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I know we had the better SOS but...


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should we go back to playing someone like USC at the beginning of the season? I know we have Ga Tech next year and they were spost to play us this year but will that be enough. Personally, I like playing a good out of conference team. I know that the SEC is enough and we lost to USC both times we played them, but it can be good exposure for everything. just wanted to see your thoughts.

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I don't think losing to USC twice was good exposure... I would like to see us play some semi decent Big 10, Big 12, or ACC teams in place of our 1AA or sorry 1A team. NC State, K-State, A&M, Iowa, Penn St, ND, or FSU would probably be better than playing a top 5 team every year. We'd lose some, but hopefully win most. If we got some consistent wins over some teams with huge national fan bases like Miami, FSU, ND, or OU (bring em, let us humiliate them), I think that would help get our name out more than anything.

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I agree with that all the way. I for one have never seen an AU-FSU game. I hear that there have been some classics in that rivalry. At least we know Bowling Green's out of the question... :rolleyes:

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The AU-FSU games were classics. I was there when Win Lyle kicked the game winning FG to win 20-17, then there was that high scoring shootout where we won 45-42 (? maybe wrong on the score). Of course we lost in Tallahassee 22-14 too.

Not sure how much bad blood there is after CTT pulled out of the FSU opener his first year, but that would be a great series to bring back.

Iowa, Penn State, etc. are all good suggestions. However, I think USC was a middle of the road Pac-10 team when we scheduled them.

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I think we ought to go the cupcake route and make sure we schedule games where we don't have to go on the road to play out of conference unless it's a two or three to one swap. We all know that college football is not about the actual winning or losing but how much money you can generate. Isn't it?

I mean we go 13-0 and don't have a (insert expletive) thing to show for it, really. Except maybe the ridicule of fans of other schools who try to shame us for claiming to be champions of anything and then there's those that would say how mediocre of a program we have when we have the best season in the history of college football in the entire state of Alabama and don't get recognized nationally for it. So since there is no actual championship in football the winning or losing doesn't really matter. Let's just try to generate enough revenue to be competitive and improve the facilities for the programs where there are actual championships to be won. Let the flaming commence.

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