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Obama address the VA scandal

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I've been watching the story about the 40 veterans deaths waiting for care. At this point I see a VA scandal, IRS scandal, Benghazi scandal, Ukraine indecisiveness, Libyan indecisiveness, Eric holder scandal and God only knows what might happen in the months to come. This has reached a new low for me. We've been involved in two intense wars and can't get proper treatment for heroes.

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It's par for the course for this administration. In some ways I wonder if it's happening on purpose. Can the man and his cronies be this incompetent all the time?

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It's par for the course for this administration. In some ways I wonder if it's happening on purpose. Can the man and his cronies be this incompetent all the time?

Yes... why would any thinking person assume they would ever be competent? Obama has never run anything in his life; nor does he have any experience in hiring competent people to run anything .... and suddenly you put him in charge of the largest enterprise in the history of human kind. To expect anything other than a damn disaster is foolish.
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"Dr. Katherine Mitchell, medical director of the Phoenix VA's post-deployment clinic, outlined the allegations in a report that aired Wednesday night on CNN's "AC 360°."

She accused the Phoenix VA -- up until at least three weeks ago -- of not following a mandate that the highest priority be given to new or injured veterans for scheduling appointments.

Wait lists in Phoenix for veterans injured in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan can be "six months, nine months or longer," Mitchell said.

"People that are 100% service-connected that are polytrauma were waiting anywhere from six to 10 months to get into a new appointment when I found out about 'em," she said.

"We're talking about people that were injured by being blown up by IEDs. We're talking about people who had a mental breakdown and have severe PTSD and ...are having trouble functioning." "

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