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Scientific fraud


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"This is what happens when governments offer billions of dollars to scientists, but only if they come up with ever more alarming predictions of what will happen if we don’t give the political class more money and power."


Michael Mann and other climate scientists have proven they are not above greatly exaggerating their alarmism and even falsifying data to maintain their income streams. Yet, the believers immediately discredit those who don't accept their alarmism on the basis of having accepted money from what they call deniers. Funny how it works that way.

Climate change has become the political class's secular apocalypse and anything less than complete submission to the model's projections is shouted down as heresy. Not surprisingly, more money and power are at the bottom of it.

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"This is what happens when governments offer billions of dollars to scientists, but only if they come up with ever more alarming predictions of what will happen if we don’t give the political class more money and power."


Michael Mann and other climate scientists have proven they are not above greatly exaggerating their alarmism and even falsifying data to maintain their income streams. Yet, the believers immediately discredit those who don't accept their alarmism on the basis of having accepted money from what they call deniers. Funny how it works that way.

Climate change has become the political class's secular apocalypse and anything less than complete submission to the model's projections is shouted down as heresy. Not surprisingly, more money and power are at the bottom of it.

Stalin and Hitler use to fund "scientific studies" too. If they came up with the wrong results, the researchers were sent to a very unpleasant place, and maybe executed.

Stalin did not like any studies that indicated capitalistic economies would not completely fail in the end. Nikolai Kondratiev was a Russian economist who promoted small private, free market enterprises in the Soviet Union. His theory was that Western economies have long term (50 to 60 years) cycles of boom followed by depression then back to boom. These cycles are now called Kondratiev waves. Stalin was unhappy with that theory and had Kondratiev arrested, sent to a gulag and later shot. Stalin made sure he got what he wanted out of studies.


The Soviet economist Nikolai Kondratiev (also written Kondratieff) was the first to bring these observations to international attention in his book The Major Economic Cycles (1925) alongside other works written in the same decade.[3][4] Two Dutch economists, Jacob van Gelderen and Samuel de Wolff, had previously argued for the existence of 50 to 60 year cycles in 1913. However, the work of de Wolff and van Gelderen has only recently been translated from Dutch to reach a wider audience.[citation needed]

Kondratiev's ideas were not supported by the Soviet government. Subsequently he was sent to the gulag and was executed in 1938.[3][4]

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