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Any fellow workout junkies?


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I've been getting back into the groove of working out again. Got feeling so crappy, not sleeping well, hit 228# several months ago, and had applied to get back into LE, so I knew i had to get my butt back in gear. I also want to be good role model for my two kids. I've dropped about 25#, and gone down one pants size. Job change has created challenges on getting to the gym, but trying to adjust.

I'm not into the body building per se, but overall health and conditioning. I'll do 20-25 minutes of cardio then some weight training. I'm trying to lose the belly fat.

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I see, we do totally different things! I usually do a lot of free weights & always rest in the sauna afterh first workout of the day. I go to the gym around 1 after class. Hit a lot of the core lifts. Bench, squat, shoulder press, leg press. Go rest in my dorm for a few hours. Come back at 4 & do a s*** tone of curls, tricep pull downs, dips, crunches, pull downs, & a lot of more things. I usually lift around 8-10 times a week. I'm 5'10 & weigh around 220-225#. I'm 19 though.

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Yea, I'm a little older than you. I usually do the cardio, then burn through a 4-6 exercise circuit (completing the circuit in 15-20 minutes to keep at target heart rate for burning fat), targeted on one or two muscle groups, varying those each workout. My biggest goal is to lose the belly fat, but gaining some muscle mass is not a bad thing. I just can't get there everyday, married with kids and working full time...

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Yeah, I go to Wallace state In Hanceville, & live in the dorms on campus. We have absolutely no social life or activities here, so I just stay in the gym as much as I can. All I've had is time so I've devoted it to the gym. Should've focused a little more on the books though...

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I started running about a year ago after settling into the worst shape of my life at 39 years old. After 6 months of running, I got back into the gym. Overall fitness is my goal, but I really dig running. After a year I went from a heaviest of 235 lbs to 180(I'm 5'11"). I've run several races and trained for my first full marathon. I hit a road block and ended up putting it off. I continue to use the gym and weight lifting for overall strength training. It has a much different meaning to me now than it used to.

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I'm 41, I hear ya about it having a different meaning now! I'm just under 5'10", I'm somewhere b/t 205-210, haven't weighed in awhile. I hate running, mainly hurts my knees and impact on my back, football knee injury and back issues after injury in the line of duty as police officer. I stick to the elliptical for cardio then supplement the cardio with circuit training, keep heart rate going and do strength training. Try to mix it up as much as possible, for muscle confusion. That just means I'm sore somewhere practically everyday :-\

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I'm 19, & have already had surgery on both of my knees if that tells you guys anything. Lower body lifting has been my struggle, just because of how bad my knees are. I've recently started back squatting though & can already see some gains. I plan on joining the Air Force this summer, which means I'll have to lose around 20-30 pounds. Maybe less, depends on my BMI & body measurements. I'm about 225 with a toned stomach for a big guy. Have about a 4 pack. I know when I have to lose this weight for the AF, I'm going to lose about ALL of my strength. Which has been bulking me out. Work my ass for the gains...only to have to lose them.

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