sun. We won this year because of poor kicker and "mistakes" by the munchkin. They are still a FAR better team......yadda yadda yadda. It does wear on ones nerves............ :dead:

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I hear the unwashed masses daily. They STILL claim Cam was paid by AU and call him every vile name under the sun. We won this year because of poor kicker and "mistakes" by the munchkin. They are still a FAR better team......yadda yadda yadda. It does wear on ones nerves............ :dead:

Oh, I definitely get your pain Tim. I just consider it their sour grapes and laugh it off. I feel completely confident that we didn't pay Cam, and have seen absolutely nothing to change that opinion. I know we beat Bama straight up, and so do they. They even admit as much by talking about mistakes by Saban. He doesn't make many mistakes. If he did, it's probably because Gus got in his head during the game. That's what happens when your opponent takes what would normally be Bama deathblows in a game, and punches right back. Saban doesn't get "outcoached" very often, and Gus accomplished it. To me, the better team one, and is going to Pasadena. If that bothers them, so be it.

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I hear the unwashed masses daily. They STILL claim Cam was paid by AU and call him every vile name under the sun. We won this year because of poor kicker and "mistakes" by the munchkin. They are still a FAR better team......yadda yadda yadda. It does wear on ones nerves............ :dead:

I think I may be lucky that I'm related to some of the most level-headed UA fans out there then. My sister is an Alabama fan (didn't go there simply because out of state cost too much, same reason I unfortunately couldn't attend AU), and both cousins are UA grads. My sister cheered for us in 2010, and will be this year as well. My cousins are some of the most level-headed I know (one's favorite player is Bo Jackson) - and they all openly discuss how awesome it is that we've got the opportunity to bring the championship back to the state for an unprecedented 5 years in a row. Being in SC, I don't regularly encounter awful UA fans (Clempsun fans are miserable though), but my parents live outside Birmingham, and I grew up there, so I understand that some fans aren't great. But I still don't think that being a jerk back is the answer. No, AJ probably won't start in the NFL, but I'll tell you this right now: backup NFL QB is one of the best jobs on the planet. No risk of injury really, and you're all but guaranteed a long career with GREAT pay, GREAT benefits, and a GREAT pension. Ask Rex Grossman.

My final thoughts on the matter: Thanks for the support AJ. Beat the Sooners.

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I hear the unwashed masses daily. They STILL claim Cam was paid by AU and call him every vile name under the sun. We won this year because of poor kicker and "mistakes" by the munchkin. They are still a FAR better team......yadda yadda yadda. It does wear on ones nerves............ :dead:

I think I may be lucky that I'm related to some of the most level-headed UA fans out there then. My sister is an Alabama fan (didn't go there simply because out of state cost too much, same reason I unfortunately couldn't attend AU), and both cousins are UA grads. My sister cheered for us in 2010, and will be this year as well. My cousins are some of the most level-headed I know (one's favorite player is Bo Jackson) - and they all openly discuss how awesome it is that we've got the opportunity to bring the championship back to the state for an unprecedented 5 years in a row. Being in SC, I don't regularly encounter awful UA fans (Clempsun fans are miserable though), but my parents live outside Birmingham, and I grew up there, so I understand that some fans aren't great. But I still don't think that being a jerk back is the answer. No, AJ probably won't start in the NFL, but I'll tell you this right now: backup NFL QB is one of the best jobs on the planet. No risk of injury really, and you're all but guaranteed a long career with GREAT pay, GREAT benefits, and a GREAT pension. Ask Rex Grossman.

My final thoughts on the matter: Thanks for the support AJ. Beat the Sooners.

Indeed. I find UGA fans to be most intolerable on a daily basis. There are plenty of Bama fans roaming about, but they tend to not be rabid. If you go to a few Bama boards, you'll probably find that the majority would not be upset at all if a thermonuclear weapon was detonated over Auburn, but that just gives me all the more reason to consider their opinion to be worthless to me. Perhaps that is the majority opinion among the ignorant ones in person too, but it changes nothing. I just don't take Auburn's football success or failure personally enough for opposing fans to bother me with their statements. I love Auburn, I love Auburn football, and I love watching the game. In the end, it is just a game, played by a bunch of people other than me, and none of it empowers me to be rude. If others have problems with Auburn football, they should direct their complaints and trash talk to where they belong: the Auburn football team. I don't think many of them are lining up to spew their verbal diarrhea at Jay Prosch, Tre Mason, or Sammie Coates though.

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I hear the unwashed masses daily. They STILL claim Cam was paid by AU and call him every vile name under the sun. We won this year because of poor kicker and "mistakes" by the munchkin. They are still a FAR better team......yadda yadda yadda. It does wear on ones nerves............ :dead:

I think I may be lucky that I'm related to some of the most level-headed UA fans out there then. My sister is an Alabama fan (didn't go there simply because out of state cost too much, same reason I unfortunately couldn't attend AU), and both cousins are UA grads. My sister cheered for us in 2010, and will be this year as well. My cousins are some of the most level-headed I know (one's favorite player is Bo Jackson) - and they all openly discuss how awesome it is that we've got the opportunity to bring the championship back to the state for an unprecedented 5 years in a row. Being in SC, I don't regularly encounter awful UA fans (Clempsun fans are miserable though), but my parents live outside Birmingham, and I grew up there, so I understand that some fans aren't great. But I still don't think that being a jerk back is the answer. No, AJ probably won't start in the NFL, but I'll tell you this right now: backup NFL QB is one of the best jobs on the planet. No risk of injury really, and you're all but guaranteed a long career with GREAT pay, GREAT benefits, and a GREAT pension. Ask Rex Grossman.

My final thoughts on the matter: Thanks for the support AJ. Beat the Sooners.

Indeed. I find UGA fans to be most intolerable on a daily basis. There are plenty of Bama fans roaming about, but they tend to not be rabid. If you go to a few Bama boards, you'll probably find that the majority would not be upset at all if a thermonuclear weapon was detonated over Auburn, but that just gives me all the more reason to consider their opinion to be worthless to me. Perhaps that is the majority opinion among the ignorant ones in person too, but it changes nothing. I just don't take Auburn's football success or failure personally enough for opposing fans to bother me with their statements. I love Auburn, I love Auburn football, and I love watching the game. In the end, it is just a game, played by a bunch of people other than me, and none of it empowers me to be rude. If others have problems with Auburn football, they should direct their complaints and trash talk to where they belong: the Auburn football team. I don't think many of them are lining up to spew their verbal diarrhea at Jay Prosch, Tre Mason, or Sammie Coates though.

Amen. Biggest problem is that it's usually the obnoxious/ignorant minority that is loudest and most heard. Ask your average Alabama fan what their thoughts are on Harvey Updyke and they'll most likely tell you he's a stain on their entire fan base.

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Amen. Biggest problem is that it's usually the obnoxious/ignorant minority that is loudest and most heard. Ask your average Alabama fan what their thoughts are on Harvey Updyke and they'll most likely tell you he's a stain on their entire fan base.

Your opinion of what their average fan is like is far higher than my opinion. I think their average fan either proudly supports updyke (it's just some damn trees) or privately supports him. I see far too many "updyke's tree service" tshirts around.

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No such animal as a "good" uater...................

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If we took all the A J McCarron threads on this site and moved them to TOS, it would greatly improve the quality of both sites. Why are you guys even commenting on someone who's in our rear-mirror ( and getting smaller every minute)? BTW, we are playing for the BCSNC in three weeks, in case you haven't noticed.

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